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Natanya Pierdica | 7 years ago
My Dogs Has Been Poisoned, 3 Weeks Ago, 6 Puppies Died As Well. 2…

my dogs has been poisoned, 3 weeks ago, 6 puppies died as well. 2 puppies survived and one of them started showing a lump on his back last night. they are 6 weeks old. the mother did scratch them – not sure if the scratching could have infected the little ones please help

1 Response


  1. Julie Brader

    Hi, I’m so so sorry! How dreadful that someone would do that. I assume you are certain they have been poisioned? They couldn’t have eaten a toxic plant or something? Whichever way your dogs have become you MUST take the ones that are still alive to a Vet URGENTLY. If you don’t you could well lose them all. They really should have gone to the Vet as soon as you saw symptoms and they died. Please please taken them all to a Vet NOW. I do hope they survive…but it is unlikely without professional treatment.

Natanya Pierdica

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Active 5 years, 1 month ago Rank: Goldfish Sitter