My dog Mila (Daschund) is pregnant and should be 59 days pregnant (possibly more but very unsure). Her stomachs been hard since last night and she stopped eating yesterday afternoon but recently just ate again but only a little. She’s been a little strange today and yesterday but besides that she seems normal. She did lose her mucus plug Monday morning and a little more of it Tuesday. Could she be close to labor or possibly already starting first stage?
My 8yr old Anatolian Shepherd had a mass removal surgery done about a month ago. At the end of the second week of recovery he developed a large seroma (it was tested and not infected). The vet has since put 2 different drains in and although they work, the seroma re-develops after each time. He just had his most recent drain removed on Sunday and today (5 days later) I notice a small amount of liquid coming back. I really don’t want him to have to go into another surgery 🙁 will the seroma go away on its own? He doesn’t seem to be in any pain and the seroma is not warm to the touch, and it is much smaller this time around but I am worried it is going to just keep growing.
My 8 year old Labrador had a lump removed from her chest area two weeks ago and has developed a seroma at the incision site. Vet is monitoring and happy that it’s not infected, but is there anything I can do to help it reduce, light massage? Hot or cold compress? She isn’t in pain, but she does seem to be finding it uncomfortable to lay down.
Hi, I adopted a Snowshoe/Siamese cat from a shelter about 6 weeks ago. They estimate he is about 3 years old but his history is unknown. He had an upper respiratory infection when I adopted him and was on antibiotics. He was very sneezy but that cleared up with the antibiotics the shelter gave me. I then took him to the vet for a wellness check the day after I adopted him and they found a yeast infection in one of his ears. We treated that and it’s been fine. He was also given Bravecto Plus topical just in case and is an indoor only cat.
About a week later he developed a skin issue, he’s been itching and ripping hair out in massive clumps and had some scabs. He was given two steroid injections over the course of a month. Also an antibiotic injection. I also changed his diet to rule out food allergen but after more than a week of diarrhea from the Hills z/d diet we switched to a sensitive skin Blue Buffalo instead which he is tolerating much better.
The skin issue has been getting better so I’m not concerned about that but just want to preface his history with me. Now onto the current issue. I noticed he snores and has trouble breathing when he is sleeping. I chalked this up to the URI but it has not gone away with the URI. His whole body basically flexes as he inhales. It’s only while he is asleep but does not matter what position he lies in. After spending over $1,000 and going to two different vet offices in the last 6 weeks, I would like to reach out to see if anyone has answers about this. We got back from the vet today with his second steroid injection and the itching has reduced significantly after this one (last one didn’t do much) and we are sending in blood work. The vet suggested next we do a full body x-ray which I’m not opposed to but I’m a graduate student and I’ve already spent over $1,000 on him and I have only had him for 6 weeks! I am going to get the x-rays for peace of mind but tonight I was checking his nose while he slept and found this. I’m assuming it’s a polyp? But I’m not a vet and won’t pretend to be one. If it is a polyp, where can I get this taken care of for a reasonable price? I really don’t want to dip into my emergency fund but I’ve already spent so much on him for vet bills, let alone changing food, litter, etc. To rule out allergens. I’ll include a picture of what I presume to be a polyp.
I appreciate anyone willing to help! I live in the New Orleans area so if you have recommendations for clinics, that would be great too! I am also willing to travel a longer distance for less pricey care. He does well in the car.
He is the one thing that’s really keeping me going right now so I really want to help him.
My 8 year old cat has had a snorting nose for over half his life. Vets constantly prescribing him antibiotics. They want to check for polyp and every one in my area quotes me at 3-4 k just for the rhinoscopy. I’d hate to have to put him out twice when they do find a polyp. I have been suspecting it for years but nobody wanted to take me seriously. Instead they keep giving him antibiotics and the antibiotics do not help. I have videos of the noises he makes and I have found Dr Magnificos you tube videos a few years back. I am willing to travel for what you do for nasal polyps! I can’t afford 3-4K just for diagnostic and then another few thousand for removal. If you have a recommendation for me, or if you can see my cat I would be so incredibly grateful!! I just want him to be able to breathe better.
I’m looking for a good diet for my 9 yr old puggle. With the nice weather here, we are gonna be going outside for more exercise but looking for a healthy diet. She has put on weight and I believe it has effected her mobility and snoring a little. She only eats a cup a day and she is currently on senior diet food but looking for another brand and options.
Hi, I have a 6 year old 17 lb Ragdoll cat that has a problem with his anal glands. Yes, he can stand to lose a little weight. I adopted him when he was 5 years old, and he’s over 6 now. When I first got him, his anal gland ruptured within a couple months. The previous owner admitted he had that happen a few months earlier. I’ve had cats since I was a year old, and I’ve never had a cat with this problem. I don’t trust the vet where I’ve been going to be looking for what’s going on or to help me resolve his issues. Do you know of any good vets in the Los Angeles area (particularly the west side near Santa Monica)? A veterinarian who cares more about the cats than making money? I’m fearful that there is more to this issue or how to treat it rather than just expressing his glands every couple of months.
We just adopted a 2 year old dog. She was spayed on Monday and has some vaginal bleeding. She recently had a litter, but unfortunately they drowned in a flood and our rescue was found on the top of her dog house. We don’t know how old the puppies were. Should we be concerned?
Lucky is a 2-year old male kitty who was just hospitalized for a urinary block. He was hospitalized for six days. He’s now home recovering. He refuses to drink water and his having a hard time peeing. Although he had to big pees today that took him awhile to squeeze out. I need to monitor his bladder. When I feel around, I can’t feel anything at any time. Can someone help me locate his bladder? I’m giving him water through a syringe every hour. And, I’m encouraging him to use the litter box at his usual peeing times. I’d like to know how to tell if his bladder is overly filled.
Need a recommendation for dry dog food for my dog who scratches a lot. Vet said his skin is ok, no fleas, etc. Forgot to ask vet for recommendation on food. Currently eating Iams adult dry food. He is almost 2 yrs old.
Congrats on puppies☺️ I think that if I were you, I would call my vet and have them advise.
I would talk to the vet who’s been monitoring the dam throughout the pregnancy as well as your breed mentor.
If you don’t have either of those, call your regular vet. Today, this morning, right now.