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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Got Spayed 4 Days Ago. There’s A Hard Lump In Incision Area In…

My dog got spayed 4 days ago. There’s a hard lump in incision area in between sutures. No bleeding or drainage visible. Is it ok?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He’s Not Eating Now, But He Has Been Drinking Water. He Has Also Been Whining…

He’s not eating now, but he has been drinking water. he has also been whining and barking a lot more lately. He is also sleeping a lot more. He has really gotten roudy and growly. He has also been tearing up and sometimes eating his training pads.

2 Responses


  1. Ebone Brown

    My vet is on Christmas vet. She was the one that told me to give him the children’s benadryl. My groomer told me to use the spray. It has gotten better but it still looks bad. I’m just worried about the not eating part. I don’t know if it’s the medicine or something else.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My American Red Nose Was Bit By A Tick, I Removed It, What Should I…

my american red nose was bit by a tick, i removed it, what should i do for post treatment

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Female Pit Is 6 Days Past Estimated Due Date. She Is Panting Off And…

My female pit is 6 days past estimated due date. She is panting off and on, nesting, and off food. When should I expect whelping? It has been 12 hrs now.

4 Responses


  1. Dana Hampton

    Oh and there is no discharge

  2. Blakoutwolf AJ

    its ring worm and if you have been hugging and kissing her u will get it too you can get creem for your dog and you need to go to the doctors

  3. Anonymous

    I think you may have commented on the wrong post?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
This Website Should Have Qualified People Checking In And Answering People’s Questions. Until That Happens…

This website should have qualified people checking in and answering people’s questions. Until that happens this website won’t work the way it was intended. Now I don’t know if my dog is in shock, has a concussion or is just fine.

7 Responses


  1. julie brader

    We do have Vets on this site. Our Vet Krista founded it!

    I think you will find that most of us have vast experience of owning dogs or cats…or both.

    I personally have owned dogs for well over 40 years ..have judged, shown and bred Weimaraners and Cockers…and owned Golden Retrievers and Labradors.

    However we cannot diagnose what is wrong with the animal on here. It could put their lives at risk ….we cannot see the animal or how they are acting. Therefore we always advise an owner to seek professional help and advice if they are concerned. 

  2. Anonymous

    i have seen no fewer than 4 veterinarians checking in, when they have free time, to offer free advice.  emergencies, however, should be handled by YOUR vet.  sudden cranial trauma would be considered a possible emergency in my book, and i would have taken my dog in to my vet by now.

  3. Brett Raio

    Thank you for your response, I didn’t see any comments on many of the questions asked by people today but about an hour after I posted this comments started popping up. Thank you, I really like this site 🙂

  4. Anonymous

    Keep in mind: this website doesn’t have staff. People answer the things they can when they can. Expecting instant results from a free website is not the wisest choice.

    Please get your dog to a vet.

  5. Brett Raio

    You should take a look at my website >>

  6. Brett Raio

    You should take a look at my website >>

  7. Anonymous

    Brett, peddling your music website is in appropriate for the purpose of Pawbly.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He’s 4
He Walks Fine But He’s Shaking. I Put A Blanket Over Him And He…

He’s 4
He walks fine but he’s shaking. I put a blanket over him and he stopped shaking as much. Sometimes he won’t shake at all. I’m nervous and need advice on what to do.

3 Responses


  1. Brett Raio

    This happened yesterday around this time of day.

  2. Megan Hensler

    Hello Brett, I would recommend taking your pup to your veterinarian. He may or may not have experienced some degree of head trauma. Your veterinarian will perform a physical and neurological exam and then best be able to treat or direct you to a specialist if need be. Hope he is doing better soon!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello, I Adopted My Dog, A Pittbull Terrier Mix, From A Shelter This Weekend And…

Hello, I adopted my dog, a Pittbull Terrier mix, from a shelter this weekend and they did not tell me what she was being fed. I have not been able to reach them and she has been experiencing loose stool, at times it firms up a bit but today it was particularly soft. I did some research and it said that I should have gradually switched her diet over to avoid such an issue. Apart from this she is happy and very active and shows no issues.

1 Response


  1. Anna Mwaba

    Thank you very much for answering my question. I will take her to see the vet as soon as possible this week for a full check up because she is currently eating Hill’s Ideal Balance that was recommended by a pet nutritionist at PetSmart so I was a little worried it may have been too sudden a change from what she was eating before.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi There, I Am Concerned As My Cats Urine Has Been Smelling More Strongly Over…

Hi there, I am concerned as my cats urine has been smelling more strongly over ammonia over the past week or so. The strong smell is present when she urinates and defecates and I am worried this may be a symptom of an underlying health problems. Other than that she appears healthy, comfortable. She drinks a lot of water and eats regularly.
Any advice would be appreciated.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Kitten Eyes A Glued With A Substance That Is White And Looks Like Snout…

my kitten eyes a glued with a substance that is white and looks like snout, i flush their eyes with running water that helps temporarily what could be wrong? They are two weeks old.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Since Then The Kitten Has Been Playing With Me, Eating And Drinking, His Poop…

Since then the kitten has been playing with me, eating and drinking, his poop looks like it looked before. Should I expect something bad to happen? It looks more or less like that

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I AM NOT A VET, but in your situation i think i’d wait and see.  i don’t think there’s anything inherently toxic in water found in a dehumidifier.

  2. Anna Nowak

    Thank you 🙂 Do you maybe know how long can it take for symptoms to appear? He still seems fine and energetic

  3. Anonymous

    that i don’t know, but i’d just keep an eye on behavior, urinating, defecating, eating, drinking, etc. for a day or two, then i wouldn’t even bother worrying.