My Kitten (6 Months) Fell From The Staircase, About 10 Feet Up. A Plastic…
My kitten (6 months) fell from the staircase, about 10 feet up. A plastic cookie container broke her fall. She seems to be alright, but right below her nose, on the right side of her lip, she is red/bruised and winces if it is touched. Aside from that, she has been eating, using her litter, played a little, and has been sleeping most of the day. Just want to know if the bruising is anything to be concerned about, as well as her sleepless after the fall (which I attributed to being shaken up about it).
1 Response
Hello….10 feet is an awfully long way for a kitten to fall. You need to have her checked over by a Vet to see if there are any other injuries you can’t see….and also to have her nose looked at.