Hello Ed,
I am sorry but the site was down for upgrades. It was down much longer than expected.
I would always recommend that you stick with a reputable manufacturer like Nutramaxx. Unfortunately these are nutriceuticals, which are not overseen or mandated by the FDA so you are never really sure what you are getting unless you buy a respected brand. Nutramaxx products (most of them) are available OTC. Sorry for the delay
I would be worried about kidney disease and hypertension. Your vet can help with these. I am sory for the delay. the site was down. best wishes
I am sorry but your question was lost when the site was updated. I hope that she was seen by a vet and is better now. Any young puppy diarrhea needs to be seen by a vet asap. again our apologies for the delay.
I am sorry but our site went down after your question was asked. All eye conditions, especially one like yours describes need to be seen by a vet ASAP to protect the vision and correct the underlying cause. In cats this age it is usually an URI. Antibiotics and fluids are needed.
I cannot tell you what is wrong but she ABSOLUTELY NEEDS A VET! Please go as quickly as possible. If you think she is in pain and if she is lethargic and poorly responsive why hasn’t she seen the vet?
I really hope she gets to the vet soon (like tomorrow morning) and that she is ok.
I expect that she will need an examination, xray and bloodwork to help understand what is wrong and provide her an appropriate treatment plan to help her feel better.
doesnt matter when it started,, only matters your pupp is too young for any diarrhea.
For some dogs this is very difficult because the ears are painful. For others it is fraught with anxiety due to associated fear and for some they were just never conditioned to not be afraid of ear (also applies to nail trimming). For the immediate care you could ask about a product like Osurnia. A long lasting topical. But you have to get him used to having his ears cleaned as he is predisposed to other ear infections. Ask your vet for tips on how to hold and clean the ears and try to always make it a quick easy and stress free task. Good luck
I usually tell my client in this situation to try to shift all pet care activities to your son. Walking, feeding and anything your dog sees as fun. No talking or coaxing just let him become the silent pet care provider. Everyone else in the family has to help out by not talking or reaffirming the dogs fear by intervening. If it is hard to get a leash on the dog have a trusted family member do it and then have your son take the leash (as quietly and inconspicuously as possible) to go for the walks. Also try to use treats and attention to build the result gap. Your dog needs to learn to trust your son which is hard to do if she already has family members who love and take care of her. Your dog doesn’t need your son, nor does she have a reason to trust him. To build the trust your son needs to start being the fun and food person. He also needs to understand how your dog sees the relationship. If your son is determined to make this relationship change he had to be patient and dedicated or just let her be. Some
Dogs never decide to open their hearts to others when their caregivers are already in place. Never ever scold her. Or force her to like anyone or may make things worse. She is who she is and it takes time and patience for her to change. Good luck