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Tracy | 1 year ago
Hello! I Just Got Back From The Vet With Maizy, By Baby Ginger Kitten Who Is …

Hello! I just got back from the vet with Maizy, by baby ginger kitten who is three months old. I got her as a stray from a feral colony of cats. The vet is concerned about her left ear. He can’t see down her left ear canal. He said it’s jammed packed with black sludge. He gave her medicine for an ear infection, but he isn’t convinced it’s that. He thinks it may be a polyp that grows off her eardrum and will eventually grow all they way up her canal. He said if she was a year or older he would be sure it was that but he has never seen one in a three month old kitten. If that were the case, the options would be euthanasia or complex surgery that goes into her jaw to get to the ear canal to remove it. It would require a specialist vet who would not be around my home town. He said it would cost roughly $4,000-$5,000 (he had a patient go that route a few years ago). I need more information about this. He didn’t give me a name and I was too shocked to ask. Can you help clarify this for me? I was super shocked and didn’t ask many questions.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Thank you for rescuing!

    Kittens bring both the joy of watching a life come to life and the conundrum of not really knowing for sure what is simply a problem due to neglect and what might be a longer term issue that needs medical resolution.

    In my experience almost all of these guys resolve their issues on their own with just simple basic tlc and time. So I wouldn’t worry about this until time and patience decides otherwise.

    I would diligently treat the ear for dirt, mites abs possible infection and follow up with the vet as indicated.

    Cross each bridge as you get to them and not before. Kittens will amaze you every time.

    Good luck.

    Keep us posted.


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Active 1 year, 3 months ago Rank: Goldfish Sitter