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Pawbly | 11 years ago
What Is The Best Remedy For Hairballs In Cats? Every Spring My Cats Get…

What is the best remedy for hairballs in cats? Every spring my cats get horrible hairballs, throwing up almost daily. Once shedding season is over it subsides a little bit but they still throw up from time to time.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Amy

    There are a few good options for you.

    First be sure that the problem is hair all related. You may need your vet to help you understand hoe to correctly and accurately identify vomiting in cats ( for example we need to identify vomiting versus regurgitation and be sure that it is a foreign body (hair) versus other problems…. The list is long and wide). If it is determined to be hairballs then I would recommend brushing daily to reduce the amount of hair your cat ingests, or even shaving the coat once or twice a year. Any reduction in the amount of hair ingested will help. I have many clients who shave their cat down. I have to admit that both the cat and the owner are happy afterward.

    You can also try a hair ball food. I like science diet. I put my cats on it and I think it worked very well.

    There are also oral hair ball medications. These are available over the counter. They help lubricate the hair so that it passes.

    I hope that this helps.

    The most important thing to do is to be sure that your cat doesn’t have a gastrointestinal problem causing excessive grooming, or a skin problem causing an excessive shedding problem. All of these should be discussed with your vet.

    Best of luck.

    Thanks for visiting. And for posting a picture. She’s a cutie.


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Diedra | 11 years ago
Hello, What Are Your Thoughts On Rawhide Treats? My Dogs Enjoy Eating Them But…

Hello, What are your thoughts on rawhide treats? My dogs enjoy eating them but I wonder how good or bad they are and how often it is ok to give them one. Thanks! Diedra

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Hi Diedra.

    Many veterinarians recommend them as one of the safe chews.

    Some important points I feel are important about it
    – make sure the chew had been made in US/by a reputable manufacturer, because there is a possibility of contamination
    – always supervise your dog when they chew on one of these
    – be very careful if your dog has a tendency to swallow large chunks of things
    – remove the chew when a small piece is left that could be swallowed whole

    I don’t consider it an ideal chew but following the above rules. I give one to our guys from time to time too. The hide is not digestible and large chunks pose a risk of choking or obstruction.

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Sarah | 11 years ago
Good Monring Pawbly Friends! Quick Question… My German Shepherd, Butch, Just Came In From…

Good monring Pawbly friends! Quick question… my german Shepherd, Butch, just came in from a nice romp around outside. He was fine for our walk earlier this morning, but when the dogs came in this time and we were wiping their feet, Butch wouldn’t let me do his right front paw. Upon further inspection, I noticed that it looks like he broke his dew-claw (I think that is the name of it- the little claw up his leg a bit) somehow outside. It isn’t broken off, but I can see that it is bent and cracked. Is this something that will most likely take care of itself? Obviously we would keep and eye on it in case it seems to get worse…

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Sarah,

    I see many dogs with broken toenails. These are painful because the sharp edges hurt the sensitive tissue under the nail. In all honesty when they present at my clinic I put a muzzle on and cut the nail so that it doesn’t bend and move back and forth. Sometimes the nail will bleed for a moment after, so we use Quik-stop to help this. And I always trim the other nails also.

    This happens most commonly on dewclaws because they get sharp and pointy if not kept trimmed, therefore making them more likely to catch and snag and break

    Check all of your other nails, keep them trimmed and get that painful nail off of your dog. He will feel better after.

    Hope this helps


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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Hi, Our Six Month Old Puppy Had To Wear A Cone For A Week Due…

Hi, our six month old puppy had to wear a cone for a week due to an eye injury and now one of her ears is stuck sticking up (the other one is floppy). Is there anything we can do to train her stuck ear to go back to the normal position?

Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Hi Ashley,

    nobody is answering this one, frankly, I don’t know how you could train the ear into the right position either. I feel that with time it will settle where it belongs. I wouldn’t see this as a major problem to really worry about. Is the ear resisting being gently folder over into the right position? If so that would worry my. Otherwise I wouldn’t worry. You could probably gently fold it over when petting her.

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Sarah | 11 years ago
Hi Dr. Mags!!! Thank You For "The Scoot Story". This Looks EXACTLY Like…

Hi Dr. Mags!!! Thank you for "The Scoot Story". This looks EXACTLY like what happened to Dierks today. I am so grateful that I came to check my e-mail again and saw that you had posted something. I will be calling the office tomorrow to bring him in. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Sarah Greco

0 Responses
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Sarah | 11 years ago
My Lab/shep Mix Seemed To Have A Small Swelling Around His Rear, A Bit Below…

My lab/shep mix seemed to have a small swelling around his rear, a bit below and to the left of his anus that we noticed on Saturday. I thought to keep an eye on it because he seemed content, was pooping and didn’t appear to be in any pain. Today it was more swollen, but as it is Sunday, I was planning on calling the vet tomorrow. He pooped a while ago, when we were outside playing in the snow and then when we came inside. When he came in, he licked himself and then the swollen area sort of popped, like a big pimple, and has been draining puss/blood at first but now it has stopped and only seems to be draining blood when he licks himself. I still plan on calling the vet tomorrow, but should I be more concerned and take him to the emergency vet, even in this bad weather?

1 Response


  1. Eleanor Wood


    It sounds very much like one of his anal (scent) glands became infected and formed an abscess, which has now burst. It is not an emergency unless he is bleeding profusely, but he will definitely need veterinary attention tomorrow.
    If he will tolerate you doing it, I would gently bathe the area so there is no gunge stuck in his fur, and try to stop him licking at it too much.
    Also, if you are unsure, you can usually call your emergency vet and ask for advice over the phone without charge.

    Eleanor Wood
    UK vet

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Pawbly | 11 years ago

My Managers Lab Just Had A Litter Of Puppies. The Puppies Are 1/2…


My managers Lab just had a litter of puppies. The puppies are 1/2 lab and 1/2 mix. I ended up getting one of the last boys, hes just under 10 weeks old. I am aware that he has not had any vaccinations yet. I have heard that he was supposed to have his first shots around 8 weeks but I have started seeing more and more articles that say to wait until 12 weeks to get his first shots in order for his immune system to react better. Can you help me out please??? I am a very loving father to my dog and I only want the best for him

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Zachary,

    Congratulations on your new puppy!

    They are a big responsibility, a bit of work, and an enormous amount of joy.

    I applaud your sense of responsibility and desire to provide the best you can for him.

    Here is my advise for all new parents.

    Bring your puppy to see the vet ASAP. I say within the first three days. I also ask them to bring a fresh fecal sample as many puppies come with intestinal worms. (I tell my clients that it is part of the package so don’t be upset, just be proactive!).

    I will review the patients history, perform a full examination and discuss our vaccine protocol. If there is no history of vaccines, and especially if we are not sure of what the moms vaccine history was I will recommend vaccinating ASAP. I have seen many puppies arrive at their new home and within a few days become very sick from a disease that we can vaccinate for. Nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing a newly adopted puppy get very sick. And some puppy illnesses have a high mortality rate.

    So, my advice is to go to the vets as soon as you can, and voice your concerns with them. We are chock full of advice and a career of learning from others mistakes that hopefully you and your puppy can avoid.

    Oh, a few other words of caution.
    Your puppy does not have an active adult immune system until they are 6 months old. SO avoid all public spaces where any unvaccinated or ill dogs might have been. That includes pet stores, community areas, etc.

    Your puppy is likely unvaccinated and can pick up any disease.

    I have lots of puppy information on my blog

    I hope this helps.

    Enjoy your new addition.


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Pawbly | 11 years ago
I Recently Began Fostering A 15-year-old Blind (and We Think Mostly Deaf) Dog. He Seems…

I recently began fostering a 15-year-old blind (and we think mostly deaf) dog. He seems to get around alright and walks on a leash (though you do have to guide him so he doesn’t collide with walls and things), but how can I get him to get to know the layout of my house? When he walked in for the first time, he took a few steps, nudged a wall, then plopped down where he was and doesn’t seen to want to move from there. Obviously we’d like him to be able to get around to some extent on his own (at least enough to drink/eat and not run into furniture), but he doesn’t seem to want to move. When I went to the next room and I wanted to keep an eye on him, I just picked him up and moved him with me. Is there a good way to be doing this? Should I keep him leashed at first to bring/show him around? Help!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Anna,

    Thank You for the question, and more importantly, A BIG GIANT THANK-YOU for fostering a pet. Especially for fostering an older pet. Without people like you many rescues, and many rescued animals would never have a second chance at finding a loving home. It takes a very special person with a very big and generous heart to take a pup in need of so much assistance. I applaud you for not only being courageous enough to foster him, but also for seeking help in understanding how to best care for him.

    Because I am a veterinarian I would recommend that you first address and understand all of his medical and health issues. Your veterinarian can help you assess the degree and cause of blindness (sometimes it is due to a treatable disease and therefore the blindness can be corrected), and the ears should be examined also. In an older dog I would check for glaucoma, infection, retinal damage, and any other age related changes like osteoarthritis, joint disease, etc. A thorough examination will help you understand his needs both now and in the future.

    Next I would recommend that you think about his world from his perspective. He is likely unsure and a bit afraid of his new environment so it is logical for him to just sit still when he encounters an obstacle. Can you imagine being blind in a new place? I know I would be afraid of falling, and bumping into things. So I would first set him up in a small area of a very safe place. I would make that place a place where you intend him to spend most of his time. Be very careful of any sharp edges, like chair or table legs, and I would spend as much time with him in this place as possible. So that he can build a mental picture of the layout of his new environment with your encouragement, support, and guidance.

    Once he is comfortable there I would very calmly, slowly, and gradually open him up to other very small areas of the house. But remember once he is comfortable navigating around one area you can’t change the floor plan. So the furniture should stay in its original location to keep him from getting lost and confused again.

    Most blind pets are very quick learners once they are comfortable on their environment. If your dog has been through many households he may just be so confused that he has given up trying to learn his territory. Or maybe he has other impairments that make him reluctant to be adventurous?

    My best piece of advice is to be very calm, gentle, and patient.

    I wish you the very best of luck!


  2. Jana

    Hi Anna.

    Blind dogs are able to use other sense to make their way around. This includes the sense of touch (their paw pads are actually very sensitive and "read" the terrain for them, as well as their whiskers), their sense of smell and even their hearing.

    What you can do is to "map out" the place for him using different textures, smells and sounds. For example, if you had different texture flooring in each room, he’ll know by that which room is which. It might also help to "line" the walls and doors with different textured strip, which would indicate obstacles or dangers, similarly to the rumble strips on some roads.

    According to Dr. Coren, they can use the sounds of a clock, for example, to also know where they are, as well as different smells, such as different potpourri.

    Of course, you do want to block stairs where he might fall down, though with some practice, a texture change would make this possible for him too.

    To further assist him from bumping into things, you could consider something like the Halo Vest

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
I Have Two Cats And We Had An Issue With Fleas And I’ve Been Giving…

I have two cats and we had an issue with fleas and I’ve been giving them flea baths every week because I’m not allowed to give them a bath within seven days of each other they have flea callers I even gave them a droplet solution on the back of their necks now one of my cats I found three pustules yesterday on her stomach should I bring her to the vet and what could it be

2 Responses


  1. Eleanor Wood

    Hi Chelsea,

    First of all, if you’ve had a problem with fleas it is well worth getting your house treated as well as the cats – you can buy household sprays fairly cheaply over the counter at most vets, and this will stop the fleas breeding. Also, make sure that the collars and drops you’re using will work if you are also bathing your cats, as most of these products work by spreading through the natural oils in the skin, which bathing strips out.

    Regarding the pustules, if there are only three, and your cat isn’t scratching or licking at them, you shouldn’t need to take her to a vet yet, try keeping them clean and putting a tiny amount of antiseptic cream on. Remember you will need to stop her licking the cream off so you may need a lampshade collar for a few days, most pet shops should sell these.

    If she is itchy or sore with the pustules, or they don’t clear up within three or four days, then take her to the vet.

    Good luck!
    Eleanor Wood

  2. Eleanor Wood

    Hi Chelsea,

    First of all, if you’ve had a problem with fleas it is well worth getting your house treated as well as the cats – you can buy household sprays fairly cheaply over the counter at most vets, and this will stop the fleas breeding. Also, make sure that the collars and drops you’re using will work if you are also bathing your cats, as most of these products work by spreading through the natural oils in the skin, which bathing strips out.

    Regarding the pustules, if there are only three, and your cat isn’t scratching or licking at them, you shouldn’t need to take her to a vet yet, try keeping them clean and putting a tiny amount of antiseptic cream on. Remember you will need to stop her licking the cream off so you may need a lampshade collar for a few days, most pet shops should sell these.

    If she is itchy or sore with the pustules, or they don’t clear up within three or four days, then take her to the vet.

    Good luck!
    Eleanor Wood

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
I Have A 4 Month Old Pug Who Suddenly Stopped Eating And Drinking Now She…

I have a 4 month old pug who suddenly stopped eating and drinking now she is just lying around sleeping

2 Responses


  1. Kasey Litt

    Hi Carrie —

    The best bet always is to take your pug to the vet. Has you pug’s potty habits changed too? Will the pup eat any treats? Has it eaten anything odd that you know of? Is it’s belly distended?

    I am not a vet but if any of my dogs stopped eating and drinking suddenly, I would go see a professional. Good luck!

    Kasey Litt
    Kritter Keepers

  2. Jana

    Hi Carrie,

    not eating and drinking is a concern enough in itself. Just lying around and sleeping would be a concern enough in itself also.

    Dogs LOVE to eat. When a dog doesn’t eat, there is a serious problem.

    All I can advise you here is to visit your vet as soon as possible. How long has this gone on? Did you check for dehydration? Are the gums good a pink? Or are they pale or dark? Any vomiting or diarrhea?

    In any case, please do call your veterinarian right away.