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Roberta | 3 months ago
Have A 7 Month Old Orange Tabby. Adopted At 4 Months. Has A Bout Of Diarrhea After A …

Have a 7 month old orange tabby. Adopted at 4 months. Has a bout of diarrhea after a long progress of switching him to kitten food instead of adult that was at the shelter (dry, Hills normal kitten). Then harder bowel movements occurred. Small incomplete prolapse occurred. Vet thought could be parasites (none on fecal) and did proactive dewormer. Also started on revolution plus. No improvement, started wet food (hill sensitive stomach kitten). Added water and a probiotic. Perforation continued. Saw vet two weeks later and did another round of dewormed. Said it should resolve on own.

Second opinion at new place. The did manual exam, nothing structurally abnormal. Planned on purse string but then vet consulted and decided conservative measured first. Animax cream and hills I/d. Started to become super constipated. A lot of tummy massages and forced “bicycle” kicks. You could feel the back up. Two week later, switched to hills biome. Did another fecal (negative). Less straining but still harder than average BMs. Continued with adding water and probiotics.

Almost a week ago, did purse string. This poor guy had a bad night the following night after surgery. Only way I can describe it is that it’s almost like a mega colon. He’s able to get highly compacted BMs partly through. I help assist with wiping, warm compresses, warm bath, it’s miserable for the both of us and I thought he’d would burst the stitches or just create a new opening. Finally got most of it to pass. Took back to vet in the am. They could only see a little bit of stool on x-ray but said everything is fine. Upped lactulose to 2mL tid and .75 gabapentin tid. Things were okay until he has to push again. Not as bad but I’m afraid this will be an issue once the stitches are removed in 2 days. Still watering down food, even more since surgery and blended up the biome.

I’m just not sure how to express the compacted BMs are continuing. I had to beg for a CBCw/diff just to ensure there wasn’t a concern for high eos. He drinks great and no concerns with urination. He struggles to eat because of all of this. He’s a little underweight. Super active happy kitty besides all of this.

Any advice on diet, tests, ect that I can bring up to vet? Enema before stitch removal? They do consult a specialist since he’s a kitten and I’m about to ask for a referral. Switch to Royal GI kitten? I just feel horrible that the dude is back and forth in a cone and not fully enjoying his kitten phase. Plus this is putting a strain on our relationship.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Yikes. What a roller coaster.
    Ok. So probably no one is going to like my advice, but here it is.
    I do not get upset by a little prolapse. Kittens push really hard after diarrhea bouts. They just do. Resolve the diarrhea with the fecal check and a gradual transition to a good diet. If still having diarrhea I try panacur or metronidazole for just a few days.
    The kitten tells you what to do from there. If playful and happy I manage the prolapse with belly massage and exercise. I am very very reluctant to add a purse string. Too pain and they start to push even harder.
    If I have to purse string it is only for old cats. Or for puppies. But you often have to place it and then remove it 3 days later. And then replace it again. Often it takes two or three times. And no one ever wants to do it that often. So. I just try to avoid it in the first place.

    Kittens heal soo fast. Just give them a chance .

    1. Roberta Post author

      Have the diarrhea in check. Probably two weeks after it occurred. Now constant hard to compacted BMs for the last 2.5 months. The only time the prolapse resected was for like two days after the manual exam. That was two months ago. It started to look irritated so went ahead with the purse string. Total of 3 months of prolapse, maybe half of the external sphincter involved,

      He hated the massages, the steroid cream, wearing the cone, and the straining.

      I’m concerned it’s going to be a failure. He’s pushing too hard and I’m having to help remove the impaction. His bowels just laugh at lactulose, 2mL tid. I asked if it may have been too tight and/or enema may be a good idea since it’s just getting stuck/backing up. They think everything is fine. It looks like when a human takes round the clock opioids with no stool softer and didn’t drink and water.

      I’m just at a loss of what to do/ask for. I’m going to ask to try royal canin GI kitten. The hills biome and I/d are not helping. Tried pumpkin, probiotic, and adding coconut oil (not all together) to food, no help.

      Great drinker, I add water to wet food, and urinates great. It’s just these darn compacted BMs.

      It’s been a strenuous 3 months and this poor guy is such a forgiving trooper. I’m afraid of this does continue, it’s going to be a full on prolapse.

      Purse string stitches come out tomorrow, total of seven days.


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Active 2 months, 3 weeks ago Rank: Pawbly Caregiver