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suerena schaefer | 5 months ago
My Daughter Adopted A Dog From Tru Rescue She Was Just Spayed With One Of Their …

My daughter Adopted a dog from Tru Rescue she was just spayed with one of their vets. She’s one two years old. My daughter noticed that one of her back teeth has a huge cavity in it at the root. She took her in to the same vet in Baltimore and he said it needs to be removed. She is not really thrilled with that Vet or the office staff. I told her about Dr Mag and all the wonderful people and Jarrettsville Vet. She plans on switching over to Jarrettsville Vet because that’s where I take all of mine and I love them. Just curious how much it would be to have that tooth extracted and a dental cleaning I suppose since she’s already under. Thanks.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Dental costs are a combination of a few things. The degree of difficulty, the tooth (different teeth have different numbers of roots), patient status and anesthesia time. In general patients like this need the following; examination ($50), pre op blood work (lowest cost option is $50) and dental cost (usually $800 and up). Then post op medications like pain meds and antibiotics ($50-150).

    During the exam we can give you a better estimate. Thank you for rescuing this dog.

    PS you can also call the shelter/rescue and ask if they can provide this service.


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suerena schaefer | 4 years ago
I Need Help. My Cats Are Spraying! I Am A Client At Jarrettsville Vet. I Have 5 Indoor/outdoor Make Cats …

I need help. My cats are spraying! I am a client at Jarrettsville vet. I have 5 indoor/outdoor male cats and 2 dogs and they are all rescues. The cats were dropped off on our road at different times and I brought them in and kept them indoors for a year but they screamed for an entire year and darted for the doors and I finally gave up and let them go out. They have all been neutered and the one female dog was spayed. The cats have a litter box but only use it when it’s raining outside or snowing and even then it’s usually only 1 cat. Otherwise they prefer to come and go through their pet door and relieve themselves outside. I have noticed a few of them over the years spray once or twice but I’ve cleaned up the areas and never had a real problem with it or at least I thought. I recently fostered 2 kittens for 5 weeks. They were confined to a bedroom for the most part but were allowed to roam when my cats were outside. The kittens went to their forever home on Saturday. I have noticed in the last week that 4 of my cats are spraying everywhere!! Repeatedly. One of them sprayed 3 times today within 30 minutes. Twice on 2 different spots on the couch I was sitting on. I cleaned each spot right away as I noticed. I moved to lie on the floor to let my babies and he followed me and sprayed on the built in behind my head. I picked him up immediately and put him outside and told him no in a firm voice. I imagine that the kittens probably have something to do with this since cats are very territorial but I don’t know what to do to get them to stop. I’m not sure if I’m using the right cleaning products. I’m using “no more spray” by nature’s miracle. I don’t know if maybe they have a physical issue going on so I don’t want to rule that out. I’m now wondering if they’ve always sprayed a lot and I just didn’t notice it. But I have a very keen since of smell and I think I would have noticed it. I am NOT giving up my cats!! I love my babies ! I need help to end this! PLEASE HELP!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is often a multi factorial issue. And therefore it is a harder fix to resolve. It always should start with making sure everyone is healthy and there are no urinary issues present. That requires and exam bloodwork and urine check on all cats. Which can be costly I know. Next we make sure there are enough litter boxes. One for each cat and then one extra. All let’s must be spayed and neutered. After that we address behavior issues. Like stress markings and territorial marking. If all else levies to not help we talk about feliway pheromones, separating cats and medications to reduce stress and marking. I find rhat there is just a fine line between how many cats will cohabitate together peacefully. I am happy to help but I have to reiterate it can take a while to figure this out and rectify it satisfactorily. Lastly don’t yell or punish. They have no idea they are acting inappropriately and it will only worsen the stress for everyone.

    1. suerena schaefer Post author

      They have all been neutered. I have only 1 litter box in the house that is rarely used since they go outside. They have a cat pet door that is up higher that they all use. They prefer to go outside in my flower beds. They actually all get along well. Three of them are brothers and the other 2 were introduced slowly to the crew. I will make appts for the ones I know for sure are spraying to get the blood work done. I ordered a feliway plug in and bought odaban to clean all surfaces that I know they have marked on. Thank you so much for your time and advice. I know it will take some tumor but their my babies and worth it.

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suerena schaefer | 5 years ago
My Dog Is13 1/2 Years Old. He Is A Dachshund/German Shepard Mix. More Dachshund. He Has 5 …

My dog is13 1/2 years old. He is a dachshund/German Shepard mix. More dachshund. He has 5 fatty tumors that have all been biopsied and are not cancerous. They do seem to continue to grow in size. Not substantially but still grow. He had to go In for emergency surgery 2 years ago from cutting his artery in one of his paws during a walk. He has been a little different since then. More afraid of things. Urinates in the house every so often. I don’t know if it is from the surgery or just his age. But my question is whether or not I should have his Tumors removed with his age and how he responded to his last surgery. He is in very good health except for one health issue one time. A year ago he fell down and couldn’t walk. Took him to the vet. They kept him over night. They said it was old dogs disease. It went away 2 days later and hasn’t returned. Other than that he is very healthy. Gets his vaccines, heart worm, tick and flea meds. So do I remove them at his age or leave them alone. I keep debating this in my head and can’t make the call. I want what is best for him. I just don’t want to chance issues with going under anesthesia.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there ???? I think I would chat with the vet at his next checkup and see what their thoughts are. There is always a risk with surgery, but if the pros outweigh the cons, then the answer is obvious. At this stage though, if your vet feels they aren’t a threat and you feel that the dog’s quality of life isn’t effected, then those would be strong factors in determining what the next step would be. You and your vet know your guy best, so that would be where I would start my discussion. Best of luck!!!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with Sarah. This needs to be a decision that you make with the help and guidance of the surgeon. You can get as many opinions as you need but they need tone from someone who can examine your dog. Find a vet (or two or more, or even a boarded surgeon) and ask for advice. Very best of luck.

    1. suerena schaefer Post author

      I have consulted my vet and she told me it was my decision. The tumors are not in the way of his normal every day activity, Yet. I’m just afraid left unchecked they might become too large to handle. I just don’t know what the recommendations are for an almost 14 year old dog in regards to surgery. I know with every surgery there is a risk and I would assume his risk is greater than others due to his age. My gut tells me to remove them but will they just grow back? My heart tells me to leave them alone due to the fear of losing him under anesthesia. I’m absolutely torn.

      1. Sarah

        Just thinking more about your situation…. wondering if you could just have it with your vet to have more frequent visits to check the tumors and make sure they aren’t growing or changing? That might help give you some peace of mind should you opt out of surgery.

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suerena schaefer | 5 years ago
My Question Is About Food For My Cats And Dogs. Cats Ive Always Been Told To …

My question is about food for my cats and dogs.

Ive always been told to keep dry food out at all times so I do but I also feed them in the morning and at dinner with a mixture of wet and dry. They are all 6 years old and they are putting on weight. Should I take up the dry food so they don’t graze on it all day and just feed them their 2 meals a day. Is that enough?

I have always fed my 13 year old once a day with a mixture of wet and dry and of course he gets tid bits from our plates through the day. Lol. He’s always been a healthy weight and seems very happy. I rescued a dog a year go that was a stray and she was 1. I kept dry food out for her all day, as suggested by my vet, and also feed her with her brother at diner time with the same mixture. I have recently taken up her dry food and only feed her once a day Now with the brother.

Am I doing the correct things for my animals. I don’t want to overindulge them and have them become overweight and have the many problems that come along with that. But i also don’t want them hungry. Not sure what to do.


4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there???? Personally, we feed twice a day, our cats and dogs both. They get fed in the morning after their first walk and then again in the evening after their last walk. We also only feed dry food. They do get small pieces of dog treat throughout the day for good behavior and training as well. If you are truly questioning your feeding habits though, I would speak with your vet for advice. Best of luck!

  2. Laura

    I agree with Sarah, as well. Never free feed, especially with multiple animals in the house. It’s hard to track who is eating what and who’s off their food. In addition, you may find it better for both dogs to feed twice a day, to keep their blood sugar even and their guts happy. (I have a breed prone to bile pukes if they aren’t fed twice daily.)

  3. Krista Magnifico

    For indoor overweight cats I recommend one 5 oz can of a high quality canned food per cat twice a day. I also say to add water. It will help them feel full and not add calories. Also limit how much dry food you offer and the type of dry food. There are lots of low calorie options available. I use these as snacks during the day.

    For dogs I feed twice a day because they need calories twice a day and that way you know who is eating and how much. Which is super important if anyone gets sick or isn’t feeling well. I am a bit old. Fashioned. I like science diet. They have lots Of options and Are always affordable.

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suerena schaefer | 7 years ago
I Have 5 Cats And 2 Dogs. All Of Our Pets Area Rescues. …

I have 5 cats and 2 dogs. All of our pets area rescues. We just took in our second rescue dog. She is 7 mths old and is terrorizing the cats. I need some advice on how to have a happier home with all the pets. The cats are indoor/outdoor but spend most of their time outside. 3 of the cats tolerate the new dog the other 2 won’t come near her. I did the proper introductions, I’ve given the cats a “safe space” but nothing seems to help the last 2 cats. The biggest problem is that the new dog likes to chase the cats. She is a small dog, smaller than the cats. She doesn’t nip at them or try to bite them, she’s just curious and wants to play with them. All of my cats love my other dog who is 11 years old. They were raised with him, sleep with him and play with him. I’m sure the chasing and the spontaneity of the new dog freaks out the cats because they are nor used to that. I am at my wits end trying to figure this out. Countless hours of research has not helped at all. I am not giving up not am I giving any of my pets away, as has been suggested. I know this can work out, I just need help. Or just possible reassurance that my cats won’t be permanently scarred and things will work out as time passes. My anxiety level is at an all time high and everyone tells me just leave them alone and let them work it out. I don’t think I can do that. HELP!!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    A safe place for the cats is a place the dogs can’t get to. It is the place that they can hide and take refuge from. Also it is time to start training the dog who is harrassing them. This might include crating them for periods where the cats can come and range freely, keeping the dog on a leash attached to you at all times outside of the crate so you can train and in general establishing boundaries and safe calm scenarios. It takes time. And a lot of dedication. And patience. And most importantly safest for your cats.

suerena schaefer

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