I tried washing it off but it starts getting wet/oily again before shes even…

I tried washing it off but it starts getting wet/oily again before shes even fully dried. she shakes her head every once in a while and doesnt like it when i try to examine it. while giving her a bath, i couldnt find any cuts or irritations. She has normal urine and stool and eats and drinks fine too. A couple weeks ago we found her biting her paw to the point where it was almost raw so we had put an ecollar on her. and just about 2 days ago we noticed that the top of her head looked as if someone had spilled a small spoon of oil on her head.

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

I would take her to a vet for evaluation – sounds like she has an allergy or skin condition developing and you will need help to resolve it. In the mean time I would remove all grains from her diet, including treats.  Dogs don’t need grains and don’t digest them well.  And while not every dog is allergic to grains the can cause just enough impact on the immune system that other allergies can get a food-hold.  Go to a good pet store (not grocery store, big box store, nor a pet store that sells puppies) and ask to be… Read more »