I bought home two 8 week old chihuahuas today, I was told they had been given flea treatment two weeks ago however, I have found fleas on them? What should I do?
My dogs eye is pinkish red. It gets crusty. Do dogs get pink eye? What can we do to treat it?
My husky is only 5 months old. He’s acting weirdly in an on and off basis. He starts having thick drools with head and tail down walking round and round. Please advice.
since last night I’m detecting this strong odor around Cookie; seems it’s coming from urine (as I detect it when I sniff stains on her pee pads as well when sniffing around her rear end. It is strong enough that I caught a whiff even as she just walked pass me.
Here is the thing – it is strong but not really a stink and not anything I’ve ever smelled before which I’d know what it might be. Smells kind of sweet and the closes thing I can compare it to is the way my hair spray used to smell like (back when I still had hair and was using hair spray) when particles dried and mixed with dust.
That is very confusing and I don’t know what to make of that. I imagine infection would have BAD odor whether bacterial or yeast …? I don’t want to just assume it might be from the meds as assumption is the mother of all f*** ups. Friend’s dog was on chemo so when her urine reeked they assumed it was from the chemo. Meanwhile it was a massive UTI and went under the radar until the dog exploded with blood from her bladder. (potty accidents and other issues were chalked up to the original issue the dog had, massive brain and brain stem inflammation).
So I don’t want to make the same mistake and assume one of the meds are behind the smell when something else could be going on.
my 2yr.old 20lb. chi/corgi followed me out to the garage 1/2 hr ago and I believe he ate some green mouse pellets9poison)
My cat gets UTIs from time to time. Usually my vet will come to my house and write an RX for food. He is out of the country and I cannot take my cat out of the house. He gets very nervous. Can anyone recommend someone ? I am in Brooklyn, NY
Fish question-my fish has a white area on both sides of his tail, looks like something is on him. He is also sitting vertically a lot and hasn’t eaten lately. Any ideas?
Hi Christina,i recently bought two baby chicks.should i vaccinate them?and what special measures should i take to take care of them?what do you recommend?
Christina Chambreau I am not an expert on chickens, nor am I familiar with specific chicken diseases that may be endemic in Bangladesh. Some chickens thrive merely eating a wide range of food scraps and foraging for insects. Most chickens do not thrive when kept indoors. In general I do not recommend vaccines for any species. I have done some research to find out about poultry diseases in Bangladesh and have not found anything specific, so I have compiled some possible references, even one in India.
In general I do not recommend vaccines and do recommend having a relationship with a homeopath or natural healing veterinarian so if they become ill you can immediately get help.
Several good contacts in the US include:
http://www.vethomopath.com/indpoultry.htm – Dr. Makker is in India, so may have some better information for you.
anuary 26th ,1960
Moonak , Distt. Sangrur (Punjab) INDIA
BVSc & AH , MSc (IT) , MCA
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Married, 3 Children
Present Address
Kothi No.128, Ward No. 11, MOONAK Distt. Sangrur, (Punjab)
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I live in Bangladesh and winter is approaching,so i’m worried the chicks won’t be able to make it since some of my friends experienced the same problem
He’s a male cat and 7 years old. Now he’s looking super upset and won’t move from the one spot that he’s at.
Do you know what kind of flea medication was used on them? I would contact your vet tomorrow to see if you can get them in to be examined for their 8 week puppy shots etc and see what type of flea medicine your vet recommends. As for tonight I would give them both a bath to try to remove any live fleas and remove flea dirt so it is less likely to leave fleas or eggs in your house.
Good Luck
Dr Dawn
Thank you both – I’ve contacted my vet and got them booked in for first thing tomorrow morning. I’m also going to get treatment for my house – recommended by the vet, so hopefully can stop it from spreading. They are a couple days over 8 weeks and have already had their first infections, so I need to schedule the second injection, microchip and flea/worming plan.