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Affection. Time. Long walk (for dogs) everyday.

8 years ago
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Hopefully you got him in to see a vet. It may just be a strain or pulled muscle, but I would have a vet diagnose that. Best of luck.

8 years ago
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You should call a veterinarian and bring the kitten in to have it checked right away. Depending on how old the vet estimates it is, will let you know what and how to feed it properly, it will allow you and the vet to know what condition the kitten is in and line you up for proper/necessary immunizations. Best of luck!

8 years ago
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My advice would be to get to the vet asap again. Then keep the dogs separated at all costs. If that means revoking one, the. So be it. I would also consider dog training and a behaviorist for both your sake and the sake of the dog. This is a very serious situation and you need to treat it as such. You need to be extremely responsible and diligent about this. If you can’t live this dog like a family member, the. Find her a home where they can. She looks to you as her pack leader- safety is included in that description. Pleas see the vet and find a trainer and a behaviorist. Please.

9 years ago
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Don’t worry about what happened to him. Think about how lucky he is to have a caring human now who is taking great care of him. Socialization is important. Make sure to introduce him to lots of people when he is old enough to go on nice walks. Also dog parks or other dogs that you know, should be a great way to introduce him to other dogs. Your vet should have a ton of info to share with you.  Best of luck!!

9 years ago
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I would call my vet right away, or if they aren’t available I would at least call a 24 hour vet to get some sort of professional opinion if you don’t get a response from a medical professional on this website. I hope everything is ok!

9 years ago
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Why are you breeding this dog?! Whenever you see a shelter advertisement or even the news, there are tons of pit bulls that are in line for euthanasia already. Why on earth would you exacerbate the problem!?!? Pit bulls are a wonderful, loving breed of dog that over the past decade have gotten a bad reputation because of ignorant owners who mistreat and mist rain them terribly. Honestly, I’m appalled that you are breeding this poor dog and adding to an already horrendous problem. Sorry for my soap box stance, but unless you are truly a professional breeder who is looking out for the best interest of the breed and offspring, which given your post I doubt, all pets, ALL, should be spared or neutered.

9 years ago
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I would call my vet right away and schedule an appointment. It’s one thing to have a slight lbs of appetite once in a while,mspecially if the food is new, but to not fern keep a treat down seems concerning. The vet will be able to do more tests in the way of figuring out exactly what the issue is and how best to treat it.

9 years ago
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Hi Kelly- we have scratch posts on each floor of our house and scratch pads as well. This is the first time that I have had a destructive cat. It is EXTREMELY difficult to cut her nails. I’ve gotten one or two here and there over the years, but have the scars to prove it. She loves to be cuddled, but not held. Everything is on her terms, which is fine. That is part of what makes her so awesome! I will definitely check out the link you not. Thanks!

10 years ago


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