I found a brownish string like object sticking out of my cat’s anus. There was also a little bit of blood near his anus. Is this a symptom that he has worms? He has been given a tablet of allwormer. He also has fleas but they are not evident anymore as he has also received medication for fleas. He does not have bloody stool or vomits or sneezing. Please help ! ????
I need help. My cats are spraying! I am a client at Jarrettsville vet. I have 5 indoor/outdoor male cats and 2 dogs and they are all rescues. The cats were dropped off on our road at different times and I brought them in and kept them indoors for a year but they screamed for an entire year and darted for the doors and I finally gave up and let them go out. They have all been neutered and the one female dog was spayed. The cats have a litter box but only use it when it’s raining outside or snowing and even then it’s usually only 1 cat. Otherwise they prefer to come and go through their pet door and relieve themselves outside. I have noticed a few of them over the years spray once or twice but I’ve cleaned up the areas and never had a real problem with it or at least I thought. I recently fostered 2 kittens for 5 weeks. They were confined to a bedroom for the most part but were allowed to roam when my cats were outside. The kittens went to their forever home on Saturday. I have noticed in the last week that 4 of my cats are spraying everywhere!! Repeatedly. One of them sprayed 3 times today within 30 minutes. Twice on 2 different spots on the couch I was sitting on. I cleaned each spot right away as I noticed. I moved to lie on the floor to let my babies and he followed me and sprayed on the built in behind my head. I picked him up immediately and put him outside and told him no in a firm voice. I imagine that the kittens probably have something to do with this since cats are very territorial but I don’t know what to do to get them to stop. I’m not sure if I’m using the right cleaning products. I’m using “no more spray” by nature’s miracle. I don’t know if maybe they have a physical issue going on so I don’t want to rule that out. I’m now wondering if they’ve always sprayed a lot and I just didn’t notice it. But I have a very keen since of smell and I think I would have noticed it. I am NOT giving up my cats!! I love my babies ! I need help to end this! PLEASE HELP!
I have a 1 year old French Mastiff female, she like to flop down on the floors or outside a lot. She has gotten a Hygroma on her right from leg now and it’s not hurting her but I will like to know what is the best way to get it gone?
4 year old lab, who LOVES to eat, refused breakfast, had yellow vomit in his bedding and is acting a little subdued. His bowel sounds are so loud. I can’t think of anything he ate that he shouldn’t have. Do dogs sometimes just get a stomach bug? His bm was normal this morning
My cat is 12 years old. We noticed she had lost some weight over a short period of time and booked a visit to see our vet on Monday. Then she stopped eating over the weekend and became lethargic so we took her to the ER vet. They diagnosed her with CKD and it is very advanced. Her values were so high they needed to dilute their sample to get a reading. We were told it would not be inappropriate to euthanize her right then and there or we could hospitalize her but she might not handle the treatment well because of her heart murmur. It was such a shock I had no idea she was so unwell, but I couldn’t put her down without trying anything. She was admitted for 2 days and hydrated and while she did perk up and start eating, her numbers did not go down significantly. She came home and was perky for roughly 45 minutes, then laid down to sleep on our sofa and has been using that spot as home base for the last 2 days. She’ll get up to drink and use the litterbox and greet us but then promptly returns to her spot. She is grooming herself. These are some good signs. What worries me is she has already gone off eating. She didn’t have much the first day but today she licked some gravy off some wet food and has had a few treats. She is less perky already. The vet sent us home with mirtazpine ointment and subQ fluids… but nothing for nausea. My question is: should I force feed her? Should I have a tube put in? Should I let her go? I don’t want her to suffer if it’s her time but I also want to give her a chance if she can still lead a good life. She’s an agreable cat and tolérâtes the sub Q fluids well, though I don’t think she would like to be force fed. I won’t give up on her but I don’t want her to suffer either by putting in a tube or force feeding if it will only keep her with me another week.
I have a 3 1/2 yr old male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and are getting another Cav puppy. Is it better to get a female this time? I want to create the best opportunity for them to get along. Is another male ok?
I have. 2.5 yr old GSD that has had diarrhea and vomiting. He is drinking water and does not seem lethargic. Some sleep might do him good, but he still wants to play. Is there anything i can give him??
My 11 year old yorkie began trembling and having trouble walking 8 days ago. I took her to the vet the next day and she suspected IVDD. She put her on a pain reliever, prednasolome, and a muscle relaxer. She could still walk a bit when she went outside to go potty. 3 days ago she started to have extreme pain in her left shoulder/neck. She completely stopped walking but she tries and can stand and sit, but she falls over. I took her back to the vet and had an x ray done. They showed that the vertebrae between the neck and shoulder was very messed up. They kept her on the same meds. Is there hope for her? She is extremely healthy and fit. She is not over weight and was still very playful. She starts shaking and her neck muscles tighten and start twitching about 4 hours after I have given her the muscle relaxer, and she takes it every 12 hours so she is very tight for hours! What can I do for her? We cannot afford an MRI although wish we could. Also how often do I move her during the night? Thank you!
I live in a studio apartment with two female cats (ages 1.5 & 5) and when I’m not in the apartment, they get along fine. During the day if I’m home, they only compete when they are hungry. But all of a sudden between 12am and 1am if I’m home, they start to chase each other to the point of some scary yowels. I can only assume it’s jealousy-triggered. My question is, how do I mitigate the fighting if i can only separate them between a cold bathroom and the huge main room (that has me in it)? Would separating them like that only make things worse? Any herbal remedies to calm newly competitive kitties?
Started out pea size over summer. Now it has gotten bigger. I was going to get it checked in spring time when he gets his shots and hoping finances will be better. Two questions does anyone know what this is and are there sponsor that can help with pet bills. Thank you so much in advance for any and all comments.
I always diagnose worms by sending a fecal sample submitted to the lab. I do not guess and I do not presume. The dewormers can be especially harsh on animals so I only use them if I know the worms they treat for are present.
How about the brownish string like object sticking out of my cat’s anus ? Is that a shedding of a worm or you cannot tell? I will submit a fecal sample but I wanted to know if he is in danger because of the brownish string like object. Thank you !
I don’t know what it is? You can ask your vet to look at it