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Idaru | 2 years ago
Hi So We Have Two Kittens That Were Born On June 22nd And Their Front Legs …

Hi so we have two kittens that were born on June 22nd and their front legs are bent back. So twisted legs is what its called i guess. What age should we put braces on the front legs or surgery if needed. Been doing gentle stretches with the front paws to try and help them. Ill have to try to get pictures of them

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It at all possible call rescues and shelters and ask for a vet to help you. I am reluctant to just say place braces because they require a lot of upkeep and monitoring. But yes. You have to start helping the bones develop in a normal position of there is any hope of them growing out of this.


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Active 1 year, 7 months ago Rank: Goldfish Sitter