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Krista Magnifico

Until you have a diagnosis it’s hard to speculate the rest of it you are concerned about cost I would recommend seeing a veterinarian who is in a privately owned practice and not a vet practice owned by a corporation. They are often more affordable and might offer payment options.
You can also ask for multiple treatment plans. If they examine your cat and then only offer one treatment plan option that you cannot afford ask for others. Tell them you are on a budget and ask for treatment options that are affordable. Ask them to provide everything in writing. You can also look into starting a crowd funding campaign like
If your cat is blocked you can ask for at home conservative options like pain meds antibiotics and sq fluids.
I have also allowed people to monitor their cat at home with a urinary catheter in place for days to help relieve the obstruction and inflammation.

Ask lots of questions and remain steadfast on finding help that works for you and your cat.

It is possible to find affordable help. You just have to not give up.
Good luck. Keep us updated

2 days ago
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Krista Magnifico

I suspect that this is related to allergies and therefore the answer lies in helping the body from the inside out versus trying to get topical products work for the outside in.

Please talk to your vet about the many options we have for treating atopy in dogs.

You may also need an oral antibiotic or medication for over abundant yeast.

3 days ago
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Krista Magnifico

Hello. This is a question for a veterinary nutritionist. Maybe the folks at might be helpful?

3 days ago
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Krista Magnifico

I cannot answer this question other than saying if he isn’t doing well you should recheck with your vet. I do thee following for my UO kitties. Pain meds; zorbium and gabapentin. Antibiotic: usually convenia and I teach families how to give sq fluids at home. I also teach them how to palate the bladder and put them on a canned urinary prescription diet.

Of the bloody urine persists take an Xray to look for a stone or an ultrasound to look for abnormalities in the bladder.

Good luck.

3 weeks ago
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Krista Magnifico

I’m sorry that you are having so much difficulty finding the cause to this.
There is no way around the fact that some patients come to us with more difficult conditions than others. When we struggle for the answer the best way to get to the bottom of the problem is to get a second opinion and a new set of eyes. I don’t think there is anyway around seeing a new vet and probably spending more money to rerun some of the tests.
The other option is to see if your vet can send the X-rays to a radiologist for review and ask for a vet consult via the lab work provider they use. For cases like this I can lean on a specialist to help me with the difficult cases I see. I use ANTECH and Idexx for my lab services and they both offer online consults for vets. They also both offer radiologists to review my X-rays The phone consult is free and the radiologist review is often about $150. It might help.
Otherwise you are stuck with just trying additional medication to see if they help.
X-rays also have limitations and a CT scab might be needed to see the area of the throat or chest causing the issue. I’m sorry I wish I could help more.

3 weeks ago
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Krista Magnifico


I’m sorry to hear about your cat. I understand how expensive and difficult it is to manage an injury like this. This is a difficult bone and fracture to treat. In all cases of broken bones it is ideal to see an orthopedic surgeon and be at a facility that specializes in this. There are board certified veterinary surgeons in our area. You can google them for a facility near you. If you are staying at this hospital please inquire who is doing the surgery and what their credentials are.
This fracture is beyond the scope of what our hospital can do. For cases like this we would offer a referral to a specialist or cage rest and pain management. This is a young cat and it will likely heal with strict cage rest. In my opinion this should always be offered before discussion of an amputation. Your cat must stay in a small cage with a low bed, low sided litter box and rest for 4-8 weeks. Even if you have the leg surgically repaired these cats need strict cage rest for 4-8 weeks. Re-Xray every 2 weeks.
In 20 years of practicing veterinary medicine almost all of these cases were managed with crate test alone due to clients not being able to afford the $6-10,000 estimate for surgery. They have ALL done well with cage rest. I also recommend that she is spayed after healing. Best of luck.

3 weeks ago
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Krista Magnifico

The answer to why this might be happening lies in an examination with your veterinarian. I worry about heart disease in boxers. I also worry about hemoabdomen. Gum color, abdominal palpitation, heart and lungs need to listened to and an orthopedic and neurological examination are needed. This has the potential of being an emergency.

4 weeks ago
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Krista Magnifico


I typically don’t see these appointments ending up as an emergency issue. I have had one dog who needed intensive care for tetanus after a nail was trimmed too short and the nail bed was bleeding. This is however very rare.
In almost all cases these heal with minimal veterinary treatment but it is important to not let the pet lick the area and keep it clean and dry.
I cannot tell you whether it needs veterinary attention. I always have to err on the side of caution and recommend a veterinary visit.

Best of luck.

1 month ago
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Krista Magnifico

I can’t answer this. Only medications that are approved by the fda have guidelines for safe use.

1 month ago
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Krista Magnifico

If I read this correctly you are asking me to try to discern this being a medical problem versus a behavioral preference?
I don’t know which, or if it is a combination of both. You would need and examination for the medical and a long discussion with your vet or a behaviorist for the other.

1 month ago

Krista Magnifico

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