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Nick | 5 years ago
I Have An 8 Year Old English Bulldog That Has To Have 2 Teeth In His Upper Jaw …

I have an 8 year old English bulldog that has to have 2 teeth in his upper jaw extracted. Are you able to give me an estimate as to how much it would be?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Jarrettsville vet has their price estimates listed on their website????

    1. Nick Post author

      Thank you! When I called earlier they sent me here. I’ll check that out

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Brenna | 5 years ago
At What Age Do I Stop Feeding My Labrador Puppy 3 Meals A Day?

At what age do I stop feeding my Labrador puppy 3 meals a day?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    without knowing Patient specifics I usually say about 3-4 months old. But if your pup is underweight, undermuscled or over active, or has any kind of disease process that might change. This is a question for your vet who knows your pup best. ,

  2. Laura

    We fed our Doberman 3 meals a day until she was nearly 6 months. When she lost interest in lunch, we dropped down to 2.

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Angela | 5 years ago
I Have Two Puppies 7 And 8 Months Old I Want To Apply Revolution To One Of Them …

I have two puppies 7 and 8 months old I want to apply Revolution to one of them and I am afraid the other one while playing will lick it off and get poisoned what do I have to do separate them for how long or may be do something else

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I tell my clients to apply it right before bed. So this won’t, or is significantly less likely, to happen.

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Brook | 5 years ago
My 4 Year Lab X Great Dane X Bull Mastiff Had TTA Surgery On His Left Knee …

My 4 year Lab x Great Dane x bull mastiff had TTA surgery on his left knee about 15 months ago and about 9 days ago he had to have surgery on it again for a Latent meniscus tear on the back of the medial side.
A few days ago he developed a seroma. It’s a good handful size. When the vet aspirated some fluid it was the normal blood stained colour however the fluid was quite viscose (this vet was filling in for the vet that did the meniscus surgery as he is away for a few weeks). My concern is that synovial fluid is leaking into the dead space, along with normal fluid. If SF is leaking from the internal incision site of the joint capsule, will this heal on its own? Also has this occured because Benson may have been over doing it, even though I’ve tried very hard to limit his activity? No fluid is leaking out of the suture site on the skin. He’s currently on antibiotics and a NSAID. I was a bit annoyed I had to pay for the consultant considering it was a post op issue.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is really a question for your surgeon. They can help identify which layer has the issue and also guide you in monitoring it.

    1. Brook Post author

      Surgeon is away for another 2 weeks. I think the fluid is pushing on the patella, this morning Benson screamed, he wouldn’t put his foot down. So I tried some flexations, it wouldn’t budge at first, then I finally got the knee to move, I could feel the patella moving then there was an almighty crack. He’s back weight bearing on it now. Vet is closed on Sunday so I have to wait til tomorrow.
      I’m lost as to what to do. Seen 3 vets in one practice regarding Benson’s knee and I’ve been given mixed advise. I’m scared they are going to want to drain it, I don’t want that.

      1. Sarah

        Hello- just wondering if you got in to the vet yesterday and if so what they said. If you’re wary though, remember to voice your concerns…. and there is always the option to seek out another opinion from a different practice if you’re not happy at the moment. I know it is hard to leave where you’re comfortable, and the current corona virus situation doesn’t make it easier….. hoping Benson is doing ok!!????????

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Annalissa | 5 years ago
My Cat Is Home From A 3 Day Stay At The ER With FLUTD. He Was Partially …

My cat is home from a 3 day stay at the ER with FLUTD. He was partially blocked. His kidneys suffered slightly. He was sent home with pain medication, antibiotics, and something to relieve him of urethral spasms. It has already cost me $2700 and I cant possibly offered another stay as he isn’t peeing too well already after 24hours being home. He is still only trickling pee rather than fully expressing his bladder. What do I do? I can’t afford another hospital visit.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    You need to call the vet who did the surgery and speak with them. Is it possible your cat was not ready to come home? Are there signs you should be looking for… signs of milestones or setbacks? Explain that your cat is still struggling with no improvement and you’re concerned if it should have been sent home at all. Are you already scheduled for a follow up appointment? Also explain your budget concerns and ask about options of payment as well. Hope he is ok !!! ????????

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Ashley | 5 years ago
Is My Kitten A Bengal Mix

Is my kitten a Bengal mix

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    It’s impossible to tell, particularly with a very dark photo. Unless you bought this kitten from a Bengal breeder, or can confirm one of the parents was a Bengal, there’s literally no way to know.

    Enjoy your kitten! And as Dr. M said, get it to the vet asap to get on a good care routine.

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Nicole | 5 years ago
Hi My 10 Year Old Rat Terrier Stomach Started To Get Big I Assumed That I Was …

Hi my 10 year old rat terrier stomach started to get big I assumed that I was feeding him to much, it just kept getting bigger I ended up taking him to the vet and the vet did an x ray. The mass she showed me on the x ray is pretty big. She said she would do exploratory surgery to see if I can be removed, but if not she just wants to put him to sleep. What are the complications and reasons she would not be able to remove mass?? My dog acts like he is fine he plays runs swims barks eats normal nothing about him seems sick except the giant mass in his stomach!!

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- that is a discussion that you would have to have with your vet. I am guessing that it depends on what type of mass it is and how it is connected to the surrounding tissue…. then the type of surgery that would need to be done if it is possible to remove it. Again, I would talk to the vet about it and explain to them that putting the dog down is not something you are willing to do. Best of luck ????????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    It might be possible to have an ultrasound done to gain more information about the mass before doing the exploratory surgery. At my clinic the ultrasound is about $300 and the surgery is about $800 plus. So often many clients want to save their resources for the meaningful service (most imperative and important) which is the surgery. So don’t waste money (if you are on a budget) just do the surgery. You really aren’t ever sure until you go in. And lastly if it is a splenic mass it’s important to do the surgery ASAP. Waiting might allow bleeding and when that happens it becomes an emergency surgery and places your dog at a much greater risk.

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Raychelle | 5 years ago
I Have A 2 Week Old Orphan That Has Upper Respiratory Infection And Low Weight. It Is …

I have a 2 week old orphan that has upper respiratory infection and low weight. It is suffering with anorexia as well. The kitten is also tube feeding. Today is day 5 and the kitten has started showing lathargic behaviors again and has not had a bowel movment in 24 hours.

I am wondering if this is normal or if I should take it to the er.?

1 Response


  1. Gloria

    I would definitely take her to the vet or ER. This baby is too small and weak to overcome all these problems on its own. This is an emergency, in my opinion.

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April | 5 years ago
My Tabby Cat Male Had PU Surgery 2 Weeks Ago He’s Currently Squatting Every 3 Minutes Like …

My tabby cat male had PU surgery 2 weeks ago He’s currently squatting every 3 minutes like he has to go but nothing he pees a lot at first but just keeps squatting over and over again he’s eating drinking and cleaning but seems to be obsessed with the squatting his stitches are due to come out tomorrow help us ?????

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- if the stitches are scheduled to come out, I would definitely bring these symptoms up at the visit. Make sure that the vet is aware of what is going on… unless have you already spoken to them about this? If you have, then explain your concern as there is no improvement. Best of luck- hope your cat recovers and is ok????????

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Michael | 5 years ago
My Name Is Gail Soth I Am Requesting Help For My 1 Year Old Puppy She Hasn…

My name is Gail soth i am requesting help for my 1 year old puppy she hasn’t been eating nor drinking throwing up. We had her to churchville vet thursday and Friday og this past week and the emergency hospital in belair Saturday she has had 2 x-rays with suspicion of a object lodged in her intestines. We are trying every way to keep her. We’ve put a lot og money up for her but we don’t have the financials to do the surgery. We love are dog and my youngest 2 grandchildren love her to pieces. We had been trying to feed her through a syringe with her medication the doctors have given us. We want to keep our pup and she means the world to us and shes family. Im pleading for help. This is critical and would appreciate it you could help us save our pup.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry to hear about your puppy. Please call all family and friends asking for help. I would also call all of the local
    Shelters and rescues. Even some of the pet centered foundations. You can go to the jarrettsville vet website and look under resources for a list of places who might be able to help. If you cannot fins anyone to help I can seek help through a local rescue but she would have to be surrendered to them for further care. I wish you all the best.