My dog had surgery to fix a ruptured uterus and she’s now spayed. She first stated leaking fluid from her incision site so I got scared and took her back to find out everything was ok. Now she’s got a pretty big seroma on her leg that just busted open and is draining everywhere. What should I do for her besides just keep cleaning it away from her?
hi everyone. What is the general opinion regarding harnesses and ultra sound training clickers please
Hello, on christmas day, I found a cat outside in the rain/cold. He was extremely skinny, I could see/feel every bone in his body, he was shivering & crying. I brought him in. & bathed him & fed him. He has put on some weight since then & is all around an amazing lovable cat. Yesterday he started limping on his front paw. I am pretty sure it is sprained from playing with my much larger full grown cat. I keep feeling it & do not feel anything out of place/”crunchy” & it does not seem to be swollen. I have been putting an ice pack on his leg 2x a day for 15 mins at a time. Times are tough right now & I can not afford vet cate at the moment. I just need advice on what I can do to help him. My children and I have grown very attached to him & he is the sweetest most cuddly boy.
Dr Magnifico I left a comment about my milkshake on your YouTube, I made a account here to talk more. Milkshake will be 8 on September 3rd, a while ago she was having diarrhea but after time she started having harder bowel movements where each time I would see her go it was hard enough to make a sound hitting the litter pan. Fast forward to this past week and for 6 days now she hasn’t ate or drank, she has not went poo but she did go pee two times yesterday. She has been vomiting a lot, the first day she would vomit every half hour, now it is still happening multiple times a day but not as much and is yellow do to not eating. I have been giving her water with a syringe to hopefully keep her hydrated. Like I said I’m on a fixed income do to my disability, I brought her to the Vet and didn’t even get a diagnosis after spending $200 getting seen having some nausea meds and fluid under the skin we were sent home to fend for ourselves, luckily I had saved that 200 up that was supposed to be for my other cats upcoming apt. I have tried calling other vets and hospitals and no one is willing to even let me do payments to get further information, the vet we went to said it would be at least $2,000 before she could be sure what exactly was going on and I just can’t afford it, we barely have food as it is. I tried applying for care credit and was denied unfortunately. I’m really worried about my milkshake. The only extra information that I did get from the vet was that she did not have a fever which was a good thing. Thank you for sending me this way, it is greatly appreciated.
i would definitely take her back to the vet.