I have a kitten. She was a stray so I’m assuming she is about 11 months old. She recently has stopped eating, drinking, and can hardly move. Within the past few hours we have noticed there’s a knot that’s came up on this inside of her on her side. Please help. She has an appointment in the morning with the vet but I’m worried sick!
Please help!!
Over Labor Day weekend we had to hospitalize our 1year old cat for a bladder blockage. We didn’t have the funds for the procedure and we didn’t want our cat to die. He’s really my son’s cat who is 7 and would just be heartbroken.
He got his bladder flushed, came home 3 days later. We had to open a line of credit on carecredit that is now maxed out. Finished all his medications and seemed fine until today.
He isn’t peeing, seems lethargic. I tried manually expressing him but to no avail. Nothing but some drops of blood come out.
I’m crying as I’m writing this because we can’t afford another costly procedure and this is can obviously be fatal.
My dog seems to be constantly panting. We have our A/C on 70 degrees and ceiling fan on. Should I be concerned?
My cat Lucas is still sick with Horner’s syndrome. After many tests have not been able to determine a definitive cause. I would like to look into getting a myringotomy for him so I can know what the fluid in his middle ear is. It is causing him to have serious nasal issues every time he eats. Does anyone know if this procedure – myringotomy – is ever done by a regular vet, or does it require a specialist. And what have others paid. Any information would be helpful. See recent photo of Lucas – with his good eye. The other eye is affected by Horner’s syndrome.
What can I give my cat she cant pass a hairball! Help!
My 4 year old cat had a 3 year rabies shot and a distemper shot at about 11:30AM this morning. It is now 9:25 PM and she is having tremors in her leg muscles. It is NOT a seizure but I’ve never seen muscle tremors like this before. She is also lethargic and not eating too, which I know is fairly normal…I’m just worried about her muscle tremors. Does she need to be seen immediately or is it ok to wait until morning to call the vet?
Good morning-
I am so glad you already have an appointment scheduled for her. The vet will most likely do a thorough examination and possibly xrays to see what the “knot” you describe might be. You did not specify where on her the knot was- could it possibly be a blockage? That might account for the sudden change in eating behavior. In any case- she needs to be seen ASAP so it is very good that you have an appointment. She may need surgery- so try to prepare yourself for that possible reality. Good luck to you. I hope she is ok!!!
Thank you! I got her to the vet this morning and he said that had a virus. He gave her some medicine and she seems to be doing a lot better now! ????
I’m sorry. This sounds like an emergency and we aren’t staffed or able to manage emergencies online. I how she is ok