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Laura Kyle

I agree with Jenn. It sounds like urine to me. Sometimes when urine is dilute it has very little odor. At 10years old, I would definitely recommend some baseline bloodwork and a urinalysis.

6 years ago
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Laura Kyle

Looks like a sharpei

9 years ago
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Laura Kyle

Hi Eddie, your pups behavior is pretty common and can absolutely be fixed. Without knowing your pup it is hard to say why she is reactive on a leash so I agree that you should work with a trainer. I would look for a trainer that uses both corrective methods and positive reinforcement. Once you get a plan for your dog I would also suggest takin her for walks with unfamiliar dogs. She doesn’t need to interact with them, she just needs to learn how to walk with other dogs. I know it sounds like the simplest thing in the world, but in my experience a simple pack walk can make a world of difference. Good luck! Please keep us posted

9 years ago
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Laura Kyle

This is not uncommon. Your vet should have given you meds to kill the parasites. They will probably recommend rechecking a fecal in a few weeks to make sure that all of the parasites are gone. In the meantime, pick up your dogs stool in the yard.

10 years ago
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Laura Kyle

Sorry, it sounded like you had 2 intact females in your home. Having a dog in heat can definitely cause some aggression. I hope that is all it is

10 years ago
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Laura Kyle

This sounds like a recipe for disaster. I would spay both of your dogs ASAP. In my experience, fights between new pack members always begun 4-6 weeks after the new dog arrived. There is kind of an initial grace period where everyone is adjusting, getting comfortable, and figuring out what the rules are in the home. Having to intact dogs is only going to intensify a problem that may already be there. I truly hope that spaying you dogs will be the solution to your problem, however if it is not I would recommend an trainer how specializes in dog aggression.

10 years ago
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Laura Kyle

Can you take her in and have the vet or technician so you how to wrap it? Or use a t-shirt/dressing to cover it safely.

10 years ago
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Laura Kyle

She might need further diagnostics. Maybe her initial pain was related to the joint pain? I would have bloodwork done and perhaps survey X-rays. Good luck! I hope she improves

10 years ago
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Laura Kyle

I have seen animals run around and act normal after their leg is splinted. Can’t say that I have ever seen a dog run around with a fractured leg and not limp or hold the leg up. Even dogs with toe fractures hold their legs up.

10 years ago

Laura Kyle

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