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Marshmallow The Rabbit

Well, it’s not recommended to give rabbits baths as they can get put into shock by it. However, you can put them in a sink, fill it up to roughly 2.5 inches and put your rabbit in. Bathe them. When you’re done with that, instantly put a towel over you rabbit and try to dry it. Hair dryers and fans can work if they’re put in low.

6 years ago
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Marshmallow The Rabbit

It could possibly be VHD. It could also be a serious infection or something.

7 years ago
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Marshmallow The Rabbit

To find out if your rabbit is stressed, count his/her breathing. He/she should breathe 30-60 times a minute. If he/she is stressed try physical therapy. Just pet your rabbit and talk to it gently.

7 years ago

Marshmallow The Rabbit

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