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Mackenzie | 5 years ago
My 16 Week Old Australian Shepherds Front Right Leg Will Randomly Shake… Is This Something I Should …

My 16 week old australian shepherds front right leg will randomly shake… is this something I should be concerned about?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hi there-
    Sorry, but I believe more information is needed to even consider any reasons. There could be so many- possible injury, joint issues, neurological…. the list could go on. Best advice would be to speak to your vet about it. Possibly get some xrays for starters…. best of luck.

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Mackenzie | 5 years ago
My Puppy Is Breathing Fast And Sometimes Panting. He Feels Warm But I’m Not Sure …

My puppy is breathing fast and sometimes panting. he feels warm but i’m not sure if that is normal or what to even look for.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello. If this is a puppy call your vet immediately. We always err on the side of caution with the very young and the very old. Don’t wait.


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Active 4 years, 8 months ago Rank: Goldfish Sitter