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Hello Dr. Magnifico, I hope you are doing good. I just wanted to give a update on my milkshake, I kept giving her water with a syringe by mouth on the side of the mouth so she wouldn’t choke or aspirate. It had been 7 days since she had eaten anything, everyday I would try many different liquid type foods, some I would warm..she was not interested but I kept trying and trying until finally one day around three in the morning I warmed a temptation’s liquid treat by holding it in my hand for a while before opening I then put some of it in a syringe and got a small amount of it in the front of her mouth so she could get a taste and to my absolute surprise after 7 days she finally started licking it, I didn’t give her to much at that time because it had been so long but since then I’ve gradually increased the amount and now she is eating that and will even eat some of her wet food at dinner time with her siblings. She ended up going poo finally and it was a very hard one so I think she may have been constipated. To think the vet hospital wanted almost one thousand dollars to diagnose what they said was pyometra and it was not even that, not gonna lie they did scare me into almost giving a kidney to get my cat vet care. I am glad I did bring her to the vet hospital because I really think if she didn’t have those subcutaneous fluids at that time she probably wouldn’t have made it. I was scared and worried I was going to lose my milkshake and then I came across your YouTube advocating for animals and vet care, Dr.Magnifico if it weren’t for you and your advice from miles & miles away I don’t know what I would have done so I just wanted to take a few moments to not only let you know that milkshake is so much better now but to thank you so so much for your help, information and the encouragement to not give up in finding proper vet care that wouldn’t cost thousands. It is because of you that I now know not all veterinarians are expensive, they are few and far between but they are still out there. I am still searching for a vet like that in my state of Vermont but I have at least knocked some of the list and will continue to fight for my cats and the veterinarian care that they deserve. Thank you thank you thank youuuuu 😀 from myself, milkshake & our little fur tribe.

1 year ago
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I forgot to mention she did have a exam at the vet this past Friday, that’s when they wanted all the additional testing that I couldn’t afford, well I had to choose between life saving fluids and her nausea medicine or the blood work I knew if she didn’t have the fluids she was going to die soon

1 year ago
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Dr Magnifico, Hello I have been doing all you suggested, I have been contacting different vets still waiting to hear from some and did hear from one in another state which is a few hours drive, if my milkshake does have pyometra this vet was so very generous giving me an amazing discounted price, the only problem is we don’t know if that is for sure what she has so if I drive all the way there and they do the surgery and she ends up not having that then I’m out more funds and these would be borrowed funds so I’m afraid of taking that chance then having absolutely zero funds and no one else to borrow from with a cat who is still sick and not diagnosed. It’s day 7 now and she is still not eating, not drinking, her vomiting is less now being only once or twice a day. She is getting some water by us squirting some at the side of her mouth and has been able to go pee quite a few times. She still has not gone poo though. I can’t get no prescriptions for subcutaneous fluids or nausea medication until blood work is done which is 300$ that like I said if I use these funds then I will have nothing for her treatment. I have applied for a couple of grants but with these they want your pet to already have a diagnosis so we will probably be denied. Do you have any ideas on what it could possibly be? Or ideas on how to get subcutaneous fluids for at home treatment, I know chewy has those but you need a prescription for that. Thank you again for all of your help and all of your dedication to animals in need of help, I stand by your side and will fight this fight with you.

1 year ago


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