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Terri S | 5 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico. We Took Boogie To VRA In Gaithersburg, MD, A Couple Weeks Ago, Hoping …

Hi Dr. Magnifico. We took Boogie to VRA in Gaithersburg, MD, a couple weeks ago, hoping to have the Radioactive Iodine Therapy done for his hyperthyroidism, but Dr. Conway said she did not think he was a good candidate for it and was very concerned with his constipation.

She did bloodwork, an ultrasound, chest x-rays and more. We took him there on 4/16 and again on 4/27. I asked her to send all results to you and I hope you have received them by now.
Dr. Conway said he has a tumor or mass on his kidney but no abnormalities found from the chest x-ray.
She quoted me $5,000-$6,000 (gulp) to do the surgery, but I can not remember if she said that was to remove the tumor from the kidney, or remove the entire kidney.
She also mentioned something about his blood being thicker? I really can not remember exactly what she said about that, but it didn’t sound good. It may have something to do with his red blood cell level being high due to the tumor on his kidney.

She said to cut back his methimazole to 1/2 pill every 12 hours. *Dr. Conway told me that his hyperthyroidism is very mild.
She also said raise his dose of cisapride 5 mg/ml from 1 ml every 12 hours to 1 ml every 8 hours (three times a day), and she said to raise his dose of lactulose to 3 ml every 8 hours.
I started all of the above on 4/17.

He has since sprained his leg and is limping. He’s been hiding under the bed more, but not completely. He will still come up on the bed to visit me once or twice a day, but just not as often as he used to, and is still coming up on the bed to sleep with me. I’m not sure if he’s not feeling well because of Dr. Conways findings, because of his sprained leg, or both, the reason he is under the bed more.

Here is the last email I received from Dr. Conways office on 4/29, after his ultrasound on 4/27:

1) His calcium results was fine and within normal limits. Dr. Conway suspects the prior calcium elevated was due to lab error.
2) His thyroid level is good on the lower dose of Methimazole – please continue as directed with this medication.
3) His blood cell count shows his red blood cell level is HIGHER – this is due to the tumor of his kidney. If you are not interested in pursuing surgery for Boogie, Dr. Conway’s recommendation would be an oncology consult to discuss any palliative care options.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Julia Conny, RVT
Internal Medicine Lead Technician
Veterinary Referral Associates

Dr. Mag, We have been clients of yours for several years, as four of our cats are all seen by you and your wonderful staff. We are begging you on hands and knees to please help our Boogie boy. He is only 12 years old and we are not ready for him to go. Can you please do the removal of the tumor or kidney? We realize it is a very risky surgery, but we would feel better knowing we did something, than not. We know you are a big advocate of doing everything you can to help bring pets back to health, instead of just giving up.
I’m in tears as I write this. Can you please look at all his records you have at your office asap, and also what Dr. Conways office sent you. Please, can you help our baby?

Terri and Steve

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I know how much you want to help your kitty. I will do my best to call you tomorrow to go over some options. Please understand that this is not a routine surgery and it comes with a significant amount of risk and many adverse possible side effects. It is something to discuss further. I am also on personal leave as my mom is very ill and in hospice so it is very hard for me to schedule surgeries at this time. I will do my best to call as soon as I am able. Hoping you are all safe and well.

    1. Terri S Post author

      Hi Dr. Magnifico,

      I am so sorry to hear about your mom ????
      I’ve not been on facebook much the past few weeks, so did not know.
      Your mom should be your only thought at this time, so I will call Dr. Ahrens tomorrow to speak to her about options, since she has also seen Boogie.
      Please know I will say a prayer for your mom, and you.
      Thinking of you both!
      Terri Xo

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Terri S | 5 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico. Our Cat Boogie Was Recently Seen By Dr. Ahrens For His Constipation Issues, …

Hi Dr. Magnifico. Our cat Boogie was recently seen by Dr. Ahrens for his constipation issues, and also to have blood drawn to check his hyperthyroidism. I have a couple questions for Dr Ahrens.
I prefer not calling the office, as I do not want to pull her away from whatever she is doing at that time, and it is really hard to reach me by phone.
Can you please ask her to email me at ——— or if you could give me her JVC email address so I can email her, I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    i notified Dr Ahrens. please reach out to me anytime if you need anything,, be well,, stay safe and hugs to Boogie!

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Terri S | 5 years ago
Hi Dr Mag. Our Cat Tux Is Scheduled For A Dental Tomorrow With You, Monday 12/30. He …

Hi Dr Mag. Our cat Tux is scheduled for a dental tomorrow with you, Monday 12/30.
He has diarrhea, and I dont think he is feeling good.
Is it Ok for him to have his dental tomorrow or should we cancel and reschedule?
Terri and Steve Stiffler


1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry I didn’t get this until now. My phone is acting up and I didn’t get this until now. If you need me I’ll be here. He did great today and I think he will feel much better without his bad teeth. Happy new year!

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Terri S | 5 years ago
Hi Dr Magnifico. Our Once Feral Cat Daisy Has Been Going To Her Litter Box All …

Hi Dr Magnifico. Our once feral cat Daisy has been going to her litter box all day every 2-5 minutes trying to urinate. Only a small drop or two comes out. She looks like she is in pain. We brought her in a couple years ago for this. She is extremely hard to get in a carrier or trap to bring her in and she is untouchable, she is still very feral like.
Can you prescibe the same thing she was prescibed before? I am going to have a very hard time getting her in a carrier or trap to bring her in, and she needs medication ASAP.
Terri Stiffler

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am away from the office and on vacation.. but even if I wasn’t I would be very afraid that she might be blocked (unable to pass urine) versus having an infection or inflammation. If she is blocked she will need immediate assistance from a veterinarian. She may even need sedation or anesthesia to place a catheter. Certainly blockage is more common in males but we can’t assume she isn’t in an immediate medical emergency and that’s why we all get so worried about assuming it’s not something dangerous or life threatening and just prescribing blindly. Anytime a cat is in the litter box frequently and not producing much or any urine we worry about blockage.
    As you are a client of the clinic I will have someone call you tomorrow to discuss options. But to be on the safe side I have to strongly recommend she be seen. And I cannot even assure you that tomorrow is safe to wait for.
    I wish you all well and I hope she is ok. Please pm us on Facebook for private assistance.

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Terri S | 8 years ago
Hi Dr. M. Please Check Your Facebook Messages. Thanks! Terri

Hi Dr. M. Please check your facebook messages. Thanks! Terri

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Terri S | 8 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico. You Are Our Vet To Our Indoor Cats. Last Week, We Brought…

Hi Dr. Magnifico. You are our vet to our indoor cats. Last week, we brought in a feral cat that was roaming our neighborhood. Turns out, he is pretty friendly, allows petting and belly rubs. On Monday June 19th, I took him to Animal Rescue, Inc., to be neutered, a rabies shot, and flea control. They also checked for a microchip (none), and I paid to have blood work done to have him tested for feline leukemia. Unfortunately, he tested positive for FIV. I would like to find him a home. I have two questions. Do you know anyone willing to give a home to a big orange friendly male tabby cat, or is there anything you can do to help? Maybe doing a courtesy post on your facebook page? I asked Animal Rescue and was told to put him back outside since he is now neutered. I was shocked they said that, as he could infect other ferals. We are currently keeping him in our basement and I just noticed a tapeworm coming out of his anus. My second question is, can you prescribe a tapeworm medication, without me having to bring him in, since he is FIV feral, and just went thru so much at Animal Rescue? My husband can pick it up after work. If not, can you recommend an over the counter medication to treat tapeworms? I am hoping whatever it is, that it will be something easy to give, maybe something I can put in his food that is tasteless. Thank you. Terri

1 Response


  1. Shiria


    When our animal shelter takes in feral cats that turn out to be FIV positive we still let them back to their usual place, if they are truly feral and otherwise healthy. Nothing would be worse for them than to be contained for the rest of their live, always stressed out and afraid.
    However if they turn out to be friendly, like yours and like to be touched etc. we try to find a new home – however still with the option to go outside, if they turn out to be not lucky inside.
    Before doing so of course they will be treated against fleas, worms, get their cat flu shots, get neutered etc.

    Of course they risk to contract FIV to other cats, but for neutered cats it’s lower, as they don’t get into fights that much and don’t mate.

    It’s worse for leukemia. Of the last colony we trapped, most were tested positive for leukemia and they looked like it. They had a (very) bad health status and were put down, as they were completely feral.

    I can’t recommend a medication for worms however, as the products will most likely be different from where you live and I’m no vet anyway.

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Terri S | 9 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico. We Brought Boogie, Our DSH Tuxedo Cat In To See You Nearly…

Hi Dr. Magnifico. We brought Boogie, our DSH tuxedo cat in to see you nearly two weeks ago for what we suspected was a sprained leg. You didn’t think that was the case, but recommended us to crate him for two weeks, which we have been doing.
When we were there, you spoke to my husband and myself about how much food to feed our overweight cats (we have 6 cats, all overweight).
Since seeing you, we switched to Science Diet “Perfect Weight” Adult Dry, Chicken Recipe, from the “9 Lives” that we were feeding them. They love the Science Diet dry food we are feeding them now.
We also tried several of the Science Diet wet foods, with all our cats, and they want nothing to do with any of them.
It looks like we are going to have to stick with “Fancy Feast” for the wet food, but we are going to stop giving them the “Fancy Feast” gravy recipes, which was their favorite.
My question to you is, since the “Fancy Feast” wet foods come in small 3 oz cans, how many 3 oz cans per day, per cat?
Thank you so much!

4 Responses


  1. Terri S Post author

    Thank you for your quick reply!
    I do not see Boogie limping anymore, so I think he is good to go, but we are going to keep him in the crate until the two weeks is up, which is Wednesday morn. I know he is looking forward to freedom again, indoor only freedom, that is!
    As far as the food, we will give each cat 2- 3oz cans per day and will do our darndest to cut back on the dry food too. It will be a drastic change for them and I know they will be driving me crazy for a while.
    I was reading somewhere the other day, to cut back slowly if they are fed a lot, that that could cause health problems too, if I cut back drastically.
    We did talk about dentals, but we can only afford one cat at a time, and probably two cats a year. Would like to start with Boogie and I think you said they must see you before I take the next step and talk to someone else about dental. Who is it that I need to call to set up Boogies dental appointment? I will do that asap.

  2. Terri S Post author

    Thank you for your quick reply!
    I do not see Boogie limping anymore, so I think he is good to go, but we are going to keep him in the crate until the two weeks is up, which is Wednesday morn. I know he is looking forward to freedom again, indoor only freedom, that is!
    As far as the food, we will give each cat 2- 3oz cans per day and will do our darndest to cut back on the dry food too. It will be a drastic change for them and I know they will be driving me crazy for a while.
    I was reading somewhere the other day, to cut back slowly if they are fed a lot, that that could cause health problems too, if I cut back drastically.
    We did talk about dentals, but we can only afford one cat at a time, and probably two cats a year. Would like to start with Boogie and I think you said they must see you before I take the next step and talk to someone else about dental. Does that mean I can go ahead and set up an appointment for him now? He did not actually have a full physical from you, I don’t think, or am I mistaken? Who is it that I need to call to set up Boogies dental appointment? Thanks again!

  3. Terri S Post author

    Wish I had gotten a reply to my last questions on this thread. I have no idea if Boogie had what is considered a physical while there and if we can go ahead and make an appointment for his dental.

Terri S

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Active 3 years, 10 months ago Rank: Animal Lover