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Stacey Harris

Thank you Krista. Ive included a photocooy of the receipt. Wow, spent a long nite watching my baby not have function in her back legs. It took over 6 hours for her to be able to walk again. Disturbing to say the least. After 18 hours she’s slowly coming back to neurological normal.. Seems like a powerful sedation just for a blood draw.

5 years ago
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Stacey Harris

My cats also went through a stage of throwing up hairballs; one of my cats was a domestic long-hair. I solved her issue by shaving her each summer in May and she stays short through December. Also, it made it much easier on her grooming habits, which would lead to hairballs each month. I switched both to a high fiber dry kibble, grain free and hairballs have almost completely been eradicated. I’m wary of highly “colored” kibbles found in the cheaper grocery stores that include many dyes and artificial flavors/colors. These caused both of my cats to vomit commonly. Finally the good news; my vet said the best place for a hairball is one that’s been thrown up. As violent as the act of expelling a hairball is, it beats the alternative of a colon obstruction. Hope this helps!

6 years ago
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Stacey Harris

Thanks Krista for taking the mystery out of this procedure. Having worked for our local tnrv organization, Ive wondered how sedating such a wild animal trapped in a metal cage was accomplished, short of a blow dart?! The ferals I’ve trapped are surprisingly ferocious, completely unlike the typical domesticated pet. I applaud you for performing spay/neuter on ferals; we have difficulty finding vets who will perform this in Tulsa. Thank you!

6 years ago
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Stacey Harris

You’re so right! They have so few voices out there, especially feral animals. Reducing the massive increase in population through tnr is helpful but when they r ill, it’s doubly challenging. Thanks for giving us hope out here and Please know you are making a difference. I so very much appreciate your unfiltered rants re: your frustration at times with affordability. I think the law in this country stating that People cannot be turned away in emergency rooms in this nation when presented with an illness, regardless of ability to pay, should extend to our furry friends. You’re doing heroic work.

6 years ago
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Stacey Harris

Sarah, ty for the quick response. That’s a great idea; Im trying to track down a “drop trap” but theres very few in this area. Our local organization only has two and you literally have to monitor them 24/7 to catch the specific animal. Your idea is a good one. TY!

6 years ago

Stacey Harris

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