????Good morning. Hoping someone has a little more insight. This morning we woke up to Rontu …

????Good morning. Hoping someone has a little more insight. This morning we woke up to Rontu being his normal self. I fed him, while sitting with him per training recommendation and he was actually fine with that so we felt really positive. But now he has started grumbling/growling literally about everything. He wants attention but growls when you get in his space. He comes up to you but his ears are back and he is grumbling- almost submissive and nervous. It seems so odd to us. This behavior has just started. Now we are a multi-pet household and I have noticed that the cat has started sleeping on Rontus bed while he is watching and he is afraid to move her. (Cats are higher in the pack order in our house) This visibly upsets him, because the beds are their space. So I have taken to moving her so that he can lay on his bed. But it is not just his bed where he is doing this nervous grumbling… since this started this morning, I have just been mildly correcting him when he starts and withdrawing affection. When he stops I give affection or a treat. Any other advice would be appreciated.

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5 years ago

At this point, you may want to get a behaviorist involved. He’s been checked out for medical stuff recently, yes?