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Madison | 4 years ago
My 8 Year Old Pitbull Is In Immense Pain Due To A Slipped Disc In His Neck …

My 8 year old pitbull is in immense pain due to a slipped disc in his neck between c1 and c2, according to the x-rays, it has calcified. It has been 6 weeks and a day since his diagnosis, 6 weeks exactly since he was discharged after an overnight stay where he was given lots of pain meds through an iv. He did really well for the first few days after that. Then he got bad, and it’s been a roller coaster of good and bad days since, but mostly bad. He’s on a muscle relaxer and 2 different pain meds 3 times a day, and prednisone twice a day. I’ve been trying so hard to stay positive, but it’s getting discouraging. I’ve watched lots of videos and read about dogs that have had paralysis walk again sooner than he has shown any progress. I can’t really afford surgery, I guess my question is, at this point, should I still stay hopeful?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    You say he is in pain but you don’t say how he is doing. Can he walk? Go to the bathroom? Urinate? Defecate? What does your vet say? I also worry that there might be a different underlying issue. Like cancer. I think it’s time to talk to your vet again.

    1. Madison Post author

      He is walking fine(just slow, and is weak at times, other times he’sgreat and tries to do his happy trotting), poops and pees just fine. I talk to his vet at least once a week, he has suggested a CT or mri, and possibly surgery, but I just can’tafford it. I also forgot to mention his symptoms came on literally instantly, came home from work one day and his head was down, and his back was hunched. I’ve asked about cancer, and none of the vets he’s seen thinks it’s cancer. He’s had many blood tests, everything comes back normal, but Im not sure if that’s how cancer is tested, though.

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carlie | 4 years ago
Hi, My Dog Has Microscopic Specs Around Her Ears And Down Her Snout. I Applied Some …

Hi, my dog has microscopic specs around her ears and down her snout. i applied some permethrin powder and most of the specs disappeared with a few remaining. i had to use a magnifying app to see the specs i cant seen them with the naked eye. also fur loss around her ears, sores on elbows, fur loss around legs and sensitive to touch.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m guessing the specks are sloughing skin cells. It’s time to see a vet. And stop using that medication! It’s garbage. (IMO). And dangerous.

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Rebecca | 4 years ago
We’re Treating Our 6-month-old Kitten For Giardia And He Has Been Quarantined In The Bedroom …

We’re treating our 6-month-old kitten for Giardia and He has been quarantined in the bedroom since diagnoses. our 1.5-year-old cat ran into the room for a moment and crawled under the bed before running back out of the room. I clean the room once or twice a day but under the bed is definitely a hard place to be precise with cleaning. the kitten wasn’t in the room at the time since he was getting his meds for the giardia. should I be worried that now my older cat could be infected too?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have loads and load and loads of patients with giardia that I have tested over the years. In most cases the older healthy pets are exposed and never get it. I wouldn’t worry too much. I would just be diligent with the litter box.

    1. Rebecca Post author

      We’re cleaning the liter and vacuuming, sanitizing fabrics, and hard surfaces every day. just wasn’t sure if it was a risk with him crawling on his belly over the carpet under the bed.

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Charlene | 4 years ago
Hi, I Need Advice On How To Calm My Cat.SHe Is Normally Nice But Ately …

I need advice on how to calm my cat.SHe is normally nice but ately she acts a little aggressive when she hears other noises like,cars,dogs,and other cats.She is not acting as nice toward her own collar and grooming time with me. Do you have any answers how i can get her to act nice again?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    As with all issues like this we always start with looking for a medical resin behind the behavior. This includes an examination, perhaps bloodwork and a thorough work up. If this doesn’t yield a possible cause then we talk about providing safe places. Making sure she feels calm in her surroundings, undertaking and helping her accept her triggers and perhaps in some cases medical therapies.

  2. Charlene Post author

    I have a feeling it was helping her accept her “boundaries”.I really don’t fel like it has anything to do with medical issues.I think stuff is just irritating her for some odd reason.

Emergency Visit
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Laura | 4 years ago
Kidney Cat: Or, Why Trusting Your Vet Is Very Important.
0 Responses
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G | 4 years ago
Summer Has Been Crying Out Loud When We Pick Her Up And Touch Under Her Front …

Summer has been crying out loud when we pick her up and touch under her front left or right legs.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Sounds like you might need to go for an X-ray at your vet. Hope things are ok.

  2. G Post author

    She’s better today but, I still can’t go to the vet because it’s too far

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Jodi | 4 years ago
Archie, 6 Mo Old Kitty Has A Neurological Birth Defect (likely) Which Makes Him Incontinent. We Have …

Archie, 6 mo old kitty has a neurological birth defect (likely) which makes him incontinent. We have to express his bladder and colon. His bladder became blocked, so he spent the weekend in ER. He did not have crystals or a bacterial infection, but he had mucus in his urine. Likely because expressing doesn’t empty his bladder completely … guessing. He Came home and we could not express his bladder again after only one successful expression. Back to ER and they are at a loss. It doesn’t help that we can’t find a urologist and clinics keep turning us away. The neuro we found when he was brand new seems to be advising us to euthanize him because of everyone’s QoL. I MEAN REALLY!?!?! Any advise would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have had a few cases like this. Cases where animals need constant help to urinate (or even defecate). I tell them you can only fill in for their basic functioning for so long. Maybe months or years but only for so long. At some point the cumulative effects of non function cause collapse. This is where you are. Yes. As much as it is hard to accept it is probably time. There are no other viable options. All are fraught with terrible consequences. This happened to my own dear beloved pup. I actually considered crazy ridiculous options like marsupialization. I was desperate. I had to let him go. His body wasn’t working even though he was still young and mentally 100% aware. It almost killed me. I am so sorry. You are on my thoughts. If it would help please add your Archies story to our storyline section. It is such an important case to share. I applaud your dedication to him. He is so lucky to have found a family who loves him.

    1. Jodi Post author

      Thank you for replying! I am now able to express him. For now at least. We found your videos and had hoped for a different response!! My heart is too sad. He is right now playing with our pup. They are near buds. I don’t know how we could do this?????

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Felicia | 4 years ago
My 14 Year Old Boxer Bulldog Mix (probably Pittie) Fractured Her Tibia (confirmed By Vet) But They …

My 14 year old boxer bulldog mix (probably pittie) fractured her tibia (confirmed by vet) but they want 100 bucks a week to change the splint. Can you give me a reference to an accurate how-to video on how to properly wrap it myself? She has a plastic splint that a youtube video called a “quick splint” (see photos). We have rewerapped it two or three times and the first time she got right up and ate a whole bowl of food and put weight on it. The past two times she hasn’t put weight on it and she’s barely eating, only people food. I can tell she’s not happy cause she won’t let me stop touching her. I have no idea what we did the first time that was right vs what I’m doing now that is wrong, but I think there is some slippage happening (see photo of knee joint). I’m making sure to line up the joint and the splint, but when I take it off, it isn’t lined up. How do I prevent slippage? Also, I’m going to wash her before I rewrap, her skin is very dry and she needs conditioner. She also has significant blackheads and chafing- I was going to use the benasoothe shampoo, should I take any other precautions?? I was thinking I would try some clay and apple cider vinegar for the blackheads?? She started licking her leg so I just put a little extra wrap on it so she can’t irritate it. What signs should I look for as an absolute NEED to return to the vet? Swollen toes, what else? Please respond ASAP

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Here’s my professional 25 years of experience advice. Pay your vet! It’s a very very fair price. I’m guessing that you can not afford surgery so you are going to be lucky to have it heal as it is. You can not manage this alone. You shouldn’t even try. Honesty is the best policy. I tell clients that even with me checking it weekly (often more often than that) the chance for failure is high. Be the pet parent your dog needs and stuck with your vet. Not being hateful. Being brutally honest. For your dogs sake.

    1. Felicia Post author

      I took her in today actually, she was there all day. I renewed her health plan and got her a full workup, and they changed her splint (and tape signed it) and I’m taking her back next week to get it checked. There are some family problems with spending the money because my family doesn’t think it’s worth it, but I put my foot down. She’s 14 and she’s the sweetest dog that’s ever existed, literally the only reason I didn’t commit suicide when I was late teens early twenties. She has absolutely earned it! Thank you for your advice!

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Nolan | 4 years ago
Hi, My Bernese Puppy Just Had, 5 Days Ago, A Jps (Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis) Surgery As Prevention …

Hi, my bernese puppy just had, 5 days ago, a jps (Juvenile pubic symphysiodesis) surgery as prevention for hip dysplasia. He has stitches just under his penis. Yesterday, he had the worst zoomies which caused him to run so fast, he got to the end of his leash and litterally backfliped. He seemed physically fine until I noticed quite a lot of bleeding coming from his stitches: for sure from the leash. I cleaned the wound with soap and water and everything looked fine. No more bleeding, stitches were fine too (picture #1, where we can see a finger). Today, we found out he had quite a big, pretty firm bump around the stitches (picture #2). No signs of infection. It seems to change size depending of his position, too. I just found out about seroma, but a bump like that is pretty scary. I will talk to the vet tomorrow but would really appreciate a quick opinion. The JPS recovery is already so stressful because we have such a hard time keeping him from running and jumping, now this…

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- it is really hard to see anything from a picture. I would just keep him calm as can be and try to get into the vet ASAP first thing, so that they can take a close look and feel around. Hope everything is ok????????

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Delaney Donelson | 4 years ago
My Cat Has Been Sneezing For About A Week Now. She Only Sneezes About 3 Times A …

My cat has been sneezing for about a week now. She only sneezes about 3 times a day so i wasnt worried but it hasnt gone away and today her eye has started watering. Is this something that will go away on its own like a human cold would, or should i take her to see a vet?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This sounds most consistent with an upper respiratory infection. I would take her to the vet. Have her examined including heckling for temperature and inquire if antibiotics are indicated.