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Madison | 5 years ago
My Brother Has A Bulldog And Is Telling Me That The Dog Is Having Trouble Standing. …

My brother has a bulldog and is telling me that the dog is having trouble standing. He dosent eat or drink. When he tries to get up he walks for a few minutes then collapses. He also pants all day. Is there any thing we could do or does anyone know what it is. There isn’t a local vet where he lives but he will take her if that’s the only option.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Please get this dog to a vet immediately. Like now. I’m very worried about heart disease. Anemia. And about a hundred other conditions. All are emergencies.

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Madison | 5 years ago
My 2 Year Old Dog Has Lost 5 Whiskers This Month Is It Normal? He Is Eating Fine …

My 2 year old dog has lost 5 whiskers this month is it normal? He is eating fine and drinking fine.

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Is there a way you can ask your vet to check the skin and make sure this isn’t a health issue? I would start there.

  2. Laura

    Hi Madison – you asked this question a week ago, and Dr. M suggested calling the vet. Have you done that yet?

    1. Madison Post author

      Hello I didn’t see the post last time but I’m calling the vet right now

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Madison | 5 years ago
I Have A 2 Year Old Pug That Has Started Acting Strange Since Monday The Day He …

I have a 2 year old pug that has started acting strange since Monday the day he went to get his anal glands expressed. Hey has stopped welping at the table when we eat , he has also stopped eating his canned food and only eats his kibble at night, and he has stopped snoring at night like he used to. The thing I’m most worried about is that he has lost two whiskers this month.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If a client calls me with concerns like this I always tell then to listen to their concerns. You know your pet better than anyone else and you are their only advocate. Isn’t it better to be safe than sorry?

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Madison | 5 years ago
My Pug Was Throwing Up Today In The Morning He Has Thrown Up Last Week Which …

My pug was throwing up today in the morning he has thrown up last week which was when I took him to the vet they told me to change his food because that will help. I changed his food to royal canin for pugs and he seemed to be doing much better but he would only eat at night so I went out and bought him pedigree canned food he does perfectly fine with the beef but his breeder told us to buy him the pedigree puppy food so we started giving him the puppy food yesterday then he woke up today and threw up twice it’s like some sort of white foam with mucus we also just noticed that his private part is really stiff he is peeing okay and he’s not neutered he’s two years old should I start to worry

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but I don’t quite understand your question. It sounds like you should call your vet and ask for help with the concerns you have. I’m not sure if any of the information you list is related to the problems you are concerned about. But I think your vet can direct you. Ask about intestinal parasites, food, anti nausea medications and anything else you have questions about.

    1. Madison Post author

      Well they told us the results from his exams and they said he has no parasites and that it was an allergy of the food but I have done what they told us to do and nothing works

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Madison | 5 years ago
My Pug Just Threw Up And I Am Worried But The The Clinic Next To Me …

My pug just threw up and I am worried but the the clinic next to me is closed till Monday will he be okay he is also chasing his tail a lot but he has been eating and playing I am starting to worry I called his doctor and she said to wait till Monday because they are closed she also said it might be his anal glands but why is he vomiting

4 Responses


  1. Madison Post author

    He has never been sick this is very unusual he is up to date with his heart hard and vaccines

  2. Sarah

    Good morning
    If your dog continues vomiting, you may want to get him to a vet ER. If he is eating and drinking normally and doesn’t seem to be lethargic- he is probably fine.

  3. Laura

    You asked this question 3 days ago, as well. I think I’d call the vet today and ask their opinion since he’s vomited twice now.

    1. Madison Post author

      Hello thank you very much I took him today in the morning and they told us to change his food and it is an allergic reaction they also told us that many dogs are getting sick and it might be a virus going around

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Madison | 5 years ago
Hello I Have A Pug And He Is About To Turn 2 He Woke Up This Morning …

Hello I have a pug and he is about to turn 2 he woke up this morning and threw up twice he is also chasing his tail a lot it’s the first time he does this other than that he is eating and playing he is drinking water and acting like a normal dog it’s just that problem should I worry?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but there isn’t enough pertinent medical information for anyone to answer this. It doesn’t sound like an emergency but I would call your regular vet and ask for a check up. Just to be safe. Ask for the anal sacs to be checked. If the vomiting persists for to the vet ASAP

      1. Krista Magnifico

        If you aren’t on a preventative and you aren’t submitting fecals every year then yes. It’s possible. But do not buy an otc without taking to your vet first.

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Madison | 5 years ago
My Dog Has These Spots All Over His Body What Can I Do About Them And …

My dog has these spots all over his body what can I do about them and does anybody know what they are?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    It is so hard to tell anything from a photo. This could be an allergic reaction possibly. You will have to have your vet look at them in person though to be sure. If it is, they can give you some medications (oral/topical) that will help clear it up and offer some comfort to your pup. It could also be a side effect caused by something else- I wouldn’t do anything until you get to see your vet. Best of luck!!!!

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Madison | 5 years ago
My Dog Is Acting Strange I Need Help What Should I Do?

My dog is acting strange I need help what should I do?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If you are worried your pet is acting strange you should err on the side of caution and seek immediate veterinary assistance. I hope everything is ok.

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Madison | 5 years ago
Hi So My Pug Seems Like He Is In Pain On His Back Leg He Walks …

Hi so my pug seems like he is in pain on his back leg he walks on it but usually liftes it up and he keeps chewing on his paw what can I do

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would be worried that the licking is an indication of pain. Limping can be indicative of many things to. like injury, illness or Orthopedic issues. Please see a vet about this. There is no other credible advice I can give from here.

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Madison | 5 years ago
My Dog Had A Grape In His Mouth And I Managed To Take It Out I …

My dog had a grape in his mouth and I managed to take it out I don’t know if he ate more but what else can I do he is playing right eating right will he be okay

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I do t know what size your dog is or if there are any underlying medical issues but one grape isn’t enough to hurt the average dog. My dogs steal them from the wild grapevines and I have never had an issue. We don’t want to feed them but an accidental ingestion of a few isn’t enough to cause damage. Raisins are a bigger concern. I hope this helps. Talk to your vet when you can about this. They know your dog best.


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Active 4 years, 6 months ago Rank: Animal Lover