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Fed up with overpriced vets and vet bills




I don’t know , I don’t have much to say right now. Except there is a crucial difference in a saving a pets life and caring about that pet and their owner ! And a veterinarian who just wants to get paid !

How come I’ve had to put down two male kittens both under 3 years old now in my lifetime!? Once over 15 years ago and now just recently!? And that first vet did not do a damn thing to help and took my “exam” fee and did Jack shit to save his life !  She recommended supplements and changing his food which I did ne ll that did ws prolong his life another 8 months !? Why with all the technology we have today can’t we do something about indoor male cats having “ blockages “ UTI s and worse !? His kidneys started failing and all the while he seemed fine right up until he wasn’t fine !? Then I rushed him into ER to get his bladder drained but the extensive damage on his kidneys and his poor little heart ❤️, the vet assure me  that even if I took him home he was surely to decline and that ko amount of money would have saved him!? What the hell didn’t the other vet say something to me !?

i almost want to sue them ! Why did it have to take 8 months before one stupid vet drained him or even fixed him when it became critical!!!?? This is an outrage!


Profile picture of Kaya


Active 1 year, 10 months ago Rank: Pawbly Caregiver