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Angelica | 5 years ago
I Just Got A New Puppy From A Rescue. They Neutered Him At 9 Weeks Against My …

I just got a new puppy from a rescue. They neutered him at 9 weeks against my wishes. I advised them that the tattoo looked infected and he looked a little swollen. 4 days later he has massive swelling. I took him to the vet, we aren’t sure what’s going on

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If they aren’t sure ask them to refer you to someone who might be. Without looking at it myself I can’t even begin to speculate what this is or how serious it might be. Ask for a second opinion from an experienced vet you trust. Or ask the rescue to have him seen by the surgeon they had do the surgery. Thank you for rescuing him!


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Active 5 years, 4 months ago Rank: Goldfish Sitter