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Sandra | 5 years ago
What Is Your Opinion On Tne “No Flap Ear Wrap” Rather Than A Cone After An …

What is your opinion on tne “No Flap Ear Wrap” rather than a cone after an ear hematoma ?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think they are helpful in not allowing the head shaking to worsen the pinna trauma but they don’t treat the underlying cause of the hematomas nor do they resolve the hematomas themselves. They are essentially just a pressure wrap. It used you still have to relieve the bleeding within the ear flap, prevent it from reoccurring and treat whatever caused it. If you don’t do this the wrap may actually worsen the ears. I don’t advise them as I think they can close in moisture and infection which might actually worsen the condition in some cases. Ear hematomas need a vet for treatment of the underlying cause first and foremost. The hematoma also needs to be treated. The wrap doesn’t do either.

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Sandra | 5 years ago
My 9 Year Old Pit Bull Has An Ear Hematoma. Do They Normally Just Get Drained Or …

My 9 year old pit bull has an ear hematoma. Do they normally just get drained or would she need surgery? Lastly, what would happen if nothing was done?

Thank you,

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The treatment method depends on veterinarian preferences, size of the hematoma, placement of the hematoma and owner preference for options provided. I typically place a drain (teat canula) but I know lots of vets who drain and use steroids. If you do not treat it rhe eat pinna (flap) often becomes wrinkles and disfigured and may predispose the pet to more frequentl ear infections.

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Sandra | 5 years ago
I Have A 6 Month Month Old Puppy That Is Afraid Of People And Other Dogs. Have …

I have a 6 month month old puppy that is afraid of people and other dogs. Have taken her to just walk around in pet stores. If someone wants to approach her she squats and pees. If another dog wants to approach her she poops? I live with my son, daughter in law, 2 granddaughters (7 and 13). They have 2 pit bulls and she is fi with them. How do i socialize her outside the family?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    This is a very common issue that I see all the time. The great news is that your puppy is so young and you are very proactive in both identifying and trying to resolve the problem. That’s wonderful! The first piece of advice I can give is to call around for local References on puppy classes. That’s a great place to start. Next start taking walk with the dogs she is used to and see if they can help her build confidence. Next start to find out where her discomfort zones lie. How close does she need to get to someone before she starts signaling she is unsettled. From this you start working very gradually on reducing the distance. It may mean you sit at a park bench 20 feet away (if that’s her radius to anxiety) and just watch the world pass her by for a few trips. Then the next time try for 15 feet. No interactions. Tell people you are in training and they should not approach her. This is allowing her to be challenged very gradually on terms she is comfortable with. It needs to be slow, consistent and full of rewards when she is doing well. And understanding but not being harsh or reprimanding when she needs more time and patience. You can also ask for a positive reinforcement trainer. But be careful as she is demonstrating submissive anxiety now. I fear with hard reprimand it might turn to fear which can lead to aggression if treated unkindly. Be kind. Gentle and supportive but help her face her challenges. I hope this helps. I also love the training books by Victoria Stilwell. Try them. They are very helpful.


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