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Lydia | 2 years ago
What Is The Likelihood Of This Poor Kitty Regaining Bladder/bowel Function? We Recently Trapped And …

What is the likelihood of this poor kitty regaining bladder/bowel function?

We recently trapped and rescued an injured stray. We’ll never fully know what happened to him but he has a multitude of injuries some old and healed and some not. Required a lot of teeth to be pulled and had to have his tail amputated due to sores and maggots inside. He has about 2 inches of tail left. Surgery was done 3 days ago. He wasnt moving his tail when we got him but is walking fine. Since getting him home I notice hes leaking urine with no control and seems to be constipated. I’m unfortunately no stranger to spinal injuries in cats but he appears to still have anal tone, unsure about sensation at tail base and is mobilising fine. But his abdomen seems quite distended and a little tense. I have managed to express urine from him and giving him laxatives (back to the vets tomorrow if no poops). Just wondering what his outlook is likely to be to better guide his rehab. I know it might be too soon to tell yet but any guidance is appreciated.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The answer to this depends on a lot of things. Like age, degree of trauma , other neurological deficits and post op time.

    In general cats are very resilient and even if they don’t fully recover they often manage their challenges quite well.

    I guess my advice is to not give up but know what you are dealing with. Palpate the bladder multiple times a day and check a urine anytime it smells bad or looks murky. Keep encouraging walking and playing. Nothing rebuilds muscle better than that. Learn to palpate the colon. Add water or a laxative (not fiber as I feel it just adds bulk and makes defecating harder) to help the stool stay soft and easy to pass. I hope this helps.


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