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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Was Perscribed 20mg Omeprazole. Is It Ok For Him To Take Forever…

my dog was perscribed 20mg omeprazole. Is it ok for him to take forever

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Likely if your vet prescribed it he/she has considered the side effects of long term use and decided that your dog needs the medication.  This is really something u should talk to your vet about.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
It Doesnt Seem To Hurt Her And She Is Still Eating Though Yesterday Shes Not…

It doesnt seem to hurt her and she is still eating though yesterday shes not eating as much.She has always eaten anything she can like bugs,spiders,pine cones you name it she will eat it.We cannot afford a vet please help.We have been giving her milk and that helps the swelling but not the lump

0 Responses
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Jana | 9 years ago
Today She Was Running Through Bush Chasing Squirrels
when We Called Her She Came Running Towards…

today she was running through bush chasing squirrels
when we called her she came running towards us “lop-sided”; looked as if hind left leg wasn’t working
it was not any kind of limp I’ve seen before; the leg didn’t look being favored but looked not working, not providing the right support properly
Cookie sat down while we were going to try to see what’s going on
meanwhile she heard another squirrel and dashed off back into the bush again
looked like the leg wasn’t quite right but she didn’t seem to care
we then fetched and leashed her and after short time everything seemed fine until the time of this writing 4:19PM
often problems resurface after some rest so I’m concerned what she’s going to look like after longer rest; so far she seems perfectly normal again, though

Seeing a vet tomorrow but hoping for some comforting thoughts on what the heck it could have been … ?

1 Response


  1. Jana Post author

    She seems perfectly normal and herself now. Moving and acting normally, looking normal and happy. Lasted just a few minutes. Didn’t seem upset about it this time, just came up close and sat down. I was way more upset about it that she was.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Will It Eventually Go Away On Its Own? Or Not?

Will it eventually go away on its own? Or not?

2 Responses


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hello Erica,

    It isn’t good to have cold like symptoms for so long – it is unlikely to go away on its own.  I strongly recommend seeing a vet as soon as possible just to be sure to help him get better and not severely worse all of a sudden.


  2. Erica Campbell

    Thanks, I’m taking him in tomorrow.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello, I Have A Year Old Large Puppy And He Has Developed A Limp From…

Hello, I have a year old large puppy and he has developed a limp from one of his back legs. I have read everything online about different causes and I have done a thorough examination of his leg. There seems to be nothing out of place, no swelling and he continues to run and play (he sure doesn’t seem depressed) and he doesn’t show any signs of pain at all….what could be the problem? The only thing I can even relate to what’s happening is that it might be pano, but I want to confirm before we change his diet. There is also no sort of thorns, cracks, or cuts except a small cut in between the left side of his toes and it’s not worth taking him to the vet for a small cut about 3 cm.

3 Responses


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hi Brittany,

    Pets, just like people, have different tolerance levels for pain.  The fact that he is limping indicates something is definitely not right.  How long has the limping been going on?  It is sometimes difficult to know if something is a small or a large problem without going to the vet.  Finding an answer is definitely worth it :).   I hope he gets better as I can tell you care about him very much!


  2. Brittany Mullens

    He’s only been limping for about 3 days, it seems like the limping has gotten a little better since the first day. He has broken his front toe before and was showing a lot of symptoms of pain (of course we took care of it) but that’s what I’ve been basing his pain tolerance on remembering how bad he was hurting before and he’s pretty much normal except for the limp.

  3. Brittany Mullens

    UPDATE: took him to the vet today, for the past couple days before our appointment we’ve had him on bed rest and that helped alot. The limping got less severe and it seemed like he could put more weight down on that leg. The vet had said it could be a partailly torn ligament in his knee from the exam. X-rays at the beginning of next month and he’s currently on some doggy pain killers and inflammation drugs and two weeks bed rest! But he’s walking on it even better with the drugs even after one dose.

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Vicky Lowdermilk | 9 years ago
She Is Spaded Seal Point 12 Year Old Siamesse Cat 71/2 Lbs Blood Work Is…

she is spaded seal point 12 year old siamesse cat 71/2 lbs blood work is good

1 Response


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Vicky Lowdermilk | 9 years ago
I Have A Siamese Cat With A Uti She Is Half Way Throw Meds When…

i have a siamese cat with a uti she is half way throw meds when she go the litter box she drops pee on the floor does this mean she is getting better or getting worse

1 Response


  1. Vicky Lowdermilk Post author

    i have had taken her to the vet. the vet done blood work and urine test and gave meds 2 drops for 7 at .75ml

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Found Orphaned Kittens About 3 Weeks Old And Have Been Feeding Them But One…

We found orphaned kittens about 3 weeks old and have been feeding them but one has begun swelling in its genital area. What’s wrong? It’s appetite has also went down dramatically.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is Allergic To The Cat And Im Just Wondering Is There Anything Else…

My dog is allergic to the cat and im just wondering is there anything else that I can do other than get rid og the cat

3 Responses


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hello Chelsea.  How was it determined that your dog is allergic to the cat?  I have not heard of this before.


  2. Chelsea Morgan

    We went to the vets and they said because of her having rashes and itching all off the time. Also because it is only where the cat has been near her, so she is allergic to my cat and I really dont want to get rid of my cats hes lovely and ive had him since a kitten

  3. Lisa Pfab

    I would wonder if the dog is eating cat food that he may be allergic to.

    I would think that she is allergic to food or something else.  I would make sure the dog cannot get to the cats food, or the litterbox

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
King Charles Got Excited And Started Choking, I Had To Pull His Tongue From The…

King Charles got excited and started choking, I had to pull his tongue from the back of his throat and he sometimes starts snorting when breathing what should I do

2 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    It sounds like u should take him to the vet for a professional opinion.  This may happen whenever he gets excited but your vet can give you a better answer after examining your dog.

  2. Ashleigh Gibson

    Thanks I make an appointment tomorrow