Her gums are pink, eyes and breathing normal. What do you think this could be?
She is eating and drinking water. She still moves around and jumps. She is breathing fine,no runny nose,and only that one eye
My 6 mo beagle swallowed a 1 inch plastic spike from a bacon wrapped tenderloin, will he pass this?
My dog threw up two days ago and lost her appetite for that night. She was still a little lethargic the next day and slow to eat breakfast. She now has her appetite back but still seems to be very slow and naps for most of the day.Normal?
My dog is 3 and can’t hold her pee in anymore when she’s in her kennel she use to but now she pees in it everyday what could be the problem or is there anything I can give her
No one let him in, nor is there a way he can get in on his own. He is acting lethargic. He seems to have lost some weight. He will not eat and is currently resting on the edge of our bed. He will take water. He is not purring. He moves slowly. Any idea of what might be wrong?
my dogs tail i down and she move away when we try to look it
She is a 5 month Pomeranian. We have taken her to the vet and was prescribed some tonics. But still there is no change. She also loves to eat paper and anything else she can get her paws on. She still hasn’t understood commands like SIT, STAY, etc. I am 15 and she is my first pet.
Anonymous she’s the right age for teething, which is when puppies’ gums are sore and eating can be painful. this is also the age both of my puppies went through a stage where they didn’t want to eat anything, so i would use that as an opportunity for training. i would put the bowl down and leave it for 15 minutes, and if she doesn’t touch the bowl, pick it back up. i would use her kibble as training treats so she’s working for it – you should be working on basic obedience right now, anyway, so it’s an ideal opportunity for that.
once she has all her adult teeth in, she should go back to eating normally.
i would keep things she shouldn’t eat out of her reach.
He is a rescue dog. He is fine with me and my husband and son and also my close family butany other dog, cat, or human he tries to attack. Im scared he will sseriously hurt some one or something one day
We have a 4 month old boy, (Cinder) and a decided to get a new kitten, (Willow) recently so they can be friends while we work all day, so they don’t get lonely. She had ringworm and red bites all over when we got her, she wasn’t looked after very well. We got treatment for her from our vet, a 2x week shampoo and anti-fungal cream daily. Her’s are all clearing up and looking better, but now Cinder has developed one on his ear. We are treating it like we were told to treat Willows. Shampoo 2x week and cream daily. Now his ear is red and shredded of skin and hair and the other one is starting to do the same. He’s developed red spots on his temples and head. He had just started to get diarrhoea as well. And we haven’t changed his food, his mood is as normal. Still running around and chasing things. We have confined them to a tiled area of the house, which he is hating. But does this sound like something other than ringworm? Willows ringworm is healing completely different. Or is it possible he’s reacting to the treatment?
possibly dumb questions, but:
1 – has she been checked for a UTI?
2 – when was she spayed? if younger than 6 months, i would be asking my vet about spay incontinence. in my breed this seems to be a common side effect of pediatric spays.