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Two people that care about me have now said that maybe I should let her go. I spent $5000.00 on her original heart valve operation and I am going to spend an additional $7000.00 on disc surgery and if she survives that she will only live for another 2 years. Am I being selfish?

5 years ago
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I just can’t stop crying about this. I just watched your video from the car. God bless you. My sweet Josephine is at the University of Minnesota, where she had her first surgery, to repair her heart valve (stenosis?). My friends did a GoFundMe for her for that surgery, but that time, it wasn’t an immediate emergency and we had some time. Today they called me when they already had her anesthetized for the spinal cord disc surgery and called me to get the deposit of $6000.00. Since I did not have that readily available on a credit card, they canceled her surgery. I am not sure where this is heading, but I truly admire you for standing up for your beliefs. What are we supposed to do? Turn in to these people that say it is cheaper to just get a different one? If they had ever looked in my sweet Joey’s eyes and watched the joy that she has when she gets a new ball and leaps in the air to catch it. Now I know that no matter what, if she does get the back surgery, and if she does survive it, if she ever walks again, if she ever runs again, will she live more than 2 years? Will she be happy? Am I doing this for me? Am I truly doing this for her? Will she be in pain? She didn’t show any pain before or after she couldn’t walk anymore. She is a tough little girl. She has lived through so much in her short little life that I want to keep fighting for her, but is it fair? Am I really doing it for her? I can’t afford this. I don’t know how I will make the credit card payment, but that isn’t what matters. Joey matters.

5 years ago


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Active 4 years, 7 months ago Rank: Pawbly Caregiver