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Apurv | 2 years ago
Hey, My 11 Month, 5 Week Pregnant Cat, Suffered A Very High Fall Yesterday, After She Managed To …

Hey, my 11 month, 5 week pregnant cat, suffered a very high fall yesterday, after she managed to escape from the house, and she returned with inability to walk properly on both her back legs, and i suspect it is a pelvic fracture, I’m a broke college student and Cannot afford a surgery, what limited research i did online made to think that euthanasia is the only solution, but I’ve been constantly monitoring her, she is comfortable, resting in her favourite place, she is purring, i fed her with a syringe and gave water to her the same way, i kept her litter box near here, and she did get up and pooped in it, what can I do, please help me save my baby????

4 Responses


  1. Laura

    If you cannot afford proper care, please consider surrendering her for adequate care. She needs to be seen by a vet immediately…ESPECIALLY if she’s pregnant!

    1. Apurv Post author

      I saw a video on YouTube saying that if they are able to poop and pee, given enough rest, they are able to recover, is it true? I’ve also booked a vets appointment for tomorrow to get their openion. I just wanted to know if this strict resting method works or not, I also arrenged enough to get a surgery

  2. Shiria

    Depending on how the pelvis is broken, it can recover without surgery. You’d need an x-ray to see how it’s broken and if it can recover without surgery. She will need pain medication and her movement needs to be restricted.
    The problem is: she is pregnant. Giving birth with a broken pelvis is not only extremely painful, it can kill her and/or the kittens. She may not be able to push them out herself, or they may get stuck.

    So even if she does not need surgery right now, she may need a c-section. She needs to be monitored closely if she starts to give birth you need to have a vet where you can go immediatly if she needs help – or depending on how exactlky you know er day of pregnancy plan the c section beforehand.

    I wish you the best of luck with her. It’s great that you try to help her and managed to get some money together. It really means a lot that you are going to help her.

  3. Krista Magnifico


    I’m sure this isn’t what you are hoping for.. but my advice is:
    I strongly recommend that you have your cat spayed now. If she suffered a pelvic fracture she may not be able to deliver the kittens and they will die inside her which will kill her.
    She also needs to be in a cage 24/7 no exception. If she is rested in a cage for 8 weeks the bones should heal. (I have never had a young cat heal), but I am serious about the cage rest and the spay. I know you are worried about finances but your cat needs to be spayed anyway so let’s try to avoid a bigger problem and more devastating sequela.

    Dr Magnifico

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S | 2 years ago
Hello, Our One Year Old Cat Has Been Having Soft Bowel Movements For The Past Few …

Hello, our one year old male neutered cat (domestic shorthair) has been having soft bowel movements for the past few weeks. The vet prescribed him the Hills Z/D diet to help with it. He had some improvement but we weren’t told to stop other treats until recently which we did. He is now exclusively being fed wet Z/D and only a few pieces of the dry Z/D.

His blood test showed elevated eosinophils and the vet suspects IBD.

Three days ago we noticed a few millimeters of rectal prolapse after he had a bowel movement. The tissue went back inside and I gently wiped his backside. There was a little bit of blood. We called and took a vet appointment and he’s being seen in a couple of days.

Since then he’s had the prolapse each time he poops, and it retreats about 30 seconds later. I am very worried that this will become a chronic problem requiring surgery. I would like some advice please on what questions I should ask the vet. What if they suggest surgery? Should we get an ultrasound done, or a colonoscopy? Thank you.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I would call your vet and discuss this with them. I suspect the diarrhea is causing constant straining and this is causing the prolapse. So I would ask about something for pain and get the diarrhea under control.

    At my clinic I would talk about trying gabapentin or a steroid and adding a probiotic. Or ask for a second opinion from a feline specialist. Also ask about diagnostics available. Like a fecal or maldigestion profile.

    1. S Post author

      Thank you so much for your advice. We will ask the vet these questions tomorrow. Our cat’s bowel movements are not diarrhea anymore but he is still prolapsing. Is it possible that the high fiber in the Z/D diet could be a factor? Maybe it’s making the poop too wide?

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Paige | 2 years ago
Looking For Personal Advice As My Husband Got Bit By A Close Friend’s Parent’s …

Looking for personal advice as my husband got bit by a close friend’s parent’s dog yesterday unprovoked and it was a pretty aggressive bite. Her parent then told us he bit someone a month ago. I’m a nurse and am comfortable managing the wound, but as an animal lover and friend, I feel so guilty reporting it as I know what the outcome will be.

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    So…I’m the owner of an unpredictable/aggressive(?) dog I purchased a year ago from the shelter, and I manage her interactions VERY closely to avoid bites.

    I would also not hesitate to euthanize her if she were to injure someone. She is a large dog and could do someone very serious damage, even kill a child if they happened to be the victim.

    My questions:
    What have the owners done to figure out the cause of the aggression?
    Is the dog up to date on vaccines(rabies, distemper both come to mind)? When was the last time they did bloodwork for things like thyroid?
    How do they intend to make this up to you as the injured party?
    What if the injured party were a child?

    Have you talked to YOUR friend about this? What do they have to say about it?

    I would take my husband to the ER for the bite because that would force a report. But that’s just me. A dangerous dog NEEDS to be reported, because eventually they’ll kill someone if not managed correctly.

  2. Krista Magnifico


    I’m so sorry to hear about this.
    I totally understand your predicament. I would struggle too.
    From a legal and personal indifference standpoint your husband should go get medical care at a medical facility which will set a few things into motion. The note will be followed up by the appropriate authorities. From the emotional standpoint (and I am not going to lie I live here), it is hard to feel responsible for the actions of animal control intervention. With that the next person might be a child and this is hard to live with.

    I guess just follow your heart. And I wish you the best of luck.

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Sheena | 2 years ago
Hi, Where Are You Located? My Cat Has Something Wrong With Her Esophagus, I Was Told …

Hi, where are you located? My cat has something wrong with her esophagus, I was told by the vet after I did (X-rays, blood work, urine exam and it was like $1000.00) that I have to go to a specialist and they said they need to put a camera to see what it is and that alone cost $2200.(they said that would be just to look at what is going on and does not include treatment.) I cannot afford it because I live alone. I have two cats and I’m just doing my best, (I just moved as a single young woman by myself with my 2 cats to a new state and just trying my best) if I had the money I would’ve definitely done it right now.

The vet gave me some thing to coat her esophagus(SUCRALFATE) to try to help but I don’t see a difference(she licks her food and coughs & it discourages her from eating but I know she wants to eat) and I don’t know what else to do. I feel so very helpless, I was wondering where you are located, maybe I can get her help,she really needs help right now. Her name is Penelope and I love her.

My email is

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I do not have an endoscope. These are typically only found at a specialty office.
    Has your vet taken an X-ray? At my clinic we sue them and forward them to a radiologist. They are often able to give a diagnosis.

    We are in northern Maryland. Jarrettsville Veterinary Center

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Lilith Broquard | 2 years ago
Hello, Two Weeks Ago My 2.5 Year Old Cat Was Given An Antibiotic Injection In His Back …

Hello, two weeks ago my 2.5 year old cat was given an antibiotic injection in his back for a small cut on his foot. A few days ago we noticed a lump at the injection site that seems to be about 2cm in diameter. It doesn’t seem to hurt him, and his is acting 100% normal. Could this just be a normal vaccine reaction? Should we be worried about a possible sarcoma at this point? Thanks for your input!

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Yes it might be related to the vaccine.. is there anyway to contact the veterinarian who gave it to ask them?

  2. Lilith Broquard Post author

    They are closed tomorrow for a local holiday but I will give them a call on Wednesday. Just getting a little nervous with what I’m reading online. Thank you!

  3. Lilith Broquard Post author

    Hello, I just wanted to mention (in case this is helpful for anyone else) that the lump ended up going away on its own after about 2.5 or 3 weeks.

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Jessee | 2 years ago
I Found This In My Cat’s Water Bowl.

I have no idea what it is nor have I ever seen anything like it. It’s definitely a live worm because it’s moving. Can somebody please explain to me what the heck this is?!?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It looks like it might be a tapeworm? You can bring it to your vets office and they can help identify it. Also.
    There is a lot of information about them online. I tell my clients to treat for fleas.

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Lisa | 2 years ago
Babybear Is Now Back At The Animal Rescue Where I Adopted Him He Will Be Able …

Babybear is now back at the animal rescue where I adopted him he will be able to get the care he needs. I’m very Heartbroken but I know he will get the care he needs. 3 months ago I adopted him and one month before that I had to put baby Pia to sleep. She was with me for 14 years She got cancer of the throat and it just took her whole thoracic . I probably should have never adopted another pet right away. But I did and I loved him but he got sick and had the urinary blockage twice. Which not only cost me a lot of money? But just broke my heart and made me really scared that this was gonna happen again. Knowing that the vets in my area are just money hungry. They didn’t care about him They had me sign a promisay note to pay before they would unblock him NO Compassion for the animals And as I looked for a vet. I was having more of a hard time and I was having to go back to work and I work. Overnighthis became a problem because baby bear did not get the right care form me. So this is why I decided to give him up. As I say, my heart is f****** broken. And I just I miss him already, I dont know.
What to say I just feel like s***, but hes in the right place. Hes gonna get care, and even though we’re not together anymore. I’m hoping he’ll get the right place. He’ll get a loving home like he had with me. Thank you, Krista. Thank you, Krista. I really appreciate you telling me to maybe get involved with a shelter or clinic to get more experience. I because this really broke my heart and I was beside myself letting him go . And Trying to find vets to help me with babybear Oh .it sucks, take care, thank you.

0 Responses
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Lisa | 2 years ago
Help Please I’m Stressing Out . Is This Going To Happen Again? He Has Been Peeing …

Help please I’m stressing out . Is this going to happen again? He has been peeing
Playing, eating but I noticed he’s only peeing 1 or twice
A day is that enough? He is drinking water I need to know how to palpatate his stomach ???? I’m not able to afford much more I cannot find a affordable vet in vero beach I’m running out of options ???? I’m going to take him back if I can’t get a solution before he blocks again. I have never dealt with this. I have had female cats .

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like he is doing well now. And while I realize that you are stressed I don’t think returning him while he is well is in his best interest. There are a lot of things you can do to prevent and prepare for any future episodes. You could find an online group to help educate and support you. Or ask to volunteer or work at a cat clinic to help understand how to monitor and care for your cat. Also reach out to your vet for advice.
    Stressing out and surrendering him don’t help you or his situation. Will a shelter take care of him if he blocks? Have you asked them for help?I have offered to help but surrendering him to me is not the answer either..
    Life is full of challenges. It is in these moments that we decide who we are and who we want to be remembered as. I was once a very poor very young and very desperate cat mom. When I had no one to help me when these kinds of situations happened. I decided I would never be in that position again as I loved my pets more than anything. so I worked for decades to get myself as much animal experience from as many people and places as possible. It took me almost 20 years to become a veterinarian. It was cases like this that made me who I am. I never give up and I never feel like I didn’t have options. I also help everyone I can.
    I wish you both luck and health.

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Lisa | 2 years ago
I Think I’m Taking Babybear Back To The Place Where I Adopted Him I Cannot …

I think I’m taking babybear back to the place where I adopted him I cannot afford to care for him and it seems everyone is telling me this will happen again and I can’t stand for that he will be where maybe he will get adopted by someone that can afford it .
So later today I will make that decision ty Krista

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Are you sure they will take him back and treat him if he does block? And can you ask them to help if he does and wait to see if that happens before you surrender him?

    Further I have repeatedly said that I will help you. This would be much easier if you were located closer.

    I wish him the very best.

    I can say that I know it is very hard to surrender. But I would rather see him have every chance possible than to be euthanized due to cost.

    Good luck to both of you.

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Lisa | 2 years ago
Babybear Had His 2nd Blockage Which Now The Cost Is 1,600 I Live In Vero Beach Florida …

Babybear had his 2nd blockage which now the cost is 1,600 I live in Vero beach Florida and these vets are notorious for charging you as much as they can .
Unfortunately it’s gotten me to the point of having to make A difficult decision you see? I adopted baby bear from the pound and I had no idea that male cats were prone. To this urinary blockage.
I only make a little bit of money and if I don’t find Somebody that can treat him for a fair amount of Money. I will have to give him up when I first brought him in. It was 8 o’clock at night and they took a minute and they charge me. I think the first cost was like, almost $300. Just to look at, um, no, no, give me some pills and sent me home. Then at 12 midnight, he just. Started laboring and I had to bring him back. And that was another $600. Which day just put a calendar in relieved to urine? And set me home with some more pain. Medicine and an anti inflammator a month later, it happened again. And I took them to my vet. Thinking that it was going to be a lot more reasonable. Well, that’s not the case at the end of the day. She took a minute, she. You know how to know how to add it to? She, I guess relieved Tim and then church me. I think it was 760 dolland the only medication she gave me was antibiotics which I had to pay for on top of that this has become a real heartbreaking situation. I need help, I need a good vet. I live in Vero Beach, Florida. Help me, I’m baby bear.

2 Responses


  1. Autumn

    I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. Unfortunately, once a kitty has a blockage, we typically see it reoccur in some cases. I would highly suggest that you talk to your vet about a PU surgery (Perineal urethrostomy). It is a surgical method for alleviating a urethral obstruction. We also always recommend switching your cat to a veterinary recommended Urinary diet for the rest of your kitty friends life.
    Hope this helps some!

  2. Autumn

    To add to my original response, I would talk to your vet about fluids and pain meds to do at home. Also, if your kitty will eat wet food, We highly suggest it over dry.