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brian | 1 year ago
Dental With Extractions On 8yr Old Orange Tabby
Treatment Cost (USD): $800.00
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brian | 1 year ago
Canine Neuter On A 1yr Old Belgian Tervuren
Treatment Cost (USD): $525.00
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Emergency Visit
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brian | 1 year ago
Acute Pancreatitis With Several Days Hospitalization
Treatment Cost (USD): $1000.00
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brian | 1 year ago
Stomatitis, Dental Cleaning With Dental Extractions
Treatment Cost (USD): $1100.00
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brian | 1 year ago
Senior Canine Dental With Extractions
Treatment Cost (USD): $1550.00
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brian | 1 year ago
Mass Removal And Dental Cleaning With Multiple Extractions
Treatment Cost (USD): $750.00
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brian | 1 year ago
Canine Dental Cleaning With An Extraction
Treatment Cost (USD): $853.00
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Nora | 1 year ago
My Mom Got A 3 Month Old Kitten From The Shelter This Week And They Did The …

My mom got a 3 month old kitten from the shelter this week and they did the spay surgery. They noticed that she had an umbilical hernia and they did a second surgery. That was on Tuesday 12/19 and today is 12/23. This is the picture of her stomach as of today. Is this okay after this surgery? Or is this a sign that she has a hernia again? She has been really active and is a crazy 3 month old with loads of energy and we can’t keep her calm. Hoping to get an opinion but in the next few days if it’s still like this we will likely go back to the vet in case. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Usually these are just scar tissue between the body wall and skin. If you have a regular vet ask them to check for you. Just in case. If you don’t have one it’s a good idea to establish yourself as a client so that you have someone who knows you when you need routine care or even the occasional mishap/illness needs.

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Andrew | 1 year ago
I Am Going Through A Medical Emergency With Cat Kilo. Been Very Stressful Had To Take …

I am going through a medical emergency with my cat Kilo. Been very stressful had to take to the emergency vet. He had UTI blockage. Then a few days later I find out that he has tear in his urethra and it just got worse a few days later. I reached out to a vet in my city that could perform a surgery that would fix his blockage problem. Then I get a call back from the Emergency Clinic saying something wrong with one of his kidneys. He’s a good cat and doesn’t deserve this. I just can’t believe how expensive things can get. I am looking for any information or leads in regard to facilities that are reasonable and are willing to help folks who are low income. I live in the South Bay if anyone has any information on the matter.

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Krista | 1 year ago
Dr. Magnifico, Our Beloved Cat, Dexter (male, 13yo) Was Diagnosed With Megacolon A Little Over Three …

Dr. Magnifico, Our beloved cat, Dexter (male, 13yo) was diagnosed with Megacolon a little over three months ago. We continue to go downhill. We’ve tried everything, Cisapride, Lactulose, Miralax ,an appetite stimulant, weekly enemas, been seen in ER three times, and multiple times at two separate vet clinics. Now he’s not pooping at all and urinating little. Being told our only options are surgery or putting him down. With a cat of this age, do you think surgery is advisable? He seems pretty worn out and definitely tired of all these doctor visits and enemas, some of which he’s been sedated. Now these two separate vets will not sedate during an enemy for manual evacuation because they say they don’t think he’ll make it through sedation. Thanks in advance for your time, response and your caring heart. Just watched your video about the black cat with megacolon. That was posted two years ago. Hope he’s continuing to do well. Thank you again. Krista in AL

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. Without knowing all of the pertinent details, if you feel like you have tried and done everything (like canned food only, adding laxatives and encouraging and promoting as much activity as possible) and you are still not able to get the colon moving properly then the best option is a surgery called a subtotal colectomy (removing the colon ). It is generally agreed upon that a true mega colon cat is only treatable by this surgery.

    I hope this helps and good luck.