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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Cats Neck Was Swallen And Now Postles Coming Out In The Holes The Size…

My cats neck was Swallen and now Postles coming out in the holes the size of a BB what should I do

1 Response


  1. Bob Waldron

    Sorry AutoCorrect. My cats neck was swollen and today I noticed that there was Puss coming out and the swelling was gone but there was a hole in her neck the size of a BB anything I should do

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Girlfriend And This Vet Work Together At A Referral Hospital. He Says That…

My girlfriend and this vet work together at a referral hospital. He says that they are starting to see a lot of pets come in with blockages or other issues and many of them are fed Blue Buffalo. Additionally, surely you’ve heard about the trouble BB has apparently gotten into about its ingredients? However, this is mostly a battle between Purina and BB and it is not clear whether there are other issues here as well. Basically what I am asking is–should we change? and if so I am not sure what to change to or whether to take ingredients seriously anymore because apparently companies are being dishonest about them. We are also being told to switch to Purina ProPlan instead. Our dog has always been somewhat sensitive to his food.

I love your blog by the way!

2 Responses


  1. Zachary Groff

    I really appreciate your even-minded response. What is frustrating about this is that their product has been seemingly intentionally mislabeled. While we’re all affected by advertising, but when determining his diet I tried to avoid advertisements all together and focused on ingredients. However, I can’t trust that they are even listed honestly then I am not sure what to do. I am tempted to switch foods but my method now seems unreliable.

  2. Anonymous

    i liked Blue A LOT before they were bought by their parent company.

    once the buyout happened, the recipe changed…put a serious hurt on my IBD-suffering cat with that sudden, unannounced change. they didn’t change the label for another 6-12 months, too.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
His In Serious Pain And I Dont Know What To Do, Cant Take Him To…

His in serious pain and i dont know what to do, cant take him to the vet or any where cost to much we are giving him away when he turned 7 weeks is there any way i could drop him off somewhere to take care of him for free i rather have him feel better then in pain.

1 Response


  1. Diedra Cardamone

    Hi Dan. I am sorry your puppy is hurt. He definitely needs to go to the vet – being so young it is crucial. Pawn something, sell something, ask your friends and family – where there’s a will there’s a way. Some people surrender their pet to the vet in order to save its life. Please get your pets fixed for 2 reasons – you say you can’t afford it and there are already so many unwanted animals needing homes and dying in shelters today. I hope your pup gets help and gets better. Diedra

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
•5 Year Old Pure Bred Yellow Lab

•had Tumor For About 6-12 Months

-grew Larger Over Time

•5 year old pure bred yellow lab

•had tumor for about 6-12 months

-grew larger over time
-does not seem in pain
-bumps all over body

-bumps don’t seem to bother her

-read new diet Benadryl or prednisone would help

-happy plays ball

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Which Is A Small Bichon Poodle, Keeps Licking Her Back Paw. It Is…

My dog which is a small bichon poodle, keeps licking her back paw. It is a bit red. What can I do for her now? Her vet’s office is closed now.

1 Response


  1. Joe Mccollum

    You can try over the counter Benadryl. One milligram per pound. And a sock to cover it.
    If you have a dog shampoo you could try to rinse the foot which might also calm the itch.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Puppy Has Parvo But Has 2 Vaccines Does He Have A Better Chance Of…

My puppy has parvo but has 2 vaccines does he have a better chance of surviving parvo?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    this is a question to ask your vet.  is your puppy at the vet’s now?

  2. Brandon Ohnmacht

    Yes I just came back from seeing him. Hes been there for 2 days today will be his 3rd. He looks very weak and is very sleepy but still wags his tail.

  3. Anonymous

    good. that’s the best place for him to be. i hope he recovers!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Pitbull Puppy Has Parvo And Is Being Treated Today When I Went To The…

My pitbull puppy has parvo and is being treated today when i went to the vet to visit him he pooped blood then right after he started pooping clear what does this mean??

2 Responses


  1. Brandon Ohnmacht

    I was a clear and slimy like mucous what does it mean?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Doctor, You Must Get So Frustrated And A Bit Angry When You Get Tons Of…

Doctor, you must get so frustrated and a bit angry when you get tons of questions from (ignorant, sorry but true) people who don’t spay or neuter their animals…no business owning a pet if you don’t get it fixed…….just saying, thank u.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
6 Wk Old Pup Dropped By Child. Slight Limp. No Whining While…

6 wk old pup dropped by child. Slight limp. No whining while feeling from paw up leg or while trying to walk. Baby asprin?

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hi….firstly I hope you don’t mind if I say please don’t let your child pick up the puppy, children should treat dogs with care and respect….puppies are not toys.

    A pup should not leave its mother until they are at least 8 weeks old, 6 weeks is very young.

    A puppy’s bones are st

  2. julie brader

    Sorry hit the wrong button!

    A puppy’s bones are still quite soft at 6 weeks old. Perhaps you should pop him to a vet to make sure no lasting damage has been done. 

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amanda Mills | 10 years ago
My Husband And I Were Discussing Making Our Own Dog Food. Our Dogs Are Currently…

My husband and I were discussing making our own dog food. Our dogs are currently eating dry Whole Earth Farms grain free kibble. Sometimes we add in whole Earth Farms grain free wet food in the evenings. We were wondering if switching to homemade food is a good idea and if so how much do we feed our dogs? Our dogs are 60-80 pounds each.

3 Responses


  1. Jana

    Hi Amanda,

    that is a good question, isn’t it? And the answer depends on whom you ask. Some might tell you, yes, definitely, others will shout out, OMG please don’t do that.

    Here is how it is with food, whether for ourselves of for our dogs.

    The best food you can offer is
    – biologically appropriate (there are arguments about what is or isn’t biologically appropriate for dogs)
    – as fresh and wholesome you can offer (some argue that ingredients don’t matter only nutrients matter; well both do matter)
    – as little processed as possible
    – with as little stuffs that don’t belong into food as possible
    – as natural and organic as possible (again, there are arguments that it doesn’t matter but it doesn’t make sense that it wouldn’t)

    I think Dr. Becker summarized it fairly well in this article: 

    Again, there are arguments whether raw is best or cooked is best. (there are arguments about every single aspect of what to feed our dogs)

    Advantages of raw: minimal loss of nutrients, high digestibility
    Disadvantages of raw: possible contamination with bacteria
    a) the risk seems higher to people than the actual dog(s)
    b) can be controlled with exercising good food safety

    Advantages of cooked: minimizing risk of bacterial contamination, good digestibility (even better with some ingredients such as veggies; whether raw or cooked protein is better digestible is also debated)
    Disadvantages of cooked: loss of nutrients

    Advantages of making your own food (raw or cooked): full control over ingredients
    Disadvantages of making your own food: if not done properly, there is a risk of nutritional imbalances

    These days you can find commercially available diets for any type of food you wish to feed, whether it’s raw or cooked. Advantage of doing that is that you can find manufacturers who have complete and balanced formulations. Disadvantage is that you don’t control the ingredients directly and have to take the manufacturer at their word on what they put in and where they sourced it. There are some reputable manufacturers out there for both raw and cooked diets.

    How much you should feed your dogs depends on your dogs (not only their weight but also their age and activity level). There are calorie calculators out there.

    Depending on what you have available where you live, home prepared (whether raw or cooked) can be cheaper than commercial. Or not. Depends on whether you can source from farmers, co-ops etc.

    There is the work that goes into making the food.

    MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT, though, is that if you are going to make your own food, whether raw or cooked, is to make sure it is COMPLETE AND BALANCED. This can be best and easiest achieved by
    a) working with a nutritionist
    b) working with a supplement such as BalanceIT
    c) acquiring some good recipes (but whatever you’re going to make will need to be supplemented, AT LEAST with calcium source) Vitamins and minerals may or may not have to be supplemented depending on the ingredients you’d use.

    As for myself, I used to home-cooked for Jasmine for a long time. It worked very well for her. I DID use a supplement designed specifically for balancing home prepared diets (in Canada we have Hilary’s Blend, which I have been using). With Cookie, she decided to “switch herself to raw” on her own (she is an avid hunter) so I figured who was I to argue and I’m now feeding her raw. For the time being I use mostly commercially prepared frozen raw with the odd fresh home prepared raw such as during hunting season. So she’d get a whole rabbit, for example.

    I think reading the above article I linked to should give you a good idea how to improve your dogs’ nutrition and where to start.

    Please do not forget the COMPLETE and BALANCED bit.

  2. Margrit Simons

    Here is a great recipe for home made dog food from Dr. Stanley Coren at UBC. I made it for my dogs and they loved it (until I got to be too lazy). You can look it up on this website : /recipe3