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Rain | 5 years ago
After An Abcess, The Yellow Stinky Liquid Coming Out From His Belly His Skin Was Falling …

after an abcess, the yellow stinky liquid coming out from his belly his skin was falling apart then left with a very huge wound, please help me

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    This looks like an emergency to me. Please get your pet to the vet before this gets any worse.

  2. Sarah

    This sounds like the abscess ruptured maybe? I would get him to the vet if you haven’t already. If it is a rupture…. They will make sure it is properly cleaned out and closed up and give antibiotics to prevent infection. Best of luck

  3. Rain Post author

    Hi everyone, I already sending him to the vet but thyre rejecting him, telling me he has no chance anymore but my cat looks fine to me, he eats and drinks a lot of water, thats why Im searching now to any possible that I could help him


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Active 5 years ago Rank: Pawbly Caregiver