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Sharon Maddox | 10 years ago
Can My Indoor Cats Get Fleas?

Can my indoor cats get fleas?

2 Responses


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Yep, fleas can find their way into your home . Many ways this is possible, visiting friends and family coming into your home may be coming from a home with pets that have fleas and the fleas simply hitch a ride with them. You can track fleas into your home if you’ve gone in a location where other pets have been, fleas can hitch a ride on your clothing and hop off when you get home. Fleas are great at location hopping. Also if you have carpet in your home and have had pets with fleas before, flea eggs can actually lie dormant for a long time and vibrations from a vacuum cleaner actually stimulate them to hatch… Lots of rental units stay infested this way.

    It’s good to keep your cat on monthly flea control as a precaution because once you get them they are hard to get rid of. It’s easier to prevent them than get rid if an infestation. Hope this helps.

  2. Christina Chambreau

    Indoor cats can get fleas. Often, though, people think that because a cat is itching that they have fleas. There are two ways to discover if your cat has fleas – one is to see the fleas themselves, often on the thinner hair of the belly. The other is to look for the black gritty debris that seems like coffee grounds, often on the back just up from the tail or behind the ears on the neck. To be sure it is not dirt, put the debris on a damp white cloth – if it turns red it is definitely flea stool. They suck blood, so their stools are black and the blood will show red when it gets wet. 

    There are multiple ways to eliminate fleas – holistic or conventional. Both require that you treat the environment (house, for an indoor cat) and the cat. The kindle book, Fleas Be Gone: A holistic veterinarian’s guide to natural flea control, will give you lots of great steps to remove fleas, some at almost no cost – 1. Buy a good flea comb and comb twice a day until 2 weeks after seeing no fleas and 2. build a light trap to attract the fleas to soapy water where they will die and 3. vacuum a lot – 1-2 times a day and discard the bag or keep diatomaceous earth in the bag so the fleas will not lay eggs or crawl back out. 

    The fleas can hitch a ride into the house on you or your clothing, though this does not often happen. 

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My 8 Month Old Old English Sheepdog Shirley Gets Extremely Car Sick Every Time She…

My 8 month old Old English Sheepdog Shirley gets extremely car sick every time she goes for a ride. FYI at most the ride is 15 minutes. Excessive niagra falls drooling and vomiting. HELP. Otherwise she is perfection ❤️

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Also try no driving trips where you just have her get in and out of the car without it running,and give lots of praise. Such a cute photo!!

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Jana | 10 years ago
Cookie Has A Bit Of A Squinty Eye Today And Hubby’s Not Here We Already…

Cookie has a bit of a squinty eye today and hubby’s not here We already have Maxitrol drops which she got for “general care” because she kept having white discharge from both eyes in the morning. How much do I worry about the squinty eye?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
She Had Eaten Little On The Weekend Before Her Vet Visit Necessitating Me Taking Her…

She had eaten little on the weekend before her vet visit necessitating me taking her in. She ate almost nothing yesterday after the visit. So maybe stool can’t be expected? This morning she had a good breakfast and drank enough to make a clump by 10 am. She is very frightened now to be picked up so hoping she doesn’t need to go back. NO stool so far at noon.

Thank you. Carole and Katie

1 Response


  1. Katie Isabella Schulman

    Thank you.  The Vet is who gave her the enema after 2 viewing x-rays.  He said Laxatone or the like each day.  She was otherwise normal. She had pooped a normal length that very morning.  However he viewed enough in her colon to give her the enema.  Today, she ate normally (so far) since last mid-week.  Hoping to see a poop sometime today or from overnight. Thank you so much.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Toby Is A 3.5 Month Old Tabby.
It’s Not Too Bright In My Apartment.
He’s Eating…

Toby is a 3.5 month old tabby.
It’s not too bright in my apartment.
He’s eating well, pooping well, chasing around after things — seems to be in very good energy.

3 Responses


  1. Zack Whittaker

    Toby is a 3.5 month old tabby. It’s not too bright in my apartment. He’s eating well, pooping well, chasing around after things — seems to be in very good energy.

  2. Adam Wysocki

    Hi Zack,

    In my experience having rescued many kittens around Toby’s age and younger I’d guess that it’s an eye infection. It’s pretty common in kittens that age (especially if Toby is a rescue) and may actually be a symptom of something else such as a respiratory infection. 

    Young kittens with immune systems that are still developing are more susceptible to infections than older/adult cats.

    The great news is that if it is an eye infection, a trip to the vet for an exam and antibiotics will clear it up in no time. If it’s something other than an eye infection your vet will be able to diagnose and treat that as well. Kittens are incredibly resilient!

    Sounds like you’ve caught it early and will have Toby squint free before you know it!


  3. Kate McKelvie

    As Adam said, it could be an infection, or there could be an injury to the eye.  Eye problems can worsen very quickly, and taking Toby to a vet will keep things from snowballing!

    Squinting indicates pain or discomfort…

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Anyone Out There Have Experience With Puppy Strangles. Our Purebred Doberman Pup Has Developed It…

Anyone out there have experience with puppy strangles. Our purebred Doberman pup has developed it at 5mos. How long does it take on prednisone and antibiotics to see a marked improvement in the lymph glands in his neck. They are huge!

1 Response


  1. Elizabeth Lawson-Sullivan

    I read your blog on Beau. It’s just a frustrating illness, because results take awhile. Ozzie is only our Veterinarians 2nd case of puppy strangles in her 30+Yr career. Her first case was just 6 mos. ago on an imported pup. Last night marked 1 wk. on prednisone & antibiotics, we 2 or those days being the double dose increase. Marked improvement over night last night! So thankful. His chops and eye area, have gone way down. And the fever has finally broke! I am thankful for your site Krista.

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Jana | 10 years ago
How Would Kidney Disease Lead To Peeing Accidents And Leakage?

How would kidney disease lead to peeing accidents and leakage?

0 Responses
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tracy | 11 years ago
Why Does My Dog Eat His (or Other Dogs) Poop? I Have A Fairly Large…

Why does my dog eat his (or other dogs) poop? I have a fairly large yard, so I don’t know whose he’s eating..could be his, our other dog or a neighbor. He then comes inside and vomits (the smell is the giveaway as to what he ate)

1 Response


  1. Joe Mccollum

    Would you recommend using a shock collar as a training aid?

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Jana | 11 years ago
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0 Responses
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Pawbly | 11 years ago
How Do You Train A Mill Breed Dog With A Leash?

How do you train a mill breed dog with a leash?

0 Responses