ipsa, @ipsasindhu Rank: Pawbly Caregiver 0 Friends ActivityBadgesProfileQuestionsResponsesStoriesFriends 0 ipsa I have a female labrador,3.5 years old and has given birth to 9 puppies a month ago,… But she’s scooting sometimes and licking it 4 years ago Visit Page ipsa I have a female labrador,3.5 years old and has given birth to 9 puppies a month ago,… yeah they said to remove it with a surgery 4 years ago Visit Page ipsa I have a female labrador,3.5 years old and has given birth to 9 puppies a month ago,… Yeah our vet suggested for the surgery and to remove this little growth but we are concerned since not all growths are tumour,she’s eating properly,peeing and playing 4 years ago Visit Page