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Delaney Donelson | 4 years ago
My Cat Has Been Sneezing For About A Week Now. She Only Sneezes About 3 Times A …

My cat has been sneezing for about a week now. She only sneezes about 3 times a day so i wasnt worried but it hasnt gone away and today her eye has started watering. Is this something that will go away on its own like a human cold would, or should i take her to see a vet?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This sounds most consistent with an upper respiratory infection. I would take her to the vet. Have her examined including heckling for temperature and inquire if antibiotics are indicated.

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Delaney Donelson | 5 years ago
Hello All, I Am Going To Try To Explain This The Best I Can. I Adopted …

Hello all, i am going to try to explain this the best i can. I adopted Louie a little over 2 years ago. He is now estimated at 11 years old. He goes into these phases of waking us up every morning at 4am and doesnt allow us to sleep until about 10am. He will constantly intermittently meow during those 6 or so hours. I say phases because he is currently doing it and its been about a week since it started but he hadnt done it for about 2 months.
This time, hes sitting outside our guest room door just meowing. He has never been in there and never shown interest till now. At first we thought it was maybe a start of dementia bc it is the room right before mine and he usually spends his time in mine, but now we arent so sure. He was in my room, left, and within 3 seconds was meowing at the other door. That just seemed like too quick a turn around between fine and not fine in terms of dementia.
When he has these periods of meowing, i always check to make sure there is food, water and a clean litter box available. That hasnt been the problem.
I am getting very frustrated as i havent slept well in over a week because of his meowing. Its like having a new-born. (Best type of birth control ever).
Its almost as if he knows hes doing wrong because after the first time i say “Louie hush” he’ll start meowing more quietly. Unfortunately. Still loud enough to wake me and keep me awake.

Any ideas are welcome and appreciated.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are many possibilities to this behavior. I would absolutely start at your vets office. My first guess is hyperthyroidism. And next Kinsey disease, but certainly cognitive dysfunction is also on the list. If at all possible find a feline specialist and go there. You should expect that they will want to do some tests. I always tell my clients that your pets have only a few ways to tell you that there is a problem. You have to pay attention to them and believe them. She isn’t intended to annoy you but she is absolutely telling you that she needs help. Please keep us posted on her and what the vet says. I wish you both luck and peace. Be well.

    1. Delaney Donelson Post author

      Thank you, i made an appointment a few days ago shortly after it started happening. Just waiting on the appt to come up.

      I live in jarrettsville. Any feline specialists you can recommend?

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Delaney Donelson | 6 years ago
Just Noticed Fleas On Both Of My Cats.. What Is The Safest Treatment To Use?

Just noticed fleas on both of my cats.. what is the safest treatment to use?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are lots of safe options these days. It is always best to talk to your vet about their preference and ideas as they know your car best. On mine I use either revolution or bravecto. But if you are looking for a good safe effective and affordable over the counter I like frontline too. It’s now available as a generic. Be really careful though lots of otc meds are very toxic to cats. They will be labeled as such. And make sure you treat all the pets in the household.

    1. Delaney Donelson Post author

      I ended up picking up Advantage because it was the only option at the store that didnt seem to have terrible reviews online. My vet is currently closed but i plan on calling them tomorrow to see if they would like to see them. I hadnt noticed them itching or licking excessively until now (about 3 hours after application), is that normal?

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Delaney Donelson | 7 years ago
My 9 Year Old Cat Is Peeing On Bath/ Kitchen Mats. However, He Also Uses…

My 9 year old cat is peeing on bath/ kitchen mats. However, he also uses the litter boxes. I have heard of surface preferences in cats but im not sure if this applies since he uses the litter box as well. My mom seems to think hes mad at me because i left him for a day and a half (with more than enough food and water). However, its not the first time this has happened. And unfortunately, i only adopted him about 3 months ago so i dont know his history on litter box use. And i added a picture of him because hes just too cute to be mad at, but the peeing is slightly frustrating. So, if anyone has any ideas or advice or helpful tips it would be much appreciated!

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    I’d head to the vet, to be quite honest. If he’s clear of any illness, make sure he has two VERY CLEAN litterboxes in different parts of the house.

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Delaney Donelson | 7 years ago
2 Days Ago I Noticed A Big Black Scab On My Cats Chin, I Am…

2 days ago i noticed a big black scab on my cats chin, i am familiar with cat-ne (feline acne) and i have not noticed it on him previously. The scab was pretty large and when i looked at it today, he allowed me to touch it so im assuming it isnt causing him pain and it kinda just fell right off. However, now there is a big raw spot where the scab was. Its rather pink and i think i saw some clear and possibly some yellow fluid coming out of a couple spots. But at this point, he was uncomfortable and ran away so i couldnt get a better look. Anyone have any ideas? It just seemed like too big a scab to be acne..

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning? Years ago we had a very similar situation. We were advised to switch feeding bowls to ceramic or stainless steel instead of plastic, and that solved the issue. Hope this helps!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I see lots of these. usually it is acne or allergic reaction to bowls/water dishes. Keep the area clean, ask your vet for a topical antibiotic scrub that can be used around the face a mouth and follow up with them for antibiotics or allergy meds if it doesnt resolve.

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Delaney Donelson | 7 years ago
The Cat I Recently Adopted Has Started Meowing In The Middle Of The Night And…

The cat i recently adopted has started meowing in the middle of the night and wandering around my room. I always check that he has both food and water as well as accessibility to his litter box. I also make sure to leave my door open so that he has freedom to come and go. Ive had him for 3 weeks and he has just started doing this. Anyone have any ideas? I read that it might be because he is bored through out the day but.. ive bought him every type of toy imaginable and he has free roam of the house.. so im not sure what more i can do to tire him out for bedtime. The meow isnt normal is a low bellowy noise. Reminds me of the meow my previous cat did when our other cat died..

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    He may still be going through an adjustment period… this might be part of it. Our cat meows very loudly (like a call) right after we all get settled into bed for the night for only a few minutes. Then she gets settled herself. You could try redirecting your cat when this behavior starts. Maybe call to him and see if he will come and settle back down? Another thing to try- you mentioned that you had lots of cat toys- perhaps a good play session with your cat right before bed time will help to get him tired enough to sleep longer into the night. Hope these suggestions are helpful?

  2. Delaney Donelson Post author

    Dr.Magnifico, we adopted him in hopes he would get along with and be a companion to our cat Mia… but they dont seem to like each other too much. He refuses to leave the room if he knows shes in the hallway

  3. Krista Magnifico

    Cats are nocturnal creatures. Maybe he is bored or lonely? Maybe a companion for him to play with while you sleep will help.?

  4. Delaney Donelson Post author

    They seem to be doing okay right now, both laying on my bed relatively close to one another. Which never happens, at least not without growling.

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Delaney Donelson | 7 years ago
My New Cat (have Had For 3 Weeks) And Resident Cat Refuse To Tolerate Each…

My new cat (have had for 3 weeks) and resident cat refuse to tolerate each other. I brought Louie home with the knowledge that they might never like each other but they would at least learn to tolerate. The first week seemed to go pretty well because when we let Louie roam and get a feel for the house Mia avoided him… but now… things seem to be getting aggressive. It doesnt matter where Louie goes or what hes doing (even just sleeping) Mia wants to attack him. Granted, as soon as he sees her he starts growling… but he only started doing that after she batted at him the first time. The episodes seem to be getting more and more aggressive. I would keep him in my room but its clear he wants to roam. And i find it unfair to lock her in a room after 6 years of letting her roam around the whole house. Before we got mia 6 years ago we had an older male cat, they got along well but he passed about 2 years ago. And according to the shelter Louie was surrendered with a sister but she was adopted without him. I need help on this one

2 Responses


  1. Delaney Donelson Post author

    Thank you Sarah, the baby gate didnt work… i had one up and then a door screen up but no wwy to secure the screen so he found a way to get out of his own space. For the most part, he does confine himself to his own space still but now its more so the residemt cat that is ckming to him. I have thoe litter trays and food/ water areas still seperate so theres really no reason for him to HAVE to leave his room or for her to come in to his room but they still do. I just dont want this to be a stressful situation for either of them. Mia has never been a fan of any large cat toys (trees or posts) both of my cats are declawed (adopted that way) so they dont tend to “scratch” other than the occasional carpet scratching after a stretch. Shes afraid of the tree we have for her and hes too heavy for it, he knocked it over. (Hes 22 lbs) Any other ideas are welcome

  2. Sarah

    3 weeks in is still a fairly new situation. This will take more time than that. Having said that, keeping them together but separate may help. For instance, a baby gate or two could possibly help you confine them and keep them separated when not supervised, but still allow them to see each other and continue getting used to each other. It also gives them their own space which may help with the adjustment period. Just make sure each has access to their own litter tray and food and water. A few kitty “distractions” might also be helpful- for instance a cat tree and some scratch posts. If they have an outlet for some pent up energy, they may not use it on each other. Don’t give up? There are lots of people on this website that have lots of helpful ideas to share. Hopefully they will add more. Best of luck!!

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Delaney Donelson | 7 years ago
I Just Adopted An 8 Year Old Cat About 2 Weeks Ago, He Seemed To…

I just adopted an 8 year old cat about 2 weeks ago, he seemed to be doing well at first and he seemed very comfortable. I moved the temporary litter box that i had for him in my room near the litter box that my other cat uses. He knew where i put it as he had followed me down there and sniffed both. However, this morning i woke up to find that he pooped in the cat bed that i had in my room. As i left for work i decided i would bring the litter box up to prevent any further accidents. As soon as i sat it down he used it. Im not sure i understand where the disconnect is since he knew where i put it to begin with. I cant keep this litter box in my room forever, so im wondering if anyone has any ideas for transitioning the litter box to the normal space

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think the disconnect is in teaching him to go in your room then assuming he would understand he wasn’t supposed to. I recommend not confusing your pet by starting with one direction (ex here is a litter box for you but it will be in a different place tomorrow) and then being upset he is confused. Why can’t you keep it in your room? If he is your cat and stays with you it will probably be the best way to insure he is going where you want him to (in the box). If you refuse to have it in your room you will have to wait until he is acclimated to the house and using the other one. And then you will have to start very (like very!) gradually moving the box in your room to the place you want it to be. Also. Lots of cats don’t want to share litter box spaces or areas. It is a place they feel threatened or anxious so they prefer to be in a quiet private place. I hope this helps.

  2. Anonymous

    Better to have boxes on both floors anyway. 🙂

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry if you thought the answer was condescending. It wasn’t intended to be. It was intended to be my perception of what your new cat might be thinking and why he might be confused with the litter box moving and your expectation of his response and confusion. If it upset you I apologize. It wasn’t my intention.

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Delaney Donelson | 7 years ago
How Will I Know When My Adult Cats Are Ready To Be Unsupervised? I Recently…

How will i know when my adult cats are ready to be unsupervised? I recently adopted an 8 year old male who was previously bonded with another female (they adopted her and i couldnt let him stay in the shelter alone), and i already had a 6 year old female. Louie seems pretty easy going about the whole thing but Mia still seems skiddish. They only hiss every once and awhile and its usually started by her, im doing all i can to keep him in his own quarters but its very obvious he wants the freedom. It has been 5 days since i adopted him and i am allowing him to roam under supervision. How will i know when its okay to let him out permanently?
I just had to share pictures of my cute babies, 1st is Fat Louie(weighing in at a hefty 22lbs) and 2nd is my beautiful Mia.

1 Response


  1. Cheyenne M

    I’ve had this happen with lots of cats before, we always took in strays. Cats are a bit different then dogs so honestly the two will work it out. They’ll either learn to get along or just avoid each other on their own. You could leave them unsupervised anytime and it’ll be fine.

Delaney Donelson

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Active 3 years, 3 months ago Rank: Animal Lover