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megan | 3 years ago
A While Ago My Cat Became Sick, Around The Same Time We Noticed He Had Been …

a while ago my cat became sick, around the same time we noticed he had been leaving our house and stealing cat food from the neighbors who leave it out for other stray cats (therefore he was eating after other cats) his lymph nodes became swollen, he stayed in one spot all day and rarely moved, he wouldn’t eat or drink, and lost weight. We brought him to the vet and they examen him and did x-rays and said that it appears that he could have cancer/a tumor that has spread to his lymph nodes already as well as some other things like fluid/pus in his chest. They said the cancer was very aggressive since it’s already gotten that far and we just noticed it. A few days later his lymph node swelling went away, he started eating and drinking again, and he was acting like himself. We brought him back to the vet and they performed FNA on the tumor which came back inconclusive. They were also shocked that his lymph node? weren’t swollen anymore, and they said the tumor had moved places, and they started to question their diagnosis saying that he could just have an infection. The gave him antibiotics and sent us home. Since then the tumor has gotten bigger and moved places, it feels sort of soft and moves around easily. I’m questioning if this is just a lipoma rather than cancer because of the way it feels and moves, it has also been about 2 months since we very first noticed this, and to me it doesn’t appear or feel to have spread anywhere, his vet was also talking like he wouldn’t live more that a week or two and it’s been 2 months. No one can really come to a definite diagnosis… so if anyone could give advice or help on this i’d appreciate it very much!! (i’ve also included a photo below of the tumor though it’s a litte difficult to tell)

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Honestly, I’d be looking for an oncology specialist to determine if it really is a tumor of some sort.

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megan | 4 years ago
My Cat Has Laryngeal Paralysis. The Surgery Is Far Too Expensive, Therefore I’m Looking Into …

My cat has laryngeal paralysis. The surgery is far too expensive, therefore i’m looking into alternatives to treating the laryngeal paralysis. I saw that some vets offer acupuncture and electro acupuncture, which is supposed to stimulate nerve movement and could cure paralysis. Is thing something that would really work? I don’t know much about it but it seems like possibly it could get the nerves around his larynx to work again, then it could move properly? If you could provide me with any information asap I’d appreciate it! 🙂

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There may be anecdotal reports of this working but I have no experience. The only cat I ever had with this was given a tracheostomy tube placement for a few weeks while the nerves that were damaged and causing the paralysis recovered.

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megan | 4 years ago
Hello! My Cat Has Been Going To The Vet Constantly, For Coughing, Gaging, Gulping, And Loud …

hello! My cat has been going to the vet constantly, for coughing, gaging, gulping, and loud breathing? noises. The vet examined him under anesthesia and said his throat was just red and irritated and sent him home with some antibiotics and prednisolone. He took it for a while but there were no changes. He mostly does the whole coughing gaging thing when he is exited. His vet can’t seem to figure out what is wrong with him, so i’ve been researching different sicknesses and seeing which ones matched his symptoms. I came across collapsed trachea. This is the only one i’ve seen that matched his symptoms and says it gets worse with excitement. What can be done to diagnose him with a collapsed trachea? I’ve seen that a fluoroscopy would be a good option but the animal hospitals around me don’t have the machinery to do that. There is a high tech specialist vet office about 2 hours from me, but it’s by referral only. Would i still be able to get a proper and correct diagnosis by getting a normal x-ray? is there any other options that could tell he has a collapsed trachea? he’s had chest x-rays before and nothing seemed abnormal, so that rules out some other sicknesses.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Sorry that there has not been a response yet. Have you spoken to your vet about your thoughts?

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megan | 4 years ago
My Cat Has A Very Irritated, Red & Inflamed Throat And The Vet Examined Him Under …

My cat has a very irritated, red & inflamed throat and the vet examined him under anesthesia a while ago and he’s been taking prednisolone for almost 3 weeks and he’s slowly coming off of it now and will be done with it by next week. After all this time, we are still not seeing any results, he still coughs and gags all the time. I was just wondering if there is ANYTHING I can do at home to help him even a little bit. I know his throat is probably so sore and I just want to know if there’s anything I can try, such as a humidifier or switching to wet food.. anything!

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hello- so sorry that no one has been able to toss some advice your way via Pawbly… I am hoping that you and your vet have found some sort of relief for you kitty???? I have not had any experience similar to yours…. so sorry I can’t offer any advice.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but there is t enough information here to help much. I’m not sure if you are talking bout stomatitis? Or infection? Or even dental disease? I also don’t know why or what happened under general anesthesia? Did they clean the teeth? Take a biopsy?
    There are dental specialists who may be able to offer a greater degree of assistance. Can you inquire about this? Also there are medications like Atopica that might help. Or even making a product for you like “magic mouthwash” might help. Ask about all of this and then ask what you can do to help your cat feel better

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megan | 4 years ago
My Vet Thought My Cat Had A Polyp. He Went In This Morning For Them To …

My vet thought my cat had a polyp. He went in this morning for them to look into his throat under anesthesia. Turns out he doesn’t have a polyp just has an inflamed throat. They said they can just give him some medicine and he’ll be good. He’s had these symptoms for years.. can an inflamed throat last that long? do you have any advice? will the medicine cure it or just treat it?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m glad they looked for you and hopefully started to give you some answers. Yes you can have chronic inflammation. Ask your vet for a short and long term treatment plan and then start there. Good luck.

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megan | 4 years ago
Is A Pro-BNP Heart Test Included In A Feline Wellness Screen?

Is a pro-BNP heart test included in a feline wellness screen?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have not seen it routinely included. Different labs do different packages for blood work. So it can be both lab and clinic specific.

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megan | 4 years ago
Can Nasal Polyps Be Seen On A Head X-ray?

Can nasal polyps be seen on a head x-ray?

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megan | 4 years ago
Hello. My Vet Suspects My Cat Has One Or More Nasal Polyps. I’ve Been Going …

Hello. My vet suspects my cat has one or more nasal polyps. I’ve been going through this process of getting towards his surgery for a while. The vet told us he has a heart murmur, but only a grade 1 out of 6, I brought him to a 2nd vet and they said his heart sounds great, I went back to the first vet and they looked at him again and the doctor said he has a murmur and even his vet tech looked over it and didn’t hear it the first time and the doctor had to tell her where to listen and she finally heard it. They said we would need some test on his heart before during surgery to make sure his heart doesn’t fail while under anesthesia. I got an x-ray done of his heart which came back fine and i also got blood test done which came back fine. The test he got were included in the basic wellness screen. I’m thinking he has a intermittent heart murmur because of his heart rate going up due to stress of being in the car and at the vet. The vet is still telling me i can have an echocardiogram done to be really sure his heart is really fine. That’s another $390 on top of the $500 i’ve already spent and i just can’t afford it. I believe if 2 vets could simply look over it, and it’s only a grade 1/6, and the test and x-rays came back fine so far, he should be good… right? Well another thing is they don’t know how many polyps he has or where exactly they’re located, we asked for a throat/head xray and they told us they can only do it if he’s under anesthesia first. They are adding on so much stuff i feel like he doesn’t even need and gave us a price estimate from $450-$1,500. We asked the other vet and they said they can do a head x-ray, but they don’t even know if the procedure of removing the polyps is even anything they can do, and he might have to go to a specialist. Can the polyps for sure be seen on the x-rays because i really don’t want to waste any more money on something that doesn’t even help get down to the problem. I’m thinking i can just skip over the echocardiogram because it doesn’t seem it’s really needed, i get an x-ray of his head, find the size, how many, and where the polyps are located, then get a real price estimate. Can someone please answer my questions or give any advice! Thanks:)

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- sorry you are having such a time with all of this. I am thinking that an X-ray won’t show much because a polyp is soft tissue. It is my understanding that an X-ray will only show bone? I am guessing you would need something along the lines of a CT scan to check where and what size any soft tissue mass would be. I’m thinking you should sit down with your vet and have a frank discussion about budget and options and explain your thoughts. At the end of the day- you both want what is best for your cat. Perhaps in talking through it, you both can come up with something that you’re both comfortable with. Best of luck !!????????

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megan | 5 years ago
Does My Dogs Neuter Incision Look Normal? I’m Trying To Keep Him Blocked Off Into …

does my dogs neuter incision look normal? I’m trying to keep him blocked off into a small room in my basement and it’s been storming a lot recently and he’s terrified of storms so he knocks down or jumps over everything i use as a dog gate to keep him confined and makes him way to sit up on the stairs. One night he also some how got his cone off while i was sleeping. I can’t control him and keep him confined and nothing i do is working. He just got neutered friday morning.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there-
    When is your follow up visit? I think I would try to get in to see the vet. And perhaps they can give you something to help keep him calmer? I would also have a conversation about what to look for at the incision site. Right now, it looks like it is more red than your last photo (it is so hard to tell from a picture) and it looks as if it might be oozing? So I would make a phone call to the vet. Best of luck- keep us posted.????????????

  2. Laura

    Have you tried:
    melatonin for storms
    sleeping in the same room until he heals

  3. Gloria

    Also, consider trying a Thundershirt. They’re supposed to keep dogs calmer during storms. Good luck!

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megan | 5 years ago
My Dog Got Neutered Yesterday And Some How Managed To Get His Come Off While I …

my dog got neutered yesterday and some how managed to get his come off while i was sleeping, I think his stitches may have came open from him licking it but i’m not sure. I’ve put a picture of his incision below. Does it look abnormal?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hi there???? I cannot tell from the picture- sorry. My advice, considering it’s the weekend and after hours, is to keep a close eye on the incision and make sure he doesn’t get at it. If it feels warm or looks like it is swelling, I would call the vet. I think personally, just for peace of mind, I would make a phone call Monday to the vet anyway. Best of luck????????


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