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Renee | 5 years ago
I Need Help Finding Services For My Dog I Feel It’s An Emergency To Give …

I need help finding services for my dog I feel it’s an emergency to give you a little bit of background I’ve had our dog for about 2 years now I hadn’t looked at by a family friend a year ago cuz I noticed a bump on her lower back they said it would be fine as long as it doesn’t rupture well today’s the day it did I don’t have the finances to get her help I’m scared that it can take her from us or make her very sick as selfish as I want to be in this moment not to surrender my pet I would if I had to so I’m asking is there any resources out there that can help me please help her

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Im sorry to hear about your dog. Can you tell us where you are? Also, have you reached out to any local rescues, shelters or animal centered foundations. I always tel people to call, and keep calling to find help. I think that if you are super persistent you will find someone to help. Also reach out to family and friends on social media.
    I should also add that in almost all cases an old bump that ruptures is not an immediate emergency. Keep it covered and dont let your dog lick at it and call around asking for help. I wish you both the best of luck!

    1. Renee Post author

      Yes i did how i found out about this site. The only thing they can do is take her and if her behavior is bad then theyll put her down smh she is a great dog but if she doesnt know you im sure shell act out idk im scared i cleaned it with warm water for a while and put stuff on it covered it and made a cone to keep her from licking it butnshe was for a few hours already ill keep trying


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Active 4 years, 10 months ago Rank: Pawbly Caregiver