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Aki | 9 months ago
Hi, My Baby Girl Ambull Has A Hiccup For Almost 2 Weeks, Anyone Know How To Treat …

Hi, my baby girl ambull has a hiccup for almost 2 weeks, anyone know how to treat or a medicine thank in advance

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Puppies get hiccups OFTEN. I would investigate how you feed her, whether you allow her to run around right after food, whether you allow her to drink a lot of water after running around. Ideally, she should be calm at least a half hour before and after eating, and I wouldn’t allow her to guzzle water. I would also ask your vet for suggestions!

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brian | 9 months ago
Routine Neuter On A 1 Yr Old Domestic Shorthaired Cat
Treatment Cost (USD): $187.00
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Jessica Terzigni | 9 months ago
Hi, A 6-y/o Female Feline Cat With A Persistent Cough Diagnosed With Moderate Asthma Has …

Hi, a 6-y/o female feline cat with a persistent cough diagnosed with moderate asthma has been prescribed to use an inhaler twice a day, until symptoms improve, then recommended at least once a day, everyday. I have not heard of a cat needing or prescribed an inhaler. The cat has been on prednisone for a few weeks to help the cough, which did help improve the cough. Would you recommend seeking a second opinion? Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I’ve heard of it and have friends with a cat who needed a nebulizer treatment daily.

    If you can afford a second opinion, by all means, but it’s not unheard-of.

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Ada | 10 months ago
My Cat Will Be Having I-131 Therapy. We Have Been Instructed To Use Flushable Cat Litter …

My cat will be having I-131 therapy. We have been instructed to use flushable cat litter or to keep the used litter in a closed container for 90 days before discarding. Our preference would be to use flushable cat litter, but we are having trouble finding one. Several were on but they are all out of stock. Any recommendations?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is a very good question and I honestly don’t have the answer. I haven’t ever used a flushable litter. We have had all of our patients dispose of the litter in the traditional manner. I guess I would say to ask the vet doing your cats radioiodine therapy. Let us know what they say.

    1. Ada Post author

      The vet who did the radioiodine therapy did not have anything more specific than flushable. Around this same time our other cat had a couple of accidents. We decided this would not be a good time to change litter. Maka is now home and both cats are back to their usual routine.

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Brittany | 10 months ago
My 18 Month Old Pit Bull American Bulldog Mix , Has A Spot On His Upper Paw That’…

My 18 month old pit bull American bulldog mix , has a spot on his upper paw that’s raised. He licks the spot sometimes. Should I be concerned ?

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    Licking the spot usually means it’s irritating in some way. I’d absolutely get him to the vet.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    It is not possible to diagnose any lesion based on a picture. A diagnosis of a mass is only made after a tissue sample is analyzed by a pathologist. I would see your vet and ask them to give their best guess as to what it is and I would also ask them about the possibility of it being a histiocytoma. Even this is only diagnosed after a biopsy. Let us know what they say.

    1. Brittany Post author

      His appointment is next Wednesday, my heart is breaking in the meantime

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brian | 10 months ago
Broken Jaw On A 10 Week Old Domestic Longhaired Kitten
Treatment Cost (USD): $958.00
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brian | 10 months ago
Routine Neuter On A 4yr Old Rottweiler
Treatment Cost (USD): $583.00
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Ivan | 10 months ago
Please Help, So My Dog Just Had A Fight And I Noticed That His Upper Tooth…

PLEASE HELP, so my dog just had a fight and I noticed that one of his upper tooth is very loose and looks like it’s about to come out of his gum. What should I do? Do I just leave it alone until it falls out? My dog doesn’t seem to be in pain and there is no blood.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I have had a few dogs throughout the years that this has happened to. They getting a fight and avulse (pull the tooth out of the socket) the tooth in the process. For these cases I always do a dental and remove the tooth (it will not heal) and then close the gums after removing the broken bone around the tooth root. Your dog is essentially going to lose that tooth but with the dental surgery you can close the area so that they don’t have pain or get infections. Please see your vet asap and talk to them about this. Until then I would feed soft food and avoid playing with toys.

    1. Ivan Post author

      Thank you so much for the advice. I’ve attached a picture of my dog’s teeth.

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brian | 10 months ago
Routine Spay On A 7 Month Old CataLeopard Hound (Mixed)
Treatment Cost (USD): $569.00
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brian | 10 months ago
Dental With Extractions On A 14 Yr Old Female Spayed Chihuahua
Treatment Cost (USD): $1406.00
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