I have an 9 year old spayed female pit/terrier mix with a history of liver disease. She has recently been getting hairless black spots showing up on her sides and legs, especially in the rear. Her biopsy came back as possibly ischemic dermatomyosits. The antibiotic that her vet put her on seems to have made no difference, and the fish oil and vit E are A) difficult to give her and B) she hasn’t been on them long enough to know if they are helping. She has no apparent muscle involvement. Would doing blood studies for autoimmune diseases help me get a better plan for treatment? What specialist would be best to manage her care? Any information or help in this problem would really be appreciated!
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Any suggestions?
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I think that asking for a referral to a specialist is always a wonderful idea. The more help you can get to care for your pet the better your pets care options are. I am not sure if the spurs are related to the condition or not but if you are contemplating auto immune issues you should see an internal medicine or dermatologist. I hope this helps. Please keep us posted.
Could the liver disease be associated? She had no localized lesions 3 years ago on U/S. But her labs have been improving while she has been on Royal Canin Hepatic and Denamarin.