My 13 yr old feline, DLH with multiple teeth cleanings and extractions started sneezing Fall 2023. My vet recommended Lyseine, which has helped. She had another teeth cleaning and single extraction Nov 2024. This weekend she began sneezing multiple times a day and now has runny eyes. I would also swear her lips are inflamed around her whiskers. I contacted the vet and we will try an antibiotic. What else should I do to assist? I am getting a humidifier and will keep her in my bathroom when I shower each day. Should I change her litter type? They both currently use Dr. Elyse Attract Long Hair. Obviously if the antibiotic doesnt work I will take her back in for further examination, Thank You!
My 13 Yr Old Feline, DLH With Multiple Teeth Cleanings And Extractions Started Sneezing Fall 2023. My Vet …
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