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jen Hohman

Update: Rugrat is climbing our garage attic stairs. She can put weight on her leg but you can tell she’s in pain. Other than that she is eating, drinking and using her litter box as usual.

8 years ago
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jen Hohman

Thank you for responding so quickly. She is resting in our garage right now

8 years ago
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jen Hohman

Hi kelly,
She is an outdoor/ indoor cat and has many places where she likes to hide. She also has fresh water in both the garage where she sleeps and on our back porch. She is eating little pieces of chicken however when i offered it to her she ate them too fast and threw it back up. She uses the litter box as usual and is drinking water normally. Thank you for your help.

9 years ago
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jen Hohman

Hi Lauren, thanks for the help. My cat is doing a lot better, she still isn’t eating her normal food but she is eating small bits of chicken. She did try to eat her normal food after eating the chicken and she threw up a small amount of it however she is starting to feel playful again. She is drinking and using the litter box as normal.

9 years ago

jen Hohman

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