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Stephanie | 1 year ago
I Have A 10 Year Old Female Cat. I Found Her Outside Two Years Ago. The Past …

I have a 10 year old female cat. I found her outside two years ago. The past few days she has been running and jumping. Today I fed her and now I noticed her colon is inlarged. She has poo trying to come out but cant. How can I help her? What home remedies can I do? Feed wet food? Or give her a laxative?? She won’t let me rub her tummy or back.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If she isn’t staining to defecate then I would just give her some time. Also you can add water to some canned food over the next few days to try to soften the feces. I think that keeping her on a high quality food also helps. Encourage her to play and move around as this helps keep the gi tract moving.


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Active 1 year, 3 months ago Rank: Goldfish Sitter