Sometimes she’ll open her mouth and it’ll seem like she’s gasping for air. I asked my friend, who’s mother is a vet and she said she may just be having digestion issues but I don’t think that’s the case. I never really see her drink water. I have her caged with a male bearded dragon and he’s 100% completely healthy. Tonight she was in her cage and she didn’t look good at all and I had a bad feeling so I picked her up and usually when I pick her up, she’ll flail her arms and legs around for a second until I put her on my chest. She didn’t flail her feet around or arms and she seemed completely limp. She’s still breathing and I have her in bed with me now. Please help. I’m so worried. I’m 16 and I don’t have a lot of money so I can’t take her to the vet because I don’t have enough money. If anyone that answers this thinks it’s manditory for her to go to the vet, I will do my best to find a way to pay for her to be seen. Thank you.
Hi, I’m staying at a friends house and she has a bird. She just went to sleep and I was eating a chips ahoy chocolate chip cookie and I see her give the bird human food all the time so I have the bird about a third of the cookie. I’ve been reading a lot of articles some saying the a little amount of chocolate is fine and some saying any amount of chocolate can be extremely lethal. I was just wondering if the bird will be alright?
After my dog was neutered, he’s been peeing everywhere in the house, even on my bed. How can I get him to stop? And why is he doing this?
Is there chance she could be pregnant? Still swelled up and very little blood took her by my male dog today and he smelled her but didn’t try anything.
I can’t afford anything. I am only 13 years old and worried for my kitten
I have cleaned her eye from the ooze which now she has her eye opened but still looks irritated. I do know that the eye she has it in does have cataract. Can I get her an over the counter at the pet store if it dry eye? And how many drops do I give her?
I know our vet will want xrays etc and cost us 500 dollars to hear she is fine and to just give it time. Any suggestions?
My kitten is now about 12 weeks old now and I’m thinking about getting him neutered before I go on vacation in 2 weeks and he will be with his catsitters for a week, will he fully recover by then?
Andrea Cox Quickly. A couple days. When mine were neutered they went home with pain meds for two days and it knocked them out on the couch only getting up to eat and back to sleep. By day 3 they were eating playing and being normal. Just need to make sure they don’t lick the stitched up area and make it so they are stress free. No kids playing with them and no parties. Quiet stress free..
Andrea Cox I meant spayed. . They were female.. but the same advice for the males..
Dawn Ferara, DVM Most cats recover very quickly from neutering. As long as there are no complications he should be fine.
She is putting little to no pressure on her right hind leg help
Anonymous Put her on full crate rest for 24 hours. This means she’s only allowed out to toilet, and that should be on leash. When she’s done, she goes right back in the crate.
If, after 24 hours, she shows no improvement? To the vet.
Dawn Ferara, DVM I agree with Laura! Keep her calm and quiet for 24 hours if she is still limping take her to the vet.
Andrea Cox Probably just a strain, pulled muscle, or brused the area. I’ve had cats and dogs that didn’t use limbs for weeks and they came to recover fully and I swore they were broke. However they can injure their spinal cord as well so keep an eye on other body parts and like the others said keep it calm and confined. In 48 hours if he doesn’t improve he needs to be seen by a vet. This should cost more than an office visit and maybe an xray. If he acts like it’s in bad pain then go to the vet now. If he stops eating and going to the bathroom. Vet…
This is serious. I would try to find a way to get her to the vet. Talk with your parents about this and tell them she NEEDS a vet.