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Chris | 4 years ago
PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! I Have A 10 Year Old Black Lab And Today He Was Kicked In …

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! I have a 10 year old black lab and today he was kicked in the side close to his back leg by a horse. I cannot get him in the car to go to the vet. Can I give him aspirin or anything for the pain??? He’s letting me pet him where he was kicked. Can a vet prescribe him any meds without him being seen?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your dog. As much as we all want to help it is not legal to prescribe without seeing a veterinarian. You can call your vet and ask for help. But we cannot do it online without a pet existing vet relationship. Further if your dog is injured he may need more than pain meds. Please call your vet, or look for a local mobile vet to come to your home.

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Christine | 4 years ago
So I Took My Cat To The Er On Saturday For Being Blocked And He Came …

So I took my cat to the er on Saturday for being blocked and he came home Tuesday evening 2,178$ bill that I couldnt aford I borrowed money from my dad …and 24 hours later be blocked again…wtf ! Why didnt they just keep him longer and leave the catheter in longer then 2 days ?? What am I to do now …I have no money ! And they wont do payment plans …am I suppose to just let him die ???!!! I have an appointment…but I cant pay it ….I had to make a go fund me ! I’m just so lost !

2 Responses


  1. carrie Urquhart

    Cats often re block when they are having issues. Im not sure why they didn’t refer you to your normal vet to continue with the catheter. X-rays and ultrasound would show what’s inside the bladder such as crystals or bladder stones, and then you’d have a better idea how to treat him. When I worked for the vets office we used royal canin urinary so food. It helps dissolve the crystals inside the bladder and helps to stop it from reoccurring. However this isn’t helpful while he is blocked since being blocked is an emergency. I would recommend taking him to your regular vet as an emergency hospital is twice as expensive. Look onto care credit to help with paying the bill, and reach out to rescue groups, maybe they can offer some help. Good luck.

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Nina | 4 years ago
Hi. I Am The Proud Momma Of An Amazing Dachshund Named Gia. Gia Is A Nine …

Hi. I am the proud momma of an amazing dachshund named Gia. Gia is a nine year old beautiful girl who hurt her back on the 18th of September. So far we have gone to the vet twice and one ER visit. Gia is currently taking pain medication and a muscle relaxer all of which are helping with the crate rest. My question is, how long before she starts to feel a little better? I heard that 6-8 weeks of crate rest at minimum, and I am worrying because this is the first time that I have seen Gia be so lethargic. The YouTube videos that I saw were extremely encouraging to a person who is going through an IVDD suspect injury.

0 Responses
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megan | 4 years ago
Is A Pro-BNP Heart Test Included In A Feline Wellness Screen?

Is a pro-BNP heart test included in a feline wellness screen?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have not seen it routinely included. Different labs do different packages for blood work. So it can be both lab and clinic specific.

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Moi | 4 years ago
Can Very Large Amounts Of Hard Cat Treats Given Almost Every Hour Cause Bright Red Stool And Vomitting?

Can very large amounts of dry cat treats given almost every hour cause bright red stool and vomitting?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry I don’t understand your question. Amounts of what? To whom? Is there a veterinarian involved in this to ask for help for your pet?

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megan | 4 years ago
Can Nasal Polyps Be Seen On A Head X-ray?

Can nasal polyps be seen on a head x-ray?

1 Response


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Kimberly | 4 years ago
Our 9 Month Old Boxer Is Scheduled For A Neuter Just Before He Turns 11 Months Old. A …

Our 9 month old boxer is scheduled for a neuter just before he turns 11 months old. A lot of boxer forums have recommended waiting until male boxers hit 18 months so they don’t miss out of their growing hormones. Just wondering if it’s worth the wait. Simba is definitely a more well behaved pup at 9 months than he was at 5 months. Calms down more easily, isn’t as hyper all of the time. Any input would be appreciated!

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I’m a fan of waiting. If you can be 100% certain to keep him contained in the event he smells a bitch in heat in the neighborhood, it’s good to let him keep his hormones until fully grown.

    (People who neuter for behavioral reasons are lazy trainers. Marking is a training issue, unmanaged attitude problems are due to lack of engagement, etc.)

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megan | 4 years ago
Hello. My Vet Suspects My Cat Has One Or More Nasal Polyps. I’ve Been Going …

Hello. My vet suspects my cat has one or more nasal polyps. I’ve been going through this process of getting towards his surgery for a while. The vet told us he has a heart murmur, but only a grade 1 out of 6, I brought him to a 2nd vet and they said his heart sounds great, I went back to the first vet and they looked at him again and the doctor said he has a murmur and even his vet tech looked over it and didn’t hear it the first time and the doctor had to tell her where to listen and she finally heard it. They said we would need some test on his heart before during surgery to make sure his heart doesn’t fail while under anesthesia. I got an x-ray done of his heart which came back fine and i also got blood test done which came back fine. The test he got were included in the basic wellness screen. I’m thinking he has a intermittent heart murmur because of his heart rate going up due to stress of being in the car and at the vet. The vet is still telling me i can have an echocardiogram done to be really sure his heart is really fine. That’s another $390 on top of the $500 i’ve already spent and i just can’t afford it. I believe if 2 vets could simply look over it, and it’s only a grade 1/6, and the test and x-rays came back fine so far, he should be good… right? Well another thing is they don’t know how many polyps he has or where exactly they’re located, we asked for a throat/head xray and they told us they can only do it if he’s under anesthesia first. They are adding on so much stuff i feel like he doesn’t even need and gave us a price estimate from $450-$1,500. We asked the other vet and they said they can do a head x-ray, but they don’t even know if the procedure of removing the polyps is even anything they can do, and he might have to go to a specialist. Can the polyps for sure be seen on the x-rays because i really don’t want to waste any more money on something that doesn’t even help get down to the problem. I’m thinking i can just skip over the echocardiogram because it doesn’t seem it’s really needed, i get an x-ray of his head, find the size, how many, and where the polyps are located, then get a real price estimate. Can someone please answer my questions or give any advice! Thanks:)

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- sorry you are having such a time with all of this. I am thinking that an X-ray won’t show much because a polyp is soft tissue. It is my understanding that an X-ray will only show bone? I am guessing you would need something along the lines of a CT scan to check where and what size any soft tissue mass would be. I’m thinking you should sit down with your vet and have a frank discussion about budget and options and explain your thoughts. At the end of the day- you both want what is best for your cat. Perhaps in talking through it, you both can come up with something that you’re both comfortable with. Best of luck !!????????

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Samantha | 4 years ago
Hi I Have A Question I Was Wondering If The Distemper/parvovirus Vaccine Sold With Tractor …

Hi i have a question i was wondering if the distemper/parvovirus vaccine sold with tractor supply store is the same vaccine you guys use on dogs? Is it effective? Have you ever seen any problems? Please give me your honest opinion about vaccinating pets at home? Ive never done this before and probally never will but im just curious i have a family member that does this with his dogs and gives goat dewormer to his dogs

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is a great question. One that I face a lot. Here’s my honest answer.
    Yes. It is the same vaccine. At least it is suppose to be. The problem is that no one will validate it with any credibility. The manufacturer won’t and the seller won’t. If it is not handled, shipped, store for given properly the chain of reliability is broken and no one takes responsibility.
    Also no one who relies upon it to be valid will take it at face value. Another words if you bring me vaccine records for your pet and you bought and gave them yourself I (as the vet and practice owner) will require them to be done again by a vet as proof of validity. So if your pet needs a surgery at my clinic you will have to do the vaccines over at a vets office. I cannot trust that your pets are safe from spreading disease to the other pets in my care and I won’t take the chance.
    The only time I would say it’s worth the risk is when you have a huge number of pets and/or a budget so right it is the only way possible to protect them.
    That’s my honest answer.
    I feel like it’s the same thing as buying your own kids vaccines at the gas station and asking their school to call them legit. No school would take that chance. Tractor supply vaccines are like gas station sushi. Why take the chance?

  2. Laura

    I know someone who lost her puppy to distemper after a series of shady vaccinations using only what was available at Tractor Supply.

    If you love your pets, don’t use vax from Tractor Supply.

    1. Samantha Post author

      Im not and dont plan too i love my dogs and would do anything for them this was just a question ive heard of people doing it and i was curious because yes it sounded shady as heck! This was just a question i love this site and everything dr magnifico has done for our community helping dogs and getting free advice once i came accross her youtube channel and seen this site she created and all the babies she has helped i had to bring my babies there and meet her in person and honestly shes the best veterinarian ive ever met shes honest and gives options when it comes to financial issues i can tell how much she cares about her clients im glad i came across her youtube channel and found out shes in maryland

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Samantha | 4 years ago
Hi Everyone This Is My Grandpas Furbaby Hes Elderly And This Dog Is 13 Years Old Recently …

Hi everyone this is my grandpas furbaby hes elderly and this dog is 13 years old recently i took her to the er because she wouldnt eat and we was so shocked to find out her teeth are in horrible condition the doctor told us she needs a few pulled out but unfortunately due to financial problems my grandpa cant afford the surgery does anyone know a veterinarian hospital thata a low cost in the baltimore area im gonna post a picture of the estimate she needs this done asap we know that right now shes on tramadol and clavamox and shes eating but only wet food also not to long ago she had a tooth that fell out again this isnt my dog its my grandpa’s eldrly baby any advice would be appreciated thank you

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Thank you for visiting and asking a question. I am very open and honest when I say that this cost would be an accurate estimate from my clinic. It is a difficult surgery and it can take quite a bit of time. At our clinic we allow payment plans for our clients. There is also carecredit available. There are resources available on our website. We list affordable options and also resource contacts to help people like you. Let me know if you find anyone so I can pass it along to the next person. Also Helping Hands in Va is affordable. But it’s a long drive.

  2. Samantha Post author

    Dr magnifico thank you so mucg for respinding i appreciate it and i will keep you posted i may just put “honey marie” my grandpa’s dog on your schedule as you already know my princess has surgery coming up at your office so ill try and book honey marie the same day and bring her for a exam i know she wont get surgery that day but atleast you can get a look in person and check her to see if surgery is a safe option especially as old as she is